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NAVIGUIDE - International Data Base for Guidance Methods in Group Settings

The building of an effective, efficient & inclusive European guidance area is a strong political goal of European education politics. The project NAVIGUIDE wants to fulfill this goal by successfully working on an innovative client-oriented tool that is easy to handle for guidance counsellors & transparent all over Europe. As shown in various studies the quality of career counselling across Europe is affected by heterogeneous training (teachers, social workers, psychologists..), therefore most counsellors start when beginning the work in the field of guidance counselling on different qualification levels. A common understanding (and standard) of knowledge, skills & competencies for guidance counsellors is hardly identifiable though many projects (MEVOC, ECGC, GuideMe!) esp. in the Leonardo programme tried to focus on that. NAVIGUIDE wants to bring in a new approach by addressing directly the work with the client. The idea is to transfer & expand an existing Austrian “guidance methods” database, a product officially owned by the AMS (, click on"Schnelleinstieg Methodendatenbank") into the European guidance system. The database developed between 2008–2010 consists of 372 teaching units (“methods”) for guidance in group settings. Based on a quantitative online survey (600 career counsellors in 6 partner countries) carried out in their national languages, the partnership will find out what kind of methods & teaching units will best fit the counselling practice (and further training needs) according to certain criteria. The goal is that the project partnership (FR,HR,IE,PL,TR) will select 100 methods that are applicable all over Europe & provide these 100 methods in the online NAVIGUIDE methods database. By that 2 basic goals are fulfilled. First by entering in this database a guidance counsellor all over Europe can start to work immediately with the client. And secondly via this tool an implicit European standard is defined – not only in the qualifications profile of the counsellor but especially in the daily work with the client. In addition the database will be expanded & transferred to European needs: interactive parts, rating/commenting functions where guidance counsellors can exchange their views, adding new methods from other countries. The main goal of the project is to transfer the guidance methods database to career counsellors who will use the teaching units in their everyday practice. To ensure this, six 1day train-the-trainer/teacher workshops will take place in different regions of Europe (36 workshops all together). In total, the project NAVIGUIDE will reach 720 guidance practitioners & stakeholders. The project will put reasonable resources in the dissemination & valorisation of the product (see dissemination plan). In order to find out if the target groups adopted the methods, an ex-post evaluation will be carried out in the partner countries' languages that shall show if the teaching units are used.
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6 Partners Participants