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Individualized Training in Acquiring New Skills and Raising Employment Competences

Reason for the project: The global economy is in the midst of the worst financial and economic crisis of the past 50 years, leaving millions of unemployed people. Most affected by the consequences of the crisis remain the already disadvantaged groups – young people, older workers, migrants (migrants families), who face complex difficulties in their inclusion in training and reintegration to labour market. Their problems are linked with lack of self-confidence and persistence, lack of suitable job competencies, skills not matching labour market needs. There is a need for a more holistic, individualized and flexible approach in training addressing these complex problems of jobseekers in order to promote more successful inclusion in the labour market.The main aim of the project is to provide integrated support tailored for the most disadvantaged groups of unemployed in the context of global economic crisis (in particular unemployed 45, migrants, their children, people in facing socioeconomic disadvantages) through development of an innovative integrated training tool in order to increase motivation and self-awareness, create incentives for acquiring the new skills demanded on the labour market, improve job competencies and thus promote efficient reintegration of jobseekers into employment. INSIGHT will be developed in close cooperation of 7 partners from 7 countries. The partnership includes the project promoter - EuroPA (UK); the initial project initiator and current coordinator - ECQ Ltd. (Bulgaria); a local development and training association - IEBA (Portugal); a university specialised in designing training courses - ISEP (France); a university specialised in practical training and motivation - VIKO (Lithuania); a foundation working with unemployed and uneducated people - MSS (Iceland) and a professional organization for guidance and events management - HTI Kft. (Hungary). As a result of project implementation the INSIGHT innovative tool will be developed comprising: a Handbook for Unemployed, a Guide for Trainers of unemployed and Interactive software. The INSIGHT tool will be elaborated as an integrated solution, combining the process of counseling, training and job-seeking in a single approach incorporating presence learning with selected features of e-learning. The intangible outcomes of the project incorporate: raising self-awareness of disadvantaged groups of unemployed, increasing their motivation and creating incentives for acquiring new skills, enhancing their job-finding capacities and facilitating better interaction between unemployed and social workers. The impact of the project is closely related to the features of the INSIGHT tool as a "medium" for the target groups to transfer their skills and competencies into the new jobs on the labour market. It will reduce the gap between individual skills and skills required by the labour market, contribute to better integration into employment and commitment to lifelong learning.
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6 Partners Participants