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A dynamic economy with an emphasis on lifelong learning must be underpinned by a dynamic education sector and while tackling early school-leaving is one of the priority objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy addressing the skill deficits and building the key competences of the young unemployed already outside the education system is a key objective of ET 2020. Young Europeans without high-value sk ...
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What are we afraid of? Xenophobia and Islamophobia in European Societies.

Start date: May 31, 2016, End date: Mar 30, 2017,

Are refugees afraid of having no future? Are politicians afraid of migration issues because they cause social frictions? Are citizens afraid of national identities getting lost? Are critics afraid of Islam because it causes a danger for Western democracy? Are demonstrators afraid of one-sided media gaining the upper hand? In this project, we will address these burning issues related to the fear su ...
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This project "The collective youth responsibility - The path of intercultural learning for social responses" meets the needs and objectives in social responses that 32 youth workers participants can give to the society where they live and in their organizations as well as the community of immigrants in their countries of residence, through the collective responsibility and intercultural knowledge ...
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This project "Social Projects Management for Youth inclusion - Training for trainers for African Diaspora Youth Workers" focuses above all on 42 african youth workers with few opportunities, coming from the families that are facing social and economical probelms at local levels from the partners countries in Europe and at same time giving crucial contributions to the african diaspora organizations ...
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Youth Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Social Inclusion

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Social entrepreneurship is an important and effective way of enhancing social participation, inclusion and integration of socially marginalized young people in our communities. Social entrepreneurship provides the incentive for young people to become empowered and strive to look for innovative solutions to some of the challenges they face in their communities. Becoming innovative and developing en ...
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European Youth Environmental Sentinels

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

EYES – European Youth Environmental Sentinels’ main aim was to promote sustainable environment and health protection, on the basis of Art. 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The project involved youth workers and young leaders interested or having a personal experience in environment and health issues, who acted as “multipliers” at the local and international levels. The p ...
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Youth exchange for rural youth

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Training course project “Youth exchanges for rural youth” is a project developed by 7 partners coming from Latvia, Finland, Lithuania, Georgia, Poland, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova. This project will involve 28 youth workers / youth leaders for 9 days Educational activity in Lithuania in late 2014. The main aim of this training course – is to promote youth exchanges as tool for supporting and d ...
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This project focuses on Youth immigrants Values for Inclusive Participation and Social Responsibility and social inclusion of young immigrants people that are facing difficult challenges in their residence countries. It will involve 26 young immigrants people with few opportunities from Sweden, Portugal, Belgium, Finland, Cyprus and Ireland and it will be achieved in Stockholm using non formal edu ...
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Consortium for Assistive Solutions Adoption (CASA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Today, regions and governments are faced with an unsustainable situation with increasing pressure on health and social care resulting from demographic changes. With an ageing population, citizens are also increasingly living with chronic diseases and this has serious implications on the future provision of welfare and health services. Chronic diseases now account for an average of two thirds of he ...
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The Roma/Gipsy minority is the largest ethnic minority in Europe. Around 10-12 million Roma are estimated to live in Europe and approx. 68% of them in countries covered by the SEE program. The exclusion and social deprivation of the Roma is an untimely and unresolved problem in the whole area. Despite various of programs and initiatives targeting them, Roma communities in are still exposed to disc ...
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Project's main objectives is to increase knowledge and strengthen professional capacities of regional key players in two cross border regions (Košice Region in Slovakia and Zakarpatska region of Ukraine) for development of cross-border cooperation, with emphasis on cross-border clusters and cluster initiatives as a tool for sustainable development. Main activities: 1. Socio-economic analysis in t ...
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Less favoured rural areas in SEE rely on traditional economic activities as the main source of income and jobs. At the same time they possess unique cultural values which are not recognised as a development factor and consequently not properly managed. The main objective of the project is therefore to improve the management of cultural values in rural areas in order to contribute to economic and s ...
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Cultural consumption is a knowledge based activity: cultural products and services are viable, only if they possess widely recognized values. SAGITTARIUS advances cultural consumption by communicating cultural values: from natural monuments and ecosystems to sites and collections, from the arts to traditions and handicrafts. Thus values of tangible-intangible, movable-immovable and spiritual herit ...
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Environmental Awareness Rising Through Harmonisation (HUSKROUA/0901/144)

Start date: Mar 27, 2011, End date: Jan 26, 2014,

The Overall Objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement and sustainability of the natural and human environment of the Carpathian region. Specific Objectives: 1. To increase the effectiveness and innovativeness of environmentally friendly approach of local communities through realisation of pilot innovative environmental measures in selected localities2. To increase the capac ...
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The project aims to establish systemic and lasting cross-border cooperation in border regions by the introduction of ICT based informational approach for sustained informational flow, making decision process and practice-sharing between local/regional authorities, professional institutions, NGOs, expert group and stakeholders in border regions. The project creates the sustainable platform for syst ...
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How to link strong research nodes, clusters and SME networks in the Baltic Sea region in order to jointly reach globally-leading innovation partnerships? How to use the high innovation potential of the region to address common societal challenges?StarDust was designed to give answers to these questions. Besides the concrete testing of collaboration methods, policy implication should be drawn on ho ...
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PACMAn aims at stimulating the innovative&dynamic capacities of the agrofood sector in MED regions able to promote its attractiveness & competitiveness at transnational level.Through collaboration between transnational economic development actors&public authorities engaged in growth & innovation issues, PACMAn will focus on key factors of agro-food clusters in MED areas, in light of the latest eco ...
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MAritme REgions cooperation for MEDiterranea (MAREMED)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 23, 2013,

MAREMED´s goal is to create synergy between the Regions and the different levels of Mediterranean, European, national and local governance to encourage the implementation of an integrated maritime policy within the Mediterranean. The policy components having a transnational impact will be the focus of a survey and a synthesis concerning regional policies and their governance, the development of tr ...
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Most of the Central European Lakes have become more and more valuable natural resources deeply linked with the regional scale sustainable development. Change in water temperature, region water shortage, or the uneven temporal distribution of freshwater sources caused by climate change, are giving some initial future warning signs. The project EULAKES aims to promote a new integrated approach in or ...
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Throughout the EU, increased reliance on the car has resulted in high levels of congestion and more pollution, leading to economic, environmental and health problems for our regions and cities. ERDF investment in infrastructure could accelerate this trend if parallel alternative measures are not introduced at the same time. Mobility Management aims to reduce reliance on the car by encouraging tra ...
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Zero Emissions Communities (ZeroCO2)

Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2012,

The project aims to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions in smallest Mediterranean Communities through the creation of a collaboration scheme between local public institution and private entities, with the endorsement of citizens and entrepreneurs. The project foresees the design a public-private partnership (PPP) scheme to achieve the Zero emission communities goal and plans the rea ...
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South East European Mobility Management Scheme (SEE MMS)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

In SEE cities economic upturn means an increase in traffic flows, which, by virtue of the pre-existing structures and emergent conditions, quickly meet the limits of their potential for expansion. Alongside transport and freight, tourism is another growing important branch of the SEE economy. The constant increase in traffic flows inevitably leads to a simultaneous increase in the negative consequ ...
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The programme area is crossed by relevant freight traffic flows, originated and directed in- and outside it. This traffic is mainly supported by road infrastructures, that were not planned for these flows. This involves a negative impact on the territorial competitiveness and environment, due to air pollution, noise and reduced mobility. The project objective is to promote the coordination between ...
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In the Alpine Space, metropolisation has given birth to changes in the urban system and in the urban-rural relationships: the dichotomy between small settlements of alpine towns/villages/hamlets which are influenced by important Metropolitan Growth Areas (e.g. Lyon, Milan, Munich, Vienna, Trieste and other big towns) can be solved through the challenging role played by high-potential small and med ...
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Recognition of the freedom of movement for workers and employees within the EU also entails that the foundations for better mobility of EU and non-EU citizens have to be laid, especially after EU enlargement. Some recent surveys point out how a lack of appropriate information can cause an uneven distribution of immigrants among EU countries. Here Public Employment Services (PES) have to work toget ...
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Baltic Rural Broadband Project (BalticBroadband)

Start date: Jun 23, 2005, End date: Apr 29, 2008,

The Baltic Rural Broadband Project contributed to the improvement of broadband access in selected rural areas of all BSR EU member states and Norway. Means of the project were the identification and dissemination of best practice examples, (further) development of local or sub regional broadband strategies. Furthermore importance was paid to awareness rising and encouragement of local stakeholders ...
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AMICA is looking at ways to address climate change at local and regional level. The project seeks to increase the effectiveness of climate policy and strike a balance between precautionary and responsive measures to deal with both the causes and the short and long-term consequences of this global phenomenon. ...
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Mediterranean: Myths and Sea (Med.My.Sea)

Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The project's Med.My.Sea general objective is to strengthen the economic and social cohesion among Mediterranean tourism destinations by the revitalisation and enhancement of cultural and environmental common heritage. A transnational network will be set up among authorities, SMEs and citizens of a cluster of Mediterranean islands and coastal zones. The network will cooperate with the common goal ...
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The project aims to connect planners and stakeholders in different regions to study and discuss good and bad practice in relation to built heritage. The project will specifically focus on built heritage in rural areas and the urban-rural partnership, as well as cultural heritage as an instrument of regional development. ...
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Experiment in Newcomer Integration (ENI)

Start date: Sep 30, 2005, End date: Oct 29, 2007,

The Project proposal aims at fostering the successful integration of refugees and immigrants at a community level.Four principles underlie the project’s approach to integration:- New Europeans should be involved significantly in decision-making processes;- Integration is a two-way process that implicates and benefits both newcomers and receiving community members;-Local Coalitions are among the ve ...
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Each year natural disasters harm people and nature and wreak considerably havoc on the economic activity and infrastructure of the areas concerned. In the regions involved in the RIMADIMA project natural disasters have caused immense damage. Many of the existing structures of risk and disaster management have not yet succeeded in preventing or mitigating major catastrophes. An improvement is requi ...
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Problems addressed• Decentralised cooperation in the Mediterranean area, despite of its historical importance and the enormous extent of its geographical, cultural and economical relevance, is made difficult by lack of appropriate rules, facilities and, as a consequence, is neglected by the first-line actors.• The integrating effort is focusing interests and resources towards the eastern borders o ...
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Smaller European wine areas in border regions, such as the regions participating in the operation VINUM EST - Integrated and Sustainable Development of Small European Wine Areas in Border Regions", share a range of limitations to development. These include limited resources for investment and innovation, and limited access to national or European markets as well as an underdeveloped service sector ...
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European Places of the Spirit (EST)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Jul 30, 2006,

The project main objective is the creation of a European network of areas and regions that are rich in spiritual and cultural traditions and heritage. The network will link together territories in Umbria (Italy), a region known as the ‘land of Saints’ for its stunning religious heritage, Marche (Italy), whose concentration of ‘sacred place’ is one of the highest in the Country and where there is o ...
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The GRIDS project is closely linked to previous EU initiatives, including both the INTERREG IIC projects on spatial planning, and the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP 1999) which identified principles of good practice in preparing Regional Development Strategies (e.g. polycentric rather than monocentric development). The GRIDS project involves sharing good (and bad) practice in prepa ...
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Social Electricity Online Platform

Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

Increasing energy demands and rising costs increase the concerns about rational energy management. Predictions denote that by the year 2030 the global demands will more than double, while prices for domestic energy consumption are becoming unaffordable. A core problem that hinders the awareness of European citizens about the implications of energy consumption is the absence of green ICT infrastruc ...
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The project “Membership Of Volunteering Experience!” is designed to young people especially with fewer opportunities coming from difficult backgrounds between ages of 18-30. The youngsters will have the possibility to go abroad for a period from 2 to 10 months to practice or gain new skill and live in the new community. EFM is going to implement the project together with partner organizations from ...
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Youth Exchages - Welcome!

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

The partnership-building activity (PBA) “Youth Exchanges - Welcome!” is designed to create a fertile platform for new, and creative ideas on youth exchange projects to be developed in the field of inclusion of young people living in rural and deprived urban areas. The unique 1+1 formula of the PBA will bring together both the representatives of young people themselves (who will be participating in ...
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A key objective of smart cities is the development and implementation of intelligent and sustainable mobility solutions. Urban areas consume up to 70% of the energy produced and transport is a leading sector consuming non renewable energy and producing the biggest amount of GHG emissions in cities (30% of total emissions). Within this context, urban freight distribution requires for innovative sol ...
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Youth wears Green!

Start date: Dec 2, 2011,

The project YwG:Youth wears Green is a multilateral youth exchange project,bringing together young people from France,Italy,Ireland,Georgia,Croatia,Serbia and Kosovo,and aiming at promoting active citizenship and volunteering at the local and European level,mainly on environmental issues.This project is placed in the framework of the European Year of Volunteering as well as the global environmenta ...
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