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Virtual Online System for Education and Quality - VIRTUOSE

The VIRTUOSE project will develop computer-based training and assessment in Quality Management Systems (QMS) for a range of manufacturing sectors across the four partner countries. Virtual Training and Self-Evaluation modules will be developed to enhance both the take-up and understanding of QMS by professionals and managers taking part in the project's computer-based training. Based on international quality management standards for health, safety and the environment, each partner will be responsible for developing QMS training and self-evaluation material for their own country's manufacturing sectors. Material will be available in the language of each partner country and in EN. Appropriate software will be developed to deliver the training and the self-assessment modules and this will include the development of a 'virtual teacher' able to deliver verbal support. The software and training/self-evaluation material will be tested in each partner country on a range of potential users. Feedback from these tests will be assessed by the partners and any necessary refinements made to the final product. Partners will contact and organise workshops with decision-makers from the manufacturing sectors identified as potential users of the project's computer-based software in an effort to advertise and disseminate the final product. The eventual software training/self-evaluation product will be made available via the internet and as a CD-Rom. Partners will also arrange press conferences and will contact potential users through a series of direct mailing shots.

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6 Partners Participants