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33 European Projects Found

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Positive Engagement for a Transition towards Employment

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The current EU28 youth unemployment rate, 19.4%, represents more than double the overall unemployment rate, (8.9% Feb 15 Eurostat) & reveals a worrying trend - namely that the proportion of people 15-24 years old, Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), has continued to increase over the last few years (EC Draft Employment Report (2013) & Eurostat).The economic cost of not integrating NEE ...
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SymfoS - Symbols for success

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

SymfoS – Symbols for success aims to trigger substantial improvements in the education and career guidance system for disadvantaged youth in Europe by implementing an innovative counselling method using sets of symbols. Based on the experiences of the ESF-Project “Perspektiven BildungÖsterreich”, in which Hafelekar developed this method, we see high potential of Symbol work as an additional langua ...
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The Council of the European Union (2009) has as a key strategic objective the promotion of equity, social cohesion and active citizenship. It outlines that 'education and training policy should enable all citizens, irrespective of their personal, social or economic circumstances to acquire, update and develop over a lifetime both job-specific skills and the key competencies needed for their employ ...
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eGuide Training Tools for Quality in Career Guidance

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2018, will be implemented by a partnership consisting of five organisations with long-standing expertise and experience in career guidance counseling and education and the required market access. Led by Ballymun Job Centre (Ireland), the partnership includes partners EU-ROM Training & Consultancy Ltd (Romania), SUPERA Business Management Ltd. (Croatia), Core Training S.A. (Greece) and BGlex Consultin ...
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This project builds on two previous Leonardo TOI projects; the Big Bang which examined the impact of culture clash between Young People from disadvantaged backgrounds and opportunities in the world of work and education and Euro-ARCO which identified that Young People from BME and migrant communities in partner countries were far more likely to be long term NEET. Big Bang identified the close lin ...
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Vocational Training of the Inner-Self

Start date: Dec 15, 2015, End date: Jan 14, 2018,

Professional activities in modern societies are subject to the claim of continuous optimisation. Learned knowledge quickly becomes obsolete and needs to be updated, technical systems follow rapid innovation cycles and needs and expectations of customers and users. Failure to follow and to cope with fast paced optimisation requirements can lead to strong negative consequences for the individuals as ...
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EP-DeM Labs seeks to engage and enable disadvantaged youth (16-24) in transition moments across 4 cities/regions in Europe to express their voices, co-develop and co-delivery projects and measures aimed at improving their education level and employability. The laboratories of dialogue and co-design experimented will have the ground-breaking role of permanent generators of knowledge and incubators ...
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Objectives: Net-Working for Quality Culture and Assurance aims to design, develop and implement a model of Interagency working which focuses on Quality Culture and Quality Assurance across the VET journey. Eight partners from across six programme countries will adapt and develop the Net-Working for Quality Assurance model (developed in a previous Leonardo da Vinci TOI project - LLP/LdV/TOI/2012/IR ...
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Extended Choices for Young People in VET

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...ether to develop attractive & inclusive VET for disadvantaged &marginalized YP: GEMS NI UK (Co-ordinator);Time Associates UK; Antares, Italy; Edumark, Netherlands Die Querdenker, Austria; Ballymun Job Centre, Ireland; The project has 2 direct target groups 1: 20 VET trainers/mentors who have a specialism and practical experience of delivering dedicated mentoring and careers advice to YP who are N ...
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The project GUIDE+ contributes to a better participation of low skilled people in society and the labour market through high quality guidance. This project wanted to establish and provide case study training modules for guidance practitioners that are used on a regular basis in the training systems of the participating countries, in order to prepare them for the specific challenges in guiding low ...
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REASON: Fostering entrepreneurial (further) education/training among young people is a necessity in order to meet the challanges in a constantly changing labour market (compare Small Business Act, especially Principle 1 and Oslo Agenda). Selfemployment/Entrepreneurship is a chance for young people, particularly in the case of graduates from vocational based education there is an occasion to set up ...
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Aim of ´Join In a Job!´ is to transfer and adopt cross cultural clearing and counselling instruments in order to facilitate new and qualified qualifications for migrants in Europe by the means of clarification of barriers for the (re)integration of juvenile migrants (especially young women)in the labour market and by the means of identification and validation of competences (especially those acqui ...
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This project was targeted at agencies working with people who have experienced challenges in their lives e.g. addictions, mental ill health, long term unemployment, living in a disadvantaged area with low aspirations. These issues not only make it harder to find work or training, but limit people’s confidence and self- knowledge, so they often don't believe they can move forward. Further, if th ...
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In our project we will improve quality and innovation in vocational education and training systems by transferring and adapting special assessment tools and training programmes for tourist workers which will be enable us to meet every person’s specific needs in development and training.
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'ProEthics' aimed at improving the quality of the professional education in companies and training institutions by means of a value management system. Teaching innovative value systems in a dialogue between companies and apprentices is becoming more and more important facing pressing issues such as corruption, using company property, and in the future also the possibilities of neuro-enhancement. ...
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According to surveys, less qualified workers are motivated to learn, if they believe that training is useful. They search for opportunities in order to complete their training for better work conditions or advancement possibilities. Sei.Li.NG project aims to improve the learning process of these employees. A person can be described as “less qualified” if his/her highest qualification does not exce ...
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The building of an effective, efficient & inclusive European guidance area is a strong political goal of European education politics. The project NAVIGUIDE wants to fulfill this goal by successfully working on an innovative client-oriented tool that is easy to handle for guidance counsellors & transparent all over Europe. As shown in various studies the quality of career counselling across Europe ...
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In addition to information advice and guidance to access the labour market this target group require customised support to learn the language skills they need to seek and access employment in the Northern Ireland labour market.The aim of Learning Language for Work (LLFW) is to transfer the innovation of the programme and customise it as a resource for guidance counselling services and vocation, ed ...
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According to surveys, less qualified workers are motivated to learn, if they believe that training is useful. They search for opportunities in order to complete their training for better work conditions or advancement possibilities. Sei.Li.NG project aims to improve the learning process of these employees. A person can be described as “less qualified” if his/her highest qualification does not exce ...
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...nci strand of the EUs Lifelong Learning programme. It aimed to transfer and adapt an interagency methodology, developed in the EQUAL YOUTH project (EQUAL Youth was a 3 year project led by the Ballymun Job Centre and funded under the EQUAL Community Initiative (ESF) ) into the area of Quality Assurance in VET. During the project lifetime the partnership aimed to:1.Demonstrate th ...
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In response to the business requirement of a major IT company that needed to support the integration of employees who were non-native speakers of English, GEMS NI developed an innovative “Talk IT” programme that addressed the business English language skills of workers in a large insurance company that have a large IT department to improve their competence in oral and written communication.Talk IT ...
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The Manage Your Career partnership developed a methodology that aims to assist guidance practitioners across Europe in the empowerment of job seekers. The Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies (Nov, 2008) encourages the 'Lifelong Acquisition of Career Management Skills' and outlines that ‘Career Management Skills play a decisive role in empowe ...
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The MOTIVES project transferred and adapted the results from a previous INTERREG project, SROI-Messmethodik, into a model that can assist SMEs to continue to implement and invest in training for the workplace (particularly for low skill workers). The Partnership developed a web based training evaluation toolkit, which aims to show employers the social and economic worth of training outcomes and im ...
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The integration of disadvantaged and migrant job seekers in the European employment market remains a particular challenge for all EU member states. Structured career guidance is an important means of addressing this challenge. This is particularly true for disadvantaged and migrant job seekers who otherwise risk ending up in low paid, low income jobs or on training courses for which they are not s ...
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It aims at teaching and learning of mathematics through a website-based programme emphasizing simulation as key pathway for making understandable the mathematic concepts and for allowing teachers and students to introduce their contributions in terms of symbolic language and numeric data. According to the proposal, many efforts have been done in recent years in e.learning for mathematic studies, b ...
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Modernisation of automobile and metal industry vocational training : This project offers training modules, in the automobile and metal industries, which can ease the entry of young people into the training system and allow the recognition of key qualifications Europe-wide.. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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The project objectives focus on the improvement of know-how transfer processes and the development of innovative learning and teaching methods in the field of fracture mechanics and structural integrity (with particular reference to concrete and ceramic materials) by means of teaching materials using e-learning and new technologies. Target groups are managers, technicians and engineers involved in ...
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The HELPS project will define and develop a Distance Learning Technological, Methodological and Organisational System for new, highly-specialised professional figures in the E-learning sector. These specialists will be involved, in particular, in e-Learning Systems Management, in the production and management of e-Learning projects, and in e-Learning content production (expert in e-Authoring & exp ...
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A communal reorientation process : An online community for women which aims to help them with their professional reorientation has been created, linking counsellors, learners and training institutions. Methods and materials linked to the community format approach are also available. This project started in 2003 and lasted 25 months.
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Making the most of job seekers' strengths : The project has created an assessment centre which will evaluate the strengths of job seekers with a view to getting them back into employment or training. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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It aims at teaching and learning of mathematics through a website-based programme emphasizing simulation as key pathway for making understandable the mathematic concepts and for allowing teachers and students to introduce their contributions in terms of symbolic language and numeric data. According to the proposal, many efforts have been done in recent years in e.learning for mathematic studies, b ...
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This project responds to the need to develop a tool to identify, measure and document competencies developed informally and non-formally through life experience. Informed by initial research and using a 'bottom up' approach, the partnership will design, develop and test (piloted with 150 persons) a series of self-assessment tools specifically designed for disadvantaged persons accessing IVT/labour ...
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Using the European Common Quality Assurance Framework (Technical working group on Quality in VET) as a basis, this project, EGUIDE, will research and develop a Quality Assurance Framework for use in the Guidance of Disadvantage Job Seekers across Europe.The EGUIDE will develop an E-Guidance system, consisting of a number of guidance tools, developed specifically for the target group that can be us ...
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