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NWF Network: Iniciativa transnacional para el impulso de las competencias y mentalidades empresariales en el sector forestal no maderero.
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT:In general, the non-wood forest products have always been - and remain - an important element of forest resource. However, until recently, not enough attention to their management and utilization lent .Paradoxically, in some cases a better understanding of non-wood forest products will be directly related to a process that causes destruction. As cultures and communities evolve towards a market economy tends to reduce the use of non-wood products for subsistence; Unfortunately, in general, this decline has not been accompanied by improved management of some non-wood products as an integral part of the development process. Consequently it is easy for traditional knowledge about those products are lost. Too often the true value of these products is perceived in the community is 0 at national level where supply sources have disappeared, either through lack of appropriate management measures, or measures of development without vision.OBJECTIVES:• Promote better information , transfer and recognition of youth employment and nonformal at European, national , regional and local level teaching. • Improve the capacity of the VET system as to the needs of the labor market in the NWFP sector. • Modernize and exploit the potential of economic development and innovation in the EU to increase the competitiveness of the forest sector. • Facilitate labor mobility, recognition at European level in the labor market by integrating business practices based learning. • Cooperate among the organizations in program countries in forestry.TARGET GROUPS:• Employers, workers and entrepreneurs related to rural activities and forestry, especially those working non-timber forest products. • Educational authorities ( teachers and trainers) . • Social agents in rural areas, groups and Unions Local Action. • Unqualified young rural women in search of " first job " or socially discriminated . • Youth and marginalized groups unemployed or uneducated finished studies encounter difficulties in accessing active and working life.ACTIVITIES:• Creating a Thematic Network , European Monitoring Centre for New Qualifications in the Forestry Sector and Resource Center Information and Online Learning, through which the integrated training, qualifications, monitoring, job creation system and will be organized tools to promote transparency of qualifications and the exchange of best practices on non- wood forest products.• Development of a Guide to Good Practice for the Management and Management of Non-wood Forest Products, indicating the steps for the modernization and adaptation of innovative European systems transformation , depending on quality. • Project web page to provide information , allow the dissemination of project activities and platform support training and telecommuting (Moodle ). • Imparting 4 courses and 36 seminars dissemination and exchange of best practices in NWFP .METHODOLOGY:• Design a basic non-formal training plan with the specific aim of encouraging entrepreneurship, competitiveness and employment through the development and acquisition of skills and competencies related to the real needs in the field of NWFP . • Integration of an innovative approach to teaching and learning, especially through a more strategic and integrated ICT and REA (web , Observatory, guide ... ) use. • Recognition of training modules for the new professional qualification through 4 pilot courses . • Organization 1 event set of training and learning short (5 days) as well as 2 training events combined mobility. • Establishment of a Broadcasting Plan and Use of Results .RESULTS:1. Thematic Network " NWF Network". 2. European Monitoring Centre for New Qualifications in the Forestry Sector (450 users).3. Resource Center Online Information and Learning (360 users).4. Guide to Good Practice for the Management and Management of Non-Wood Forest Products (1.800 copies). 5. Website of information and dissemination (3.000 visits). 6. Training and telecommuting Platform (Moodle ) . 7. 4 themed courses for curriculum validation NWFP. 8. 36 seminars and project dissemination and exchange of best practices in NWFP. 9. 3 Actions Training and Learning.
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