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An important question for policy makers, in the G20 and beyond, is how to bring climate action into the broader sustainable development agenda. Objectives like energy poverty eradication, increased well-being and welfare, air quality improvement, energy security enhancement, and food and water availability will continue to remain important over the next several decades. There have been relatively ...
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Creative Leadership & Entrepreneurship - Visionary Education Roadmap

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Global labour markets are in constant change in response to emerging mega trends like ageing societies and rapid urbanisation. We are witnessing the replacement of traditional occupations by creative communities whose raw material is their ability to address those challenges, imagine new solutions and innovate. A major role in this change is played by the creative industries (CI) defined as “ind ...
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The MEDiterranean Public HEALTH Alliance (MED-HEALTH)

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

A solid public health system constitutes a pillar of advanced societies, capable of providing their citizens with an enabling environment for development and smart and inclusive societies. All countries in Europe and beyond need to address increasingly global health challenges with the support of innovative approaches and skilled professionals. To do so, HEIs need to introduce programmes with a wi ...
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There is a worldwide consensus today on the relevance of quality human resource management (HRM) for the optimisation of Higher Education Institutions’ performance. HEIs are facing increasingly complex contexts which require HRM models able to respond to new challenges in the selection, development and motivation of their staff. HR approaches focused on staff recruitment, organisation of employmen ...
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The reason of this project is to assess and describe the need for introducing vocational education at higher and tertiary levels and for establishing a Vocational Centers in Jordan universities and transfer of the EU experience in vocational training system and teaching.This project will focus on developing a vocational training program by constructing a vocational training center in Jordan univer ...
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The project is aimed at development of quality assurance model for the higher education (HE) "Quality Management & Common Quality Assurance Framework"(QM&CQAF). It is oriented to enhancement of interaction between universities and national labor markets and to dissemination of this model in the Project member-countries. The Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) implemented in the sphere of voc ...
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"PRO.MOT.E. - PROmoting MObiliTy for Entrepreneurs"

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The Italian region of Molise has extraordinary treasures: unique food tradition, ancient culture, natural heritage. These features are often unknown to local population and the rest of the world. The project PRO.MOT.E aims at supporting the mobility of 100 young people coming from Polytechnic and Professional Schools located in Molise. The participants will have the opportunity to carry out a 120 ...
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"The on-going negotiations on Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements between the EU, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the accession of Russia to the World Trade Organisation in 2012 and the establishment of a Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in 2011 are expected to boost trade relations between the European Union and its Eastern Neighbours. The aim of AGRICISTRADE i ...
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... educational and business approach respectively. As new partners: Colegio San Juan Baustista (ES) and ZIB–Zentrum für Integration und Bildung GmbH (DE) as educational institutions and BEN EUROPE-Institute Qualification & Project Management UG brings its business approach.Consejería de Educación de Cantabria will be a "silent partner" that will provide its local VET support. STEPS MAIN GOAL is to p ...
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Certification for continuous vocational education and training trainers

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The job of CVET trainers is still widely unregulated in Europe. Unregulated means that no regulatory body has set standards for this specific occupation. Training and certification programmes for CVET trainers are not organized at a European level. Trainers’ qualifications and competence requirements may vary between European countries, but also within a country. This leads to very different situa ...
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...India) are strong Asian Universities with RSDH focus. They will act as hubs in a network including TJMC, SJNAHS, PHFI, Beijing Normal University (BNU, China), Zhejiang University (ZJU, China), Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR, India), Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College (UCTH, India) and initially Sultan Qaboos University (SQU, Oman), Hanoi Medical University (HMU, Viet ...
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MORE4CORE or M4C aims to improve market integration. worker mobility and innovation in Maintenance. Repair and Overhaul (MRO) in order to improve the effectiveness of this fast growing sector in North West Europe. This will be a crucial contribution to boost NWEs industrial competitiveness. MRO is key to modern industry. Beyond maintaining productivity MRO is the enabler for a fast and widespre ...
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This proposal details activities that will ensure the continued enhancement and ongoing operation of the leading-edge GÉANT network, supporting a range of network and added-value services, targeted at users across the GÉANT service area.In the area of multi-domain network service operation, GN3plus plans to deliver fast, efficient provisioning of advanced services, develop operational support acro ...
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 FINISHED will launch the European Living Learning Network by schools and for is a facilitated grassroots initiative initially formed from school networks in 6 European countries and partnerships abroad including schools in developing countries. Linked to a facilitators network of higher education institutions, thematic organizations, experts, learning content and technology ...
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C3-Alps will synthesize, transfer and implement in policy and practice results of previous Alpine Space projects on climate change adaptation. The capitalisation approach aims at a) generating new and directly usable forms of state-of-the-art synthesis adaptation knowledge in the Alps, harmonised across sectors and useful to adaptation decision-makers, b) its effective and tailor-made communicatio ...
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...the elaboration process of a general concept. A first frame was specified as result of diverse discussion and consultation between some project partners and experts. The expertise of the European Institute of Culture Routes Luxembourg allows to introduce useful practical experiences, concerning questions of successful culture route structures, effective management and in the development of innova ...
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Objective of the project The aim of the project is to create a youth tourism network consisting of colleges and higher education institutions in the Republic of Karelia and Northern Ostrobothnia in order to promote low cost, convenient, safe tourist services for international youth travel.Main activities• Creation of a web-based portal for centralized booking • In-service tr ...
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Next Generation Teaching, Education and Learning for Life (NEXT-TELL)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

NEXT-TELL will provide, through research and development, computational and methodological support to teachers and students so that they have available nuanced information about learning when it is needed and in a format that is supportive of pedagogical decision making, thus optimizing the level of stimulation, challenge, and feedback density. Methods and software will be developed that cover the ...
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"The DEM-CHILD project focusses on the main cause for childhood dementia in Europe, the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs). The NCLs are neurodegenerative diseases characterized by dementia, blindness, epilepsy and physical decline leading to an early death of the patients. Since no cure is currently available, these disorders represent a serious social, medical, and economic challenge.To date, ...
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... and individuals of all categories and levels related to its fields of interest. Indicatively: National/Regional/Local Government entities involved in Environmental Protection, Research and Education Institutes, Agencies supporting Sustainable Development and Sustainable Treatment of Natural Resources, Chambers, Employers' Associations, NGOs, Voluntary Organizations, Experts/Consultants of the fie ...
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The main aim of the ONE BSR Project is to increase the competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by marketing it as one unity. ONE BSR functions as an umbrella project and calls together actors, who market themselves as part of the Baltic Sea Region. In the absence of a strong common brand, the project aims to search for common commercial and cultural characteristics with a concrete hands-on ...
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Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs through energy efficiency

Start date: Oct 30, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2014,

Objective of the projectThe aim of the project was the introduction and promotion of energy-efficient solutions increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in the cross-border areas.Main activities• Comparative analysis on competitiveness of SMEs working in the cross-border areas in Finland and Russia. • Energy efficiency checks of pilot SMEs in the industrial, constructin ...
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QUICK: Innovative SMEs by Gender and Age (Quick-IGA)

Start date: Sep 19, 2011, End date: Mar 27, 2014,

The following findings are the background of the project: a) The number of persons in employable age in the BSR countries decreases by up to 20 % until 2030.b) The increasing lack of skilled workers will limit innovation and growth of SMEs.c) While equal opportunities for women and elderly in the workplace are comparably high in Scandinavia, it must be improved considerably in countries south of t ...
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BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites (BE-NATUR)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

One of the current most important and demanding challenges is to face the loss of biodiversity, encompassing the diversity of both habitat and species types. A strong EU legal basis for the nature conservation provides the foundation for the preservation of the EU natural heritage. We refer in particular to Habitats and Birds Directives, whose design of Natura 2000 network is based on. The SEE Cou ...
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Fall of the working age population in Europe is becoming more apparent year by year with young people being slowly but surely outnumbered by people over 60. This obviously poses a number of challenges for the society.It is therefore important to adequately respond to "ageing challenges" using the potentials of older workers and capitalizing on the needs of an ageing society The Central European (C ...
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Legal background is EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, i.e. to make the Baltic Sea Region an accessible and attractive place, and to improve internal and external transport links (p 49). Transport issues are especially important for BSR since the distances internally and to the rest of Europe are very long and the conditions for traffic are difficult. In the times of economic slowdown, the pac ...
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Start date: Mar 29, 2011, End date: Mar 28, 2013,

...creative persons show an interrest for working abroad, collect experiences and enrich their skills. Despite the fact of a rising want for living and working in the(an) other country, unfortunately an institute or an office that supports and informs potenial workers does not exist. As a result comes mostly seasonal work which also increases the unemployment rate in both cross-border regions.This o ...
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Many regions within the Central Europe area are suffering from demographic change and brain drain of young and skilled population. The project Yura wants to develop transnational transversal youth strategies to counteract the consequences of demographic change and brain-drain. The participating regions are all suffering from above-average migration of especially young and qualified people.The deve ...
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The project aims at promoting community partnership for the establishment of a common cultural environment in the Black Sea Basin via mobilizing the local cultural resources and education. Achievements: Established long term partnership among 7 partner organisations int ...
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SMEs represent 99% of all enterprises in BSR and provide up to 70% of all jobs, being an important economic but also socio-cultural factor. SMEs present the biggest potential for job creation also in future. QUICK aims at unleashing this potential to its full extent by addressing the following challenges undermining the competitiveness of the BSR SMEs:- limited benefit from innovation processes an ...
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13,361 road fatalities occurred in 2007 in the BSR. 10 percent of these are caused by an accident involving heavy vehicle. The problem C.A.S.H. addresses is traffic safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV's), including Dangerous Goods (DG) and oversized transport in international traffic in each of the participating countries/regions. Although EU legislation on HGV and DG transport is being harmonised ...
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Research Infrastructures: Foresight and Impact (RIFI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2011,

"The RIFI objectives are: - to create a methodology for evaluation of the socio-economic impact of investments in RIs, - to test and improve the elaborated methodology based on its application to several case studies in Romania and Bulgaria (at all the three levels of investment: pan European, regional and national), - to complement the methodology through integrating foresight, and to elaborate o ...
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LogOn Baltic improved spatial integration by transferring knowledge in ICT and logistics competence. The main objective is to produce and disseminate information for regional development agencies on how to support enterprises in the participating regions in their effort to improve ICT and logistics competence, thus improving regional development.Objectives of the project: identifying development a ...
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Initially it was thought that over 200,000,000 tons of Dangerous Goods (DG) per year moves in BSR (plus over 100M tons in NW Russia) mostly through densely populated areas, imposing real health and safety risks to people and environment. After the data gathering and reporting in DaGoB, the actual figure is close to 1,000,000,000 tons in the entire BSR region, which was substantially more than anti ...
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Rural Extension Network Europe (R.E.N.E.)

Start date: Mar 31, 2003, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

The overall objective of R.E.N.E. is to strengthen the competitiveness of rural areas through the provision of a platform for exchanging information, experience and know-how on rural problems and solutions to these problems. The network aims to improve the synergy of rural area policies and funding programmes and strengthen the know-how of rural extension institutions responsible for these policie ...
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KArst waTER research programme (KATER II)

Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

In many countries of CADSES karstic areas are important and acutely essential for public water supply. These areas are at the same time highly sensitive and valuable natural environments. Conversely, exploitation pressure on these areas is increasing. This mainly relates to such fields as tourism, settlements, transport infrastructure, forestry and pasture management. The project aims at safeguard ...
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The construction of ski slopes and road embankments and the establishment of excavation areas causes environmental damage to many regions of Europe. The general objective of SURE is to put basic strategies into practise that guarantee ecological and sustainable restoration or rehabilitation of such sites. Sustainable rehabilitation and restoration of ski slopes, road embankments and opencast minin ...
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At European level, the outdoor sub-sector is a fast growing and developing activity area; as a consequence, employment needs are increasing rapidly and employers are seeking well trained professional employees, able to match the requirements of a more and more demanding clientele.Unfortunately until now, there has been no formal connection at European level, between the competences required by out ...
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Reasons:? The domain of computing is fast changing and dynamically evolving. Education has to support close relations with innovations and research. The project tries to establish links between training, research and innovation by means of introducing advanced educational programmes in computing education (CE). ? The project consortium has successfully implemented and completed two thematic networ ...
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QA and evaluations must lead to quality improvement in order to warrant the considerable efforts and resources invested. Thus, in the Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) and in the new EQAVET Recommendation, the fourth stage of the quality cycle is highlighted as the crucial phase. In the LdV Project REVIMP – From Review to Improvement (NL/05/B/F/PP/157527) guidelines for successful of the f ...
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