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A Quality Assurance Framework and related model web based assessment for the guidance of Disadvantage Job Seekers into initial and vocational training (EGUIDE)

Using the European Common Quality Assurance Framework (Technical working group on Quality in VET) as a basis, this project, EGUIDE, will research and develop a Quality Assurance Framework for use in the Guidance of Disadvantage Job Seekers across Europe.The EGUIDE will develop an E-Guidance system, consisting of a number of guidance tools, developed specifically for the target group that can be used to test and implement the Quality Assurance Framework. Quality guidance is essential to disadvantage job seekers who are attempting to access VET. Members of this target group are very often unaware of their own abilities and aptitudes;furthemore they are also unaware of the options available to them in the VET system.EGUIDE proposes the following : 1) The research and development of a Quality Assurance Framework for Guidance Into Initial Training, 2) The design and development of a Battery of Guidance Assessments, specifically aimed at disadvantaged job seekers/those in and out of low skill employment. The assessments will be interactive computer assessments with audio-visual aspects to ensure usability with the client group.This Guidance package will be developed based on the Quality assurance procedures identified and will be as a model to test and implement the Quality Assurance Framework. 3) The design and development of a web-based framework within which the guidance tools can operate.

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