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Capitalising Climate Change Knowledge for Adaptation in the Alpine Space (C3-Alps)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

C3-Alps will synthesize, transfer and implement in policy and practice results of previous Alpine Space projects on climate change adaptation. The capitalisation approach aims at a) generating new and directly usable forms of state-of-the-art synthesis adaptation knowledge in the Alps, harmonised across sectors and useful to adaptation decision-makers, b) its effective and tailor-made communication and transfer to target groups, c) enhancing effectiveness of adaptation policy and governance frameworks, and d) initiating, supporting and pioneering tailored and cross-cutting adaptation processes, strategies, action plans and decision support in pilot regions and municipalities. To leverage sustainable impacts, the project will be driven by the information and user needs of target groups. By supporting bottom-up action, C3-Alps will contribute to implementation of national adaptation policies on regional and municipal levels and to advancement of national adaptation strategies. Achievements: The C3-Alps communication strategy was finalized and supports the project partners in their dissemination activities. An internal document on “Options, ideas and proposals for implementing activities to engage journalists and organize a road show” was distributed amongst the consortium leading to first road show events that took place during summer in Italy. Additionally, C3-Alps participated in the Super Alps7 tour raising awareness on climate change adaptation. The inputs and the feedback from participants of the Advisory Panel Event supported the development of the knowledge inventory platform, communication strategies in Pilot Areas, and conclusions drawn from the dialogue group survey that was also published on the project website. C3-Alps intensified the cooperation with other networks (e.g. the European Environment Agency or Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention). More than 20 stakeholder workshops were organized and the project achieved a high media coverage.

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  • 70.6%   2 199 659,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

16 Partners Participants