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Net-Working for Quality Assurance

Europe’s future depends on the extent to which its citizens can face economic and social challenges. To address economic exclusion, unemployment and the education and training needs most notably of socially disadvantaged younger citizens, current EU policy advocates the progression of individual citizens through the creation and delivery of quality assured VET initiatives ‘Given the role of VET in European societies and economies, it is crucial to ensure the sustainability and excellence of vocational education and training’ (Bruges Communique 2010).Net-Working for QA was a two year (Oct 2012 – Sept 2014) transfer of innovation project funded under the Leonardo da Vinci strand of the EUs Lifelong Learning programme. It aimed to transfer and adapt an interagency methodology, developed in the EQUAL YOUTH project (EQUAL Youth was a 3 year project led by the Ballymun Job Centre and funded under the EQUAL Community Initiative (ESF) ) into the area of Quality Assurance in VET. During the project lifetime the partnership aimed to:1.Demonstrate the value of interagency working and promote a commitment to and enthusiasm for QA within/between all stakeholders involved.2.Map the QA frameworks, top down /bottom up approaches and interagency models across Europe. 3.Develop a resource pack and method for use in piloting the EQAVET framework and tools within the partnership countries. 4.Develop a training course for stakeholders in QA in VET and interagency working5.Develop a web portal to support all stakeholders. The Partnership consisted of six core organisations representing six countries:• Ireland• Northern Ireland (UK)• Italy• Romania• Finland• SpainAnd included employment/training focused NGOs, a social consultancy, a technical university and a vocational training school. Within each partner country a local interagency network (6 meetings over project lifetime), a national interagency network (3 meetings over project lifetime) and a learner network (4 meetings over project lifetime) were established. The EQAVET model was piloted with the local interagency groups and their knowledge and experience informed the development of an NQA model, Training Course and Resource pack for wider application.
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5 Partners Participants