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Zero Emissions Communities (ZeroCO2)
Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions in smallest Mediterranean Communities through the creation of a collaboration scheme between local public institution and private entities, with the endorsement of citizens and entrepreneurs. The project foresees the design a public-private partnership (PPP) scheme to achieve the Zero emission communities goal and plans the realization of a Mediterranean awareness campaign to promote a Rational Energy Consumption Behaviour. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startAccording with common guidelines developed by project partners, in each pilot municipality a deep analysis of the main sources of pollution affecting the area has been carried out and a plan leading the municipality to the long term goal of the Zero Emission has been designed. According with the guideline developed, Strategic Partnerships among public bodies and private companies were set up and energy efficiency interventions are ongoing. Meanwhile in each territory a combined set of awareness raising actions targeted to: citizens consumers, pupils and entrepreneurs are implementing with the aim to obtain the deep and conscious engagement of the municipalities' citizenship in the creation of a Zero Emotion Community. The awareness actions have been supported by The Climate Caravan which from September to December 2011 has crossed Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal with thematic labs, expositions, performances.Latest project activities and outputsInterventions selected within each Sustainable Energy Action Plan are in starting up phase through the setting up of a partnership among public and private organizations in all countries. The selection of the private partner has been carried out through public procurement procedures and the relatives rules and responsibilities have been identified in the designed contract scheme. Meanwhile in each territory a combined set of awareness raising and consensus building actions targeted to: citizens consumers, pupils and entrepreneurs, are implementing with the aim to obtain the deep and conscious engagement of the municipalities' citizenship in the creation of a Zero Emotion Community.Next key steps for the projectNext project steps will be the conclusion of communication and awareness activities and the implementation of selected SEAP interventions in each area: all the procedures must be assessed in order to identify strengths and weaknesses. The results must be cross-matched with the provisional model, and according with the inputs of the pilot experience the final project manual must be drawn up, edited, published and presented in the final conference
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  • 75%   1 403 560,73
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants