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Developing transnational transversal youth strategies in regions with migration (YURA)
Start date: Feb 28, 2010, End date: Feb 27, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Many regions within the Central Europe area are suffering from demographic change and brain drain of young and skilled population. The project Yura wants to develop transnational transversal youth strategies to counteract the consequences of demographic change and brain-drain. The participating regions are all suffering from above-average migration of especially young and qualified people.The development and implementation of transnational strategies for the adaptation of social infrastructure (access to education and culture, mobility and transport, leisure opportunities, living conditions, etc.) in the participating regions should contribute to counteract social and spatial segregation and integrate the interest of relevant target group (young people and young families) in the early planning phase. An important effort of the project is the integration regional decision makers from different policy areas (regional development, economy, education, social and urban planning), key stakeholders from industry and academia, regional employment agencies as well as the social partners and relevant target groups (young people and young families) already in the early planning phase. Achievements: The YURA project wants to develop transnational strategies to counteract the negative consequences of demographic change and brain drain. It is implemented between March 2010 and February 2013 in regions in Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic. The reason for the project is the significant demographic change in the participating regions. The project wants to prevent the outmigration of youngsters and focuses therefore on measure to keep them in the region. All regions developed a draft indicator system, which will later be used for transnational benchmarking purposes. In defining a suitable set of indicators transnational cooperation proved to be very fruitful, as such statistical data are frequently not harmonised at EU level, and only close interaction between the different regions could ensure to arrive at common standards to be useful for benchmarking on a wider geographic scale. In parallel the methodolgies for 4 joint pilot actions (PA) were developed and put in practice.On the regional level these PAs constitute the visible backbone of the project, as they attract numerous regional stakeholders beyond the partnership. The scope of the PAs is always centred around the interest of youngsters, ranging from developing a regional youth strategy, the cooperation between schools and enterprises, programmes for gifted pupils and students, to the creation of out-of school learning centres. During the implementation phase the partnership does also lay ground for the transferability and replication of the PAs to other regions. The partners have elaborated a draft version of the so called "EU Mainstreaming Strategy Paper", a political paper summarizing the activities in view of using results and influencing the policy process. To this end the paper was presented to and discussed with MEPs, national and regional politicians and officials as well as representatives of the EU COM at an Advisory Group Meeting in Brussels (11 July 2011). Another highlight was the Transnational Youth Seminar in Magdeburg with 20 participants from 6 countries, who dealt a full week with the issues of demographic change and expressed their views in a Youth Declaration, a video and a radio spot. At the occasion of the closing event at the State Parliament Saxony-Anhalt the youngsters presented their results to stakeholders and handed over the Youth Declaration to the Parliament President. All those activities were assessed by an external scientific expert with the aim to derive recommendations for the transnational transferability of the project results.

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  • 78.5%   1 586 345,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Central Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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9 Partners Participants