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Automatization, Robotization for a new Reindustrialisated Europe

The post industrial Europe cannot effectively fight the economic crisis. The Europa 2020 strategy goal is the advancement of the European Union economy. It is impossible without re-industrialisation. To achieve the goal of E2020 strategy and to keep high position of Europe among other world economies the EU have to, in near future, intensify actions to reverse the declining role of industry. The re-industrialisation will notably be based on SMEs in which the production processes are not automated enough. But the economic crisis will force the changes. Existing, as well as new companies will invest significant efforts in Automation and Robitisation (A&R) to minimise costs by eliminating manual work. Combination of all this factors will result in near future that the market demand for less qualified workers will decrease but for high qualified specialists for different industry branches will explode.This project goal was to transfer and further develop innovative results of AutoMatic project and implement them to e-Learning solution for new European countries and new sectors of industry. Project ARIALE results are: training content, ICT solution and methodology. Main objective: to develop innovative training solution providing up-to date knowledge on A&R.The consortium consists of three partners of AutoMatic project and two new partners from Poland. PIAP’s activities are devoted to S&T research, design of small and medium-sized production and introduction of modern A&R technologies to industrial enterprises. Have also long term experience in providing VET trainings.The Technical University of Gabrovo provides degree courses for Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. in electrical engineering, electronics, automation, computer science, mechanical engineering, management and social sciences.European Center for Quality Ltd. is a consulting company working in the field of EU projects and programmes and Quality Management Systems development and implementation. The company works in close cooperation with a number of foreign partners of consulting companies, educational and universities, training centers, non-governmental organizations, etc.LUISS conducts its research activities in collaboration with national and international partners, achieving important results in the field of e-Learning.Polish Welding Chamber of Commerce brings together businesses with production activities, operational, commercial, design, service, research and education in the field of welding or welding using technology in the manufacturing process.The envisaged impact will be, in short term, to increase the required level of knowledge in target groups on implementation and maintenance of advanced A&R and ICT solutions in SMEs; in long term to increase attractiveness of the VET systems and practical implementation of ECVET.

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