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Mattia — Mathematic Training By Means Of Internet Applications

It aims at teaching and learning of mathematics through a website-based programme emphasizing simulation as key pathway for making understandable the mathematic concepts and for allowing teachers and students to introduce their contributions in terms of symbolic language and numeric data. According to the proposal, many efforts have been done in recent years in e.learning for mathematic studies, but hypertexts are often still less attractive than the traditional books. Simulation based e.learning, special attention paid to teaching and teachers (and not only to students’ learning), open system such as to favour the insertion on the website of contributions, exercises, animations proposed by individual schools or by vocational training centres or by experts of virtual cooperative teaching and learning: those are the pillars of the project’s training programme. The goals are:(1) to make mathematics appealing to be learned,(2) help the trainers and teachers to update their methods in the classrooms,(3) contribute to collect different approaches to teaching math and consequently favour also the building of an intercultural scenario of how to treat math studies all around Europe. The activities:(1) the initial research across Europe on the existing e.learning for math studies, (2)the pilot training with teacher and trainers,(3) the actions of valorisation. -- RESULTS AND PRODUCTS: The outcomes are: (1) the Report on the initial research, (2)the findings of the pilot, (3)the web based e.learning,(4) the handbook and the accompanying CD of directions for using the tool at its best,(5) the handbook for training the teachers. -- POTENTIAL FUTURE: The programme could be of use everywhere and necessitates the translation of the texts only.
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