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Усвояване на европейски практики за повишаване професионалната квалификация на младите технически специалисти
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The current project aims at sending 70 students from three vocational technical schools on a two-week practical training in Padua, Italy. The traineeship will take place in leading companies operating in the electrical and electronic engineering industries under the guidance and coordination of the Italian partner - Fenice Foundation in the period June - August 2017.Participants will be students from 10-11th grade studying electrical engineering and electronics at school. These are young people who need acquiring new skills and competences in order to facilitate their professional development and enhance their employability.For the successful mobility activity preliminary pedagogical and cultural support as well as Italian language and technical English training courses will be provided to students prior to departure. This preparation along with the stay in Italy will allow users to experience a different culture facilitating their adaptation and success during the placement abroad. Thus, the project will contribute to strengthening and deepening the European identity and citizenship among young people. Promoting equal opportunities to a larger group of young people and the acquisition of new knowledge and skills through innovative European approaches and practices will improve the self-confidence of participants and stimulate the deployment of their potential and incentives for further professional development and realization on the Pan-European labor market.During placements abroad participants will be able to broaden the spectrum of theoretical knowledge gained at school and apply what they have learnt in class to the production realities in the target industry improving at the same time their professional competences through the acquisition of the following skills:~Deciphering and production of technical drawings using application software~Executing of electrical installation activities with modern equipment~Working with measurement and control devices~Diagnostic of electrical equipment~Economic evaluation of the electrical installation activities~Designing and manufacture of electrical installations, maintenance and repair~Checking and testing of electrical installations, installation and dismantling~Use of ICT for the creation of electrical documentation~Designing automation system for commercial and residential buildings based on KNX standard for building automation.As a result, the experience and skills gained will enhance the competitiveness of the participants and will meet the needs of qualified technical specialists in the target sector.Certificates of Completion and references from the companies will be issued to attest the acquired practical skills and knowledge in the electrical and electronics industry, as well as Europass Mobility document, which will significantly expand future career opportunities for participants.Given the fact that the European youth is now exposed to growing unemployment rates and is strongly affected by the economic crisis, this project will help to promote the mobility of young people within Europe and their transition from education and training to labor market. In this regard and in the name of the contribution to sustainable economic prosperity and employability of young people in Europe, the successful implementation of the objectives and optimal results achievement is a prerequisite for improving the quality and efficiency of education and training, social cohesion and inter-cultural dialogue. Desired and expected effect of the implementation and dissemination of project results to local, regional, national and European level will have final reflection in acquisition and development of skills and competencies among participants needed to improve their qualifications, ability and incentive for further education, as well as encouraging partnerships between businesses and educational institutions, broader learning communities with civil society and other stakeholders.
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