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Validation of skills and knowledge for strengthening the positions of low-qualified employees in the labour market

The main assumption underlying the development of this project is the notion that the workplace is a learning environment. In the fast changing working world it is important to find ways to identify useful competences that can be built upon both in work and further education and training. It is important that the competences which an individual develops outside the formal school system are transparent, documented and recognized.This project aims at developing methods and tools for identifying and validating competences in the workplace and opening gateways to education and training to make it easier for low−qualified individuals to develop their competences, and by that secure their position on the labour market. For the individual, an accreditation/recognition of non−formal/informal competences can be a strong motivational factor towards an active participation in lifelong−learning. Through the identification of competences, the company may find it easier to develop more appropriate educational plans. So far, many countries have focused on validation based on curriculum in the formal school system. This project will be examining methods of validation in workplaces based on occupational−standards. The target group is low−qualified employees, who have not completed upper secondary education. Seven countries will develop a “Validation kit” in a given sector in co−operation with companies. Methods and tools of confirmation and validation of competences will be developed. Transferability of the methods and tools into other companies/sectors will be tested.The Common European principles for validation of non−formal and informal learning as in a final draft proposal from February 2004, the European Inventory on Validation and the European Qualification Framework will be used as a guide and reference point for the development and implementation of methods and systems for validation in the project.
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6 Partners Participants