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Train the Trainers- Edukacja dla włączenia społecznego i zawodowego osób z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu (ASD)
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The „Train the Trainers- Education for social and vocational inclusion of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)’ project will be implemented by The SYNAPSIS Foundation (the leader), and two partnership organizations: Latvijas Autisma apvienība (Latvian Autism Association) and AS Mentoring from the UK. The project aims to improve the situation in education and develop an innovative program of training for professionals working with adults with ASD as well as prepare innovative tools and methods of sharing knowledge among this professionals. The project is planned due to the lack of lifelong learning for adults with ASD in many countries, particularly in post-communist countries. The lack of adequate training of functioning in the society excludes these people from social and professional life. The lack of education programs for adults with ASD is directly connected with to the absence of training programs preparing professionals to work with adults with ASD in high education curriculums. During the project all 3 organizations, based on their comprehensive expertise, will collect data and information about good practices in education programs of adults with ASD and education programs of professionals working with this group of people with disabilities. The next step organizers will develop three programs dedicated for professionals:1. First Step Programme: the basic training program for professionals to work/ cooperate with adults with ASD (2 x 2 days of workshops);2. Step Two Programme: the advanced program of training for professionals working/ cooperating with people with high-functioning autism (HfA). Program focused on self-reliance and social and work competences.3. Ste Three Programme: the advanced program of training for professionals working/ cooperating with people with low-functioning autism (LfA). Program focused on attain of general competences needed at work and increase of self-reliance.In order to choose optimal version of Programmes there will be testing phase in each country involved in the project. The main goal of the training for professional staff working with adults with ASD is to receive their opinions about the methodology, quality of tools and potential revision corresponding to the participants needs. It is crucial for implementers that training programs should prepare people with ASD to social inclusion as well as implementation and realization of their right according to Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In addition to the above results, a collection of good practices in the education for social inclusion will be available on the partners’ websites as well as Programmes for professionals itself. The results will be developed in English, but it will be disseminated in the national languages in order to reach the largest group of people. During the project leader and the partners will meet during three project meetings (1 time in each country for 9 people). They will conduct three brief trainings and observations of practical activities in the training of people with ASD (3 x 4-days training for 10 people from Partners + 5 people from Organization which is preparing training). At the end of the dissemination of results, the conference (for 200 people) will be held in Warsaw with the active participation of representatives from partnership NGOs. All results of the project will be available on NGOs’ websites without any restrictions. The development of training programs will result in improving education of professionals, which will prevent exclusion of adults with ASD from the society and the labour market. The Programmes for specialist training of professionals to work with adults with ASD will be promoted in each country. This creates an opportunity to acquire a new specialization by therapists, teachers, trainers working with adults with ASD.Partners involved in this project has cooperated before with good efficacy. It ensures success of proposed activities and continuation after the finish date of the project.
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