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...trepreneurs and for SMEs that plan to access manufacturing technologies to strengthen their competitiveness and R&D basis for further innovation in automatization (Innovation Union Scoreboard 2015 of European Commission). “AuToMa - Automation, Technology transfer and Managerial practices for the growth of SMEs, a better employability and the promotion of the entrepreneurship” project will effectiv ...
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...ntoQuality project is to create a more favourable environment for youth exchanges and mobility programmes in the field of IVET.The project stipulates several specific objectives:+ To establish a “European Association of Quality Intermediary Organizations for Mobility” united around common definition of quality mobility and value for money+ To develop an efficient Quality Assurance System which to ...
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Relevance on EU level:Manufacturing is a central pillar of the European economy – the EU manufacturing sector accounts for 2 million companies and 33 million jobs. Our challenge is to ensure that all industrial sectors make the best use of new mechatronics technologies & solutions and manage their transition towards higher value digitized products and processes. MechMate project addresses the prob ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

...ches.With the active participation of students, the pedagogical resources collected among the partnership will be adapted and transferred to multimedia tools (website, videos, apps), available in 5 European languages, in order to have an innovative and more attractive approach with the target group and cater their needs and expectations.The analysis carried out in the first phase of the project wi ...
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Strategic Partnership for Occupational Safety and Health

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...g connections between partners and elaboration of common OSH learning tools, materials, standards, methodology. Project activities also apply to needs identified in Bruges Communiqué on enhanced European cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (VET), especially "improving the quality and efficiency of VET and enhancing its attractiveness and relevance" and "Higher quality courses, providi ...
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...the same time, they represent the most vulnerable group due to:1. low survival rate – in a majority of EU Member States only 40% to 60% of firms born in 2008 survived until 2012 (Annual Report on European SMEs 2014/2015);2. shortage of skills related to planning and managing innovation process and bringing innovative ideas to market (same as above).The data analysis reveals a need for training whi ...
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Volunteers Without Borders

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

...tia will host 2 volunteers in activities which will start in March 2017.Thanks to project activities, we aim at improving volunteers’ active participation and citizenship sense, their perception of European Citizenship values and their social inculusion. The project also aims to transfer volunteers’ knowledge, skills and attitude which they get by the project to social society and their acceptance ...
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 FINISHED Italy will allow users to experience a different culture facilitating their adaptation and success during the placement abroad. Thus, the project will contribute to strengthening and deepening the European identity and citizenship among young people. Promoting equal opportunities to a larger group of young people and the acquisition of new knowledge and skills through innovative European approa ...
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Sparking Creativity and Innovation Skills in the ICT Sector

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

...challenges, INNOSPARK project sets the overall aim to spark creativity thinking skills in ICT SMEs, so as to foster innovation and contribute to increasing the growth and competitiveness of European high-tech industries. Specific objectives: ~to provide employers and employees in European ICT SMEs with reliable tool to assess their level of creativity skills and identify areas for improvement; ~to ...
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"Proposals and Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs”

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...c and financial crisis, for women who are also mothers the difficulty of finding a job is added to the commitment of reconciling domestic familiar with work. Many researches carried out in different European countries show a problematic situation for women: -High Rate of unemployment, worsened by the fact that many women who don’t work are not even registered as unemployed, -Many women leave the ...
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..., electronics, automation, computer science, mechanical engineering, management and social sciences. It coordinates and participates in various educational and scientific projects at national and European level. Tallinn Technical University (TUT) is a co-ordinator between different educational, training and professional establishments, has a good experience in the industry automation, robotics and ...
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From School Class to Business Class

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

From School Class to Business Class (SC2BC) is an initiative based on actual demand in the educational sector, perceived from an employment oriented viewpoint. The EC and most national authorities in European countries stress the need to enhance entrepreneurship, because increasing the number of starting companies will pave the road towards increasing employment. If simply numbers are counted, SME ...
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Towards a More Innovative Workplace

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Innovation has been placed at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy. In the communication from the Commission regarding the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative, Innovation Union it is stated: ”At a time of public budget constraints, major demographic changes and increasing global competition, Europe's competitiveness, capacity to create millions of new jobs to replace those lost in the crisis and, ove ...
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 FINISHED train: (i) partners in QUALECO methodology; (ii) VET providers in the new developed EQVET-US framework, practice set and evaluation methodology in each partner country; • National and European dissemination on EQVET-US products. PARTNERSHIP The EQAET-US project consortium includes UPM (RO) plus 6 VET partners, ISQ (PT), BEST (AT), CET (RO), EVBB (DE), ECQ (BG) and IDEProjet (FR), all of whom h ...
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Context/background of the project: Nowadays European market economy rises a great demands for Veterinary nurse – on the one hand they must acknowledge veterinary care and to manage business efficiently – on the other. Nowadays professional training of Veterinary nurse lacks didactical innovation because of traditional educational paradigm domination in higher education institutions, that predestin ...
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The European Commission has set ambitious targets for the Erasmus+ programme 2014-2020: 125 000 schools, vocational education and training institutions, higher and adult education institutions, youth organisations and enterprises should build strategic partnerships, 3 500 education institutions and enterprises should participate in Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances and 3 000 organisa ...
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Recognition and Validation of Acquired Skills for Disabled People

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

... people with disabilities the same access to opportunities of education/training and access to the labour market by enabling them to enhance their professional qualifications and gain mobility in the European space. We propose to improve the offer in the area of recognition of acquired skills for people with disabilities by adapting 4 professional referential to 5 different types of disabilities, ...
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Intercultural competence training for SMEs hosting European mobilities

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Background Mobility is part of the flexibility considered important for the European labour force. Learning mobility, that is transnational mobility for the purpose of acquiring new skills, is one of the fundamental ways through which individuals, particularly young people, can strengthen their future employability as well as their personal development (European Commission 2009). The success of th ...
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...ficates were issued to attest the acquired practical skills and knowledge, which will significantly expand career opportunities for participants in the targeted sectors. Given the fact that the European youth is now exposed to growing unemployment rates and is strongly affected by the economic crisis, this project helped promote the mobility of young people within Europe and their transition from ...
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The project’s aim is to strengthen the Scientific and Technological cooperation between the EU Member States (and Associated Countries) and the Eastern European and Central Asian countries. To achieve its goals, the IncoNet EECA project will implement activities at both the policy and operational level. At the policy level the project will support the establishment and operation of a Regional S&T ...
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...ery effective during user testing: the response of disadvantaged users and their mentors was more than encouraging. Users have direct and easy access to online tools: ICT is part of daily life in all European societies. Online services were hardly available in the reintegration sector, probably because people with special needs are not regular users of such systems. The SUB-SCRIPT system allows th ...
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The goal of this project was to transfer at European level the Spanish training course on labour risk prevention at work in agriculture to train farmers, remunerated persons and self-employed workers.The idea was based in the transference this complete programme through adaptation of the programme to a B-Learning system, to other countries (Poland, Romania and Bulgaria) characterized by a signific ...
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The global economy is in the middle of the worst financial and economic crisis of the past 50 years, leaving millions of unemployed people. Most affected by the consequences of the crisis remain the already disadvantaged groups – young people and older workers who face complex difficulties in their inclusion in training and reintegration to labour market. Their problems are linked with lack of sel ...
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The PROVE project aims to improve the quality of EU-Project Management through the delivery of 4 major products of European dimension:- the Code of Ethics for EU-Project Managers,- the Guide for EU-Project Managers,- the Survey for EU-Project Managers,- the Curriculum for EU-Project Managers.The transnational project is based on an interdisciplinary, innovative and collaborative approach:- Interdi ...
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QVETIS falls under the fact and necessity of improving the Continuing Vocational Training System through Quality Standards. A comprehensive set of tools and procedures are foreseen in order to build up a Quality Management System to be managed by a wide variety of target groups as beneficiaries: professionals in charge of the design and planification of policies in Education and Training contexts, ...
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...ies. Methods and tools of confirmation and validation of competences will be developed. Transferability of the methods and tools into other companies/sectors will be tested.The Common European principles for validation of non−formal and informal learning as in a final draft proposal from February 2004, the European Inventory on Validation and the European Qualification Framework will be used as a ...
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...employment through the adaptation, transfer and awareness rising on a model of certification "gender oriented". With the involvement of partners with diverse and complementary skills of a large European network (IT, ES, CZ, BG, PT) positive actions will be activated, as well as continuous training, awareness rising, improvement of work organization, implementation of formalized procedures, control ...
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Reason for the project: The global economy is in the midst of the worst financial and economic crisis of the past 50 years, leaving millions of unemployed people. Most affected by the consequences of the crisis remain the already disadvantaged groups – young people, older workers, migrants (migrants families), who face complex difficulties in their inclusion in training and reintegration to labour ...
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JobTool is a transfer of a project developed by Kadis d.o.o. named “The ICTE method – the integration of counselling, training and employment provision”. The project has been chosen among 157 LdV projects in summer 2006 and included in the “50 successful stories – Leonardo da Vinci Community Programme” – innovative projects contributing to the Copenhagen Process – Linking policy to practice. Curre ...
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The main assumption underlying this project is the notion that the workplace is a learning environment. The learning elements involve technological development, global connections, non-formal education and training, on the job training, development of social skills such as group-work, teamwork and basic skills such as computers, languages etc. As the world of working is changing constantly, it is ...
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The post industrial Europe cannot effectively fight the economic crisis. The Europa 2020 strategy goal is the advancement of the European Union economy. It is impossible without re-industrialisation. To achieve the goal of E2020 strategy and to keep high position of Europe among other world economies the EU have to, in near future, intensify actions to reverse the declining role of industry. The r ...
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According to the UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2014 Edition “Over the past six decades tourism has experienced continued expansion and diversification, becoming one of the largest and fastest-growing sectors in the world. “. Furthermore, the long-term forecasts (*Tourism Towards 2030) indicate that international tourists arrivals are expected to grow by 3, 3% per year for the time period 2010 to 2030 ...
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Creativity and innovation are often key to the success of a business, particularly in strategic planning and when designing new products and services. All companies and in particular SMEs face increasing competition not only for sales, but also for technical know-how and skills. In this environment, competitiveness at company level depends crucially on the speed with which new products can be brou ...
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...nd investment in securities. The “OTIS” project intends to build a software product for VET which includes a training module, a self-evaluation module and a virtual game with simulation of real European stock markets in 5 languages. Users can acquire knowledge about financial markets and trading with securities through the training module, test via the self-evaluation module and acquire practical ...
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The VIRTUOSE project will develop computer-based training and assessment in Quality Management Systems (QMS) for a range of manufacturing sectors across the four partner countries. Virtual Training and Self-Evaluation modules will be developed to enhance both the take-up and understanding of QMS by professionals and managers taking part in the project's computer-based training. Based on internatio ...
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The project is addressing the needs of people creating and managing EU fundedprojects. The project partners are educational organisations dealing primarily witheducational needs of these project managers coming from all sectors and at the sametime act as applicants and partners in EU funded projects. The project sets out toimprove the skills of those providing courses and those who are applicants ...
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Access International Development

Start date: Nov 1, 2010,

...tion with NGOs and Charities the Consortium has recognised that For Europe to develop capacity in the sector, there has to be consistency, rigour, recognition and credibility. A fully accredited, pan-European diploma combining employability skills with an intellectual understanding of concrete development issues, would help strengthen capacity throughout the sector and thus help to achieve import ...
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...ike the Bologna transparency tools (Qualifications Framework for the EHEA, Diploma supplement, ECTS) and rankings or classifications, quality assurance plays a major role in fostering transparency of European higher education.As stated in the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG), reports of external quality assurance procedures should be public. However, reports vary a ...
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ARARAT (ARMENIAN COORDINATION AGENCY “UNIVERSITY - EMPLOYER”) is a three-year national project, under the priority of Higher Education and Society, EACEA N° 25/2011, 5th call and Structural Measures action. The wider objective of the project is to ameliorate the relevance of higher education to ever-changing labor market needs through establishment and operationalization of universities-employers ...
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GOVERN (FOSTERING AUTONOMY AND ACCOUNTABILITY: DEVELOPMENT OF STATE-OF-THE-ART HE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR EFFICIENT CHANGES IN LINE WITH BOLOGNA PRINCIPLES) is a three-year national project, under the priority of Governance Reform, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call and Structural Measures action. The wider objective is to enable application of the state-of-the-art management system at Armenian HEIs for pro ...
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