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Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Erasmus+ Programme aims to increase skills and employability, as well as in implementing innovations in the field of education and training, and support transnational partnerships. In particular "Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices" is focused on collaborative projects aimed at development, sharing and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth.ILA-LEAN project aims at development of didactic materials improving knowledge concerning implementation of Lean Thinking in Office and Knowledge Work. The knowledge concerning Lean Thinking is expected by companies, but mostly in practice is used in production area. However companies realized that also much wastes exists in Office and Knowledge Work that is why skills concerning identification and elimination wastes in these areas are desirable.NEEDS to be addressed:- lack of attractiveness of the existing training tools based on playful didactic- lack of flexibility/portability in existing training tools for learning anywhereINTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS:Three outputs of the project are planned to be developed:O1 - Tablet Course on Lean Office and Knowledge Work (Leading Organisation: University of Stavanger)O2 - A set of games on Lean Office and Knowledge Work (Leading Organisation: Rzeszow University of Technology)O3 - Teachers/Trainers manual (Leading Organisation: University of Minho)All partners will participate in outputs development. Companies will contribute practical knowledge concerning problems existing in Office and Knowledge Work in the industry they operate in, other partners will contribute their knowledge concerning didactic methods and training experiences including games development. Knowledge concerning tablet courses development will come from other EU project “LEAN Training by doing and training on the go as effective approaches to lean manufacturing” and will be used this project and will ensure the continuality and durability of the previous project results.Tablet course will present the materials about how to implement Lean Thinking in Lean Office and Knowledge Work.A set of games will teach how in practice Lean Concept can be implemented on the example of chosen processes. A person participating in the games will understand importance of Lean Concept implementation in the area of Lean Office and Knowledge Work and will learn what kind of Lean Tools and how they can be used to improve Office and Knowledge Work productivity.Teachers/Trainers manual will explain how to lead games to obtain planned educational objectives. All materials being outputs of the project will be developed in English and in partners national languages, and will be available free on the Website of the Project.The developed materials will be incorporated in didactic process and trainings realized by educational partners to ensure durability and sustainability of project results.TRAININGS:In the frame of the project six courses are planned. The first course will have a form of Training for Trainers (ToT) and will explain how to lead games and will have a place in Poland, and at least 20 persons are planned to attend this training.Five next trainings are dedicated to play games. These trainings will have a form of short-term joint staff training events dedicated for adult, i.e. mostly for employees and will have a place in Finland, Italy, Portugal, Norway and Poland. In each training will attend at least 10 participants. This trainings will be hold in national languages and will be opened to local participants.NUMBER OF TRANSNATIONAL MEETINGS:In the frame of the project four international meeting are planned. In the meetings each partner will be represented by one person. The goals of this meetings is exchanging experience and knowledge to obtain effect of synergy and create innovative ideas adding value to the project results. Also another goal is to check the project management activities, expenses, reporting, monitoring and evaluation as well as organization of activities of the next period of time etc.In the project an external evaluator will be also engaged and will participate in three of international meetings. His role will be to monitor the quality of the results and realization of the schedule. An international conference is planned to disseminate project results among companies and educational organizations. The conference will have a place in Poland. And it will be organized in contemporary with the Lean conference that every year gathers lean experts from industry and educational organizations as well as students.DISSEMINATION IMPACT: national, European and International level (Norway).TYPE AND NUMBER OF BENEFICIARIES:People participating to the project activities: Trainers, employees, students, entrepreneurs and conference participants including economic stakeholders, at least 1830 and other beneficiaries reached by dissemination and multiplying effects.
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7 Partners Participants