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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

The Ulysses project was originally inspired by an illustrious generation of 18th Century artists who wandered all across Europe, visiting at each “stop” along the way the greatest masters’ workshops in order to improve and to complete their skills. Following the steps of the Homeric hero, their odyssey was an initiatory journey paving the way for future generations of young European artists. Today ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

In this historical period in which European policies are showing their weakness facing global economic and social challenges and national interests seem to jeopardise European Unity inspired by the founding fathers, it is urgent to re-launch the debate on European issues. The project “Academic Agora for the Future of Europe” (Acronym: Agorà UE) will support CIME statutory activities and objectives ...
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...ersons within credit services, agreements and contracts of CS.Participants and beneficiariesDisadvantaged persons in charge to the various services -> 20 participants, about 2,000 interested as catchmentOperators of local services (VET, social cooperation, social services, health services and work services) -> at least 20 participants Makers and representatives of Local Authorities and Civil Servi ...
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Positive Engagement for a Transition towards Employment

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The current EU28 youth unemployment rate, 19.4%, represents more than double the overall unemployment rate, (8.9% Feb 15 Eurostat) & reveals a worrying trend - namely that the proportion of people 15-24 years old, Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), has continued to increase over the last few years (EC Draft Employment Report (2013) & Eurostat).The economic cost of not integrating NEE ...
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...ccessibility of migrant/refugee women to adult education and gender-sensitive counselling to enter labor market". In December 2011 three partners of this application, FU-Uppsala, Dimitra and Revalento, started a Grundtvig project “EU Integration Agent” – Innovative Guidance Methodology for Integration of Low-skilled Immigrants into Adult Education (igma). The goal of igma was to develop a methodol ...
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Promoting quality culture in VET

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Background The issue of quality and quality management in VET constitutes one of the major fields for development for the last 40 years and in European Union a lot of resources have been devoted to increase the quality of VET. More than 50 different models have been developed within LLP-program, focusing on different aspect of Quality management in VET. Despite all the effort, the experiences show ...
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The COSMOS proposal aims to reduce Europe’s dependence on imported coconut and palm kernel oils and fatty acids and castor oil as sources for medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA, C10–C14) and medium-chain polymer building blocks. These are needed by the oleochemical industry for the production of plastics, surfactants, detergents, lubricants, plasticisers and other products. In COSMOS, camelina and cra ...
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Creating collaborative training networks

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

Even in apprenticeship, skilled apprentices and SMEs face skills mismatches. One of the reasons is that the classic model “one apprentice-one company” does not always allow to cover all the activities of an occupation/training profile. In the dual system of the models countries, like Germany and Austria, training centers have developed collaborative networks. Collaborative training means that a co ...
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Education - Employment Partnership for VET in the fashion sector

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

ContextThe Bruges Communiqué for 2011 - 2020 underlines the importance of investing in people’s skills and ensuring they remainrelevant to labour market needs. Moroever, it is pointed out that today's pupils and students will still be in the beginning of theircareer in 2020 with at least 30 years to go in their professional live, and some of them in occupations that do not exist today andothers pe ...
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Mobilitati in Europa in vederea formarii profesionale

Start date: Nov 7, 2016, End date: Nov 6, 2018,

The project “European Mobilities concerning vocational training”, -which Economic College “PartenieCosma” Oradea acceses- has at the base of it the awareness of the idea of lifelong learning, training and more than that, the idea of the necessity of deepening theoretical knowledge through practical instruction. On the other hand, the project team acknowledges the importance of developing the Europ ...
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BIM4PLACEMENT European key competences in building and construction

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be defined as a process involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places. BIM softwares are used to plan, design, construct, operate and maintain many kinds of buildings and infrastructures. In Europe BIM is becoming more and more studied in VET schools, VET courses and university course ...
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...spectrum disorders (ASD)’ project will be implemented by The SYNAPSIS Foundation (the leader), and two partnership organizations: Latvijas Autisma apvienība (Latvian Autism Association) and AS Mentoring from the UK. The project aims to improve the situation in education and develop an innovative program of training for professionals working with adults with ASD as well as prepare innovative tools ...
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Erasmus+ Programme aims to increase skills and employability, as well as in implementing innovations in the field of education and training, and support transnational partnerships. In particular "Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices" is focused on collaborative projects aimed at development, sharing and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of edu ...
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CONTEXT:In general, the non-wood forest products have always been - and remain - an important element of forest resource. However, until recently, not enough attention to their management and utilization lent .Paradoxically, in some cases a better understanding of non-wood forest products will be directly related to a process that causes destruction. As cultures and communities evolve towards a ma ...
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Inwestycja w Przyszłość III

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The project of vocational training at the Spanish employers is destined for 120 participants Woluntary Labour Force, herein after called (OHP) from the area of province Warmia and Mazury, who obtain their degrees in the following occupations: chef, confectioner, and hairdresser at the 16 – 21 years of age. Young people from Voluntary Labor Force in Elbląg, Training and Education Center in Mrągowo ...
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The project is aimed at development of quality assurance model for the higher education (HE) "Quality Management & Common Quality Assurance Framework"(QM&CQAF). It is oriented to enhancement of interaction between universities and national labor markets and to dissemination of this model in the Project member-countries. The Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) implemented in the sphere of voc ...
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EQAVET in practice

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Rationale behind this proposal The recent economic developments have shown the importance of having a highly skilled workforce. The Member States, in their recent Council conclusions on the role of education and training to economic recovery and growth, have highlighted the importance of strong vocational education and training (VET) systems in attaining a high level of skills relevant to the labo ...
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...y the same students, rather than passive reception of information. In this context, the use of methods of social mediation such as Cooperative Learning (Cooperative learning) or Peer Tutoring (peer mentoring) are particularly effective strategies to build on the relational, cognitive, intra-personal (strengthening of self-awareness and self-confidence) and interpersonal levels (development of tru ...
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Annual Growth Survey (AGS) from 2014 shows that the unemployment among young adults within the age 18 – 30 years is one of the main socioeconomic problems in the European Union since economic regression 2009. It reached 23.4 %-more than twice as high as the adult rate, with some 5.7 million young people affected. Young people that have only completed lower secondary education bear the highest risk ...
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Pan-European Professional Curriculum for Gynaecologists

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...naecologists. Together they represent outstanding knowledge and expertise from the field of obstetrics and gynaecology, support from important EU and international organisations (EBCOG, ENTOG) and academic levels in a well-balanced cooperation between field organisations and educational organisations. The consortium partners work together in order to improve and share innovative practices within a ...
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Am I What You (believe) to see? Communication competence involves situational adaptability and fluency in verbal and non-verbal means of communication and is a key to almost all other competencies (reading, speaking, writing, and counting). Our goal is to improve this competence by the use of body language for international understanding or CIC (Clear International Communication) and efficiency of ...
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Head in the clouds

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

"Head in the clouds" project is about increasing scientific spirit by studying meteorology and comparing weather amoung eight european countries. Weather seems to be a very common subject. Despite of this, its technical aspects are rarely studied at school. It has nevertheless a real and concrete impact on our daily life. Studying weather is a way to teach sciences through multidisciplinary activi ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

This project has been elaborated by the schools Agrupamiento Vertical de Escolas de Cristel (Portugal), la Scuola Immacolata de Novara (Italy), Collège du Plantaurel de Cazères (France), 1o Gymnasium Acharnon de Achernes (Greece), University of Burgos (Spain) and Colegio Aurelio Gómez Escolar de Burgos (Spain).Having completed a process of self-evaluation, the top priority detected is that of stre ...
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The EDUCO2CEAN project is promoted by Portuguese Association for Environmental Education – ASPEA (Portugal), the International Campus of Excellence - Campus do Mar (Spain), the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology of Scotland, the Portuguese National Agency for Scientific and Technologic Culture – Ciência Viva, the secondary education centres IES Virxe do Mar and Ribeira do Louro (Spain) and ...
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...eting in Hoxter to present results obtained during these months. The students will be responsible to show them. We will realize roundtables, lectures, visits to significant companies.We will meet in Cento, Italy for an intermediate meeting to supervise the project, to sumary conclusions of the first part of the project (Technical skills) and to take the opportunity to receive a course for trainers ...
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Learn Building Impact Zero Network

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Aug 30, 2018,

The last century saw vernacular building techniques and knowledge being substituted by industrial and technological materials, namely in the context of cheap oil prices, which facilitated the construction with materials coming from all over the world. However, with raising energy costs, there is an increasing interest in producing with local resources and improve energy self-sufficiency on buildi ...
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Savanorystės pasaulis (Volunteering world)

Start date: Aug 8, 2016, End date: Aug 7, 2018,

The essence of Caritas organization - is the free decision of each person to take part in activities oriented to justice and help to each other, especially by being more attentive to most vulnerable members of the society. Volunteering is good way to realize this decision, which brings important energy not reachable using only employees work. This project has 3 aims:1. To develop faith in the valu ...
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Hippokrates Exchange Programme, UK

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

Following on from the successful and popular current Erasmus+ funded Hippokrates exchange programme 2014–2016 (project 2014-1-UK01-KA102-000412), two previous exchange cycles funded through the Leonardo Lifelong Learning programme and a range of other exchange opportunities through VdGM and wider networks managed by RCGP over the last 15 years, we propose to run an exchange programme in 2016-18 fo ...
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Digital Media, Creative Industries and TEFL 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The DMCI TEFL 2016project will offer VET learners opportunities to gain valuable European work experience and knowledge within the Digital Media, Creative Industries and Teaching English as a Foreign Language sectors. The project partnership includes Host Employers from Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic selected for their ability to provide high-quality and relevant placements to our VET lea ...
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Mobilité de travailleurs belges du secteur jeunesse

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

1.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVESThe objective of the project: enable mobility of youth workers of this consortium (partnership of organizations of the youth sector, members of the European network Ecett) to improve the quality of their work with young people, by adopting a biased position and enquiring with their peers abroad.Professionals of “youth” feel sometimes helpless when confronted to some situ ...
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ERASMUS PLUS - DIscover the world

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The goal of the project is to improve the quality of education in our college, as well as sustainably increase the job opportunities for our graduates, and last but not least, to give our teachers the opportunity to see "state of the art" techniques and knowledge in their "job-shadow-trips". The internships abroad in Europe will improve subject and language skills as well as encourage a pro-Euro ...
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CORNERS - turning Europe inside out

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

CORNERS is an intercultural artists' platform, designed and driven by a partnership of cultural institutions at the edges of Europe. We create opportunities to produce multidisciplinary artistic//cultural collaborative projects. Around 60 professional artists and researchers will co-produce through CORNERS, engaging more than 30 organizations/institutions as partners and shareholders. Different b ...
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Living Legends

Start date: Mar 2, 2016, End date: Feb 5, 2018,

Living Legends is an intergenerational project that stimulates interaction between oral history and digital culture. It is centred on the mapping and the illustration of oral history considering the wisdom and ancient knowledge oft he indigenous people of Latin America, as well as myths and legends traditionally told by the elderly in European countries and around the world.The project gives a voi ...
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Inovatívny spôsob využitia tradičných surovín v gastronómii

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Implementation of the project fulfills the role of the school established by the European Development Plan. The students of Secondary Vocational School of Business and Services studying in the fields of education and training - Hotel Academy, waiter, waitress and apprenticeship innkeeper are involved in the planning of the project "Innovative Way of Using Traditional Ingredients in Gastronomy.” Mo ...
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Kompetentny nauczyciel - kluczem do sukcesu szkoły.

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017,

The project "A competent teacher - a key to the success of school" will contribute in a precise way to the improvement of the fields covered by European School Development plan. It will provide our teachers necessary knowledge and skills, that disseminated to the other teachers will let us enlarge the educational offer of our school. A group of 8 teachers representing all departaments and the scho ...
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Euro-Volunteers with Upace 2016

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

The town of San Fernando is located in the province of Cádiz, one of the most preferred destinations for Erasmus + beneficiaries to carry out their EVS experiences. This is due to its geographical situation, its climate, its culture and traditions and largely lifestyle.Currently, the national economy is going through tough situations affecting all sectors, including ours, the social sector, becaus ...
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Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

There is a new poetry that is springing out of books to invade social networks and meeting places. Oral poetry is waking up, becoming independent both from the editorial cage and from traditional folklore festivities. The project POETRY WANDERS THE STREETS aims to promote and develop this new way of enjoying culture, widening the horizons of the audience and providing it with the tools and encoura ...
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Animation and Intercultural Exchange in a French High School

Start date: Aug 15, 2016, End date: Nov 14, 2017,

Concordia Rhône­Alpes develops different types of volunteering in order to promote cultural exchange and active citizenship of the participants. We are the coordinating organisation for this project, supporting the MFR du Domaine de la Saulsaie in order to host an EVS volunteer from Estonia, Ode Liis Pino. The volunteer will be at the MFR near Montluel (01) for eight months from October 2016. She ...
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Eco-DESsign training for agricultural and FOOD industry

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

...ce staff, and more than 37,000 students. Luleå University of Technology, is Scandinavia's northernmost university of technology, is a partner in several FP7, H2020 and RFCS running projects. Marketmentoro has an extensive experience in european projects and vocational training services. It is also increasingly active in international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The project will be developed in Placeat and in the Centro Sociosanitario of Plasencia, Extremadura North. With an EVS duration of 10 months, 4 volunteers for Activity number 1,where the hosting organization is Placeat .The volunteers will come from sending organizations of Grecia, Francia, Italia and Portugal ; and 2 volunteers for Activity number 2,where the hosting organization is Centro Soci ...
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