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Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Rural territories participating in the project, inspired by European Landscape Convention, seek to valorise and transform its common Mediterranean landscape not only into a mark of identity but also into a driving force for territorial development of European rural areas. The partners will develop a common methodology and pilot actions in landscape planning allowing to set up an innovative and participative model of governance and sustainable territorial development based on landscape Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startModeland's objective is the creation of landscape planning models and tools to foster the development of Mediterranean rural territories and support cooperation among them. To do so, the first step was the development of territorial diagnosis through perception surveys conducted among citizens and technical studies that defined the features of the landscape for each territory. The obtained results were later processed to elaborate territorial conclusion reports and to develop comparative analysis where several challenges common to all territories were identified. Such findings are the base of the landscape tools that are presently being implemented under the Modeland project: Action Plans, implementing territorial improvement actions, Landscape Charts, securing the involvement of the general public and the stakeholders, Observatories, acting as collaborative bodies for the Actions Plans, and Groups of Volunteers, consolidating civic participation in the preservation of the landscape.Latest project activities and outputsDuring the 7th reporting period, main technical activity has been focused on completing activities of Component 3, advancing activities of Component 4 and launching activities of Component 5. Indeed, the following deliverables were established during this reporting period: - 1 Report about the Perception Surveys from P3 (3.1) - 1 Global Report about the Perception Surveys (3.1) - 1 Report about the Landscape Studies from P3 (3.2) - 1 Global Report about the Landscape Studies (3.2) - 5 Territorial Actions Plans have been presented (4.1) - 4 Territorial Landscape Charts have been elaborated (4.2) - 5 Regional Landscape Observatories have been defined and set up (4.3). - 5 Regional groups of Volunteers have been established in the 5 territories (4.4) - Pilot Actions for the 5 territories have been defined (5.1)Next key steps for the projectThe partnership will meet for the sixth time in Valderrobres (Spain) in May 2013 at the occasion of the 6th Consortium Meeting (May 7th) and the Final Conference (May 8th). During the 6th Consortium Meeting, the progress on on-going activities will be reviewed (especially C4 and C5) and the reporting of activities will be evaluated. At the occasion of the Final Conference, it is planned that all partners will officially signed the MED Chart.
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  • 76.6%   1 364 004,50
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants