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Effective Programmes for the Active Integration/Inclusion of the Roma in South- East Europe  (PAIRS)
Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Roma/Gipsy minority is the largest ethnic minority in Europe. Around 10-12 million Roma are estimated to live in Europe and approx. 68% of them in countries covered by the SEE program. The exclusion and social deprivation of the Roma is an untimely and unresolved problem in the whole area. Despite various of programs and initiatives targeting them, Roma communities in are still exposed to discrimination and segregation, and their equal access to work, education, social benefits, health care, adequate housing, other public services and justice is still limited. Problems related to the inclusion and integration of Roma in SEE are not isolated, neither is the two-fold challenge tackled by PAIRS: 1) the successful but fragmented actions and methods for integration, which do not reach the critical mass to influence policies/programming and which are not appropriately disseminated/transferred; 2) and the national/regional policies not taking into account of effective initiatives, and fail to cooperate with the civil society and other stakeholders in planning and policy design. Therefore PAIRS partners are approaching these challenges in a complementary, transnational manner, preparing concrete measures on the ground by capitalising of each other's experiences and know-how to 1) elaborate/adopt methods and improve existing good practices and programmes which are effective in reaching target groups and ensure the long term integration of the Roma population to be used by civil society organisations and public administrations; 2) demonstrate the added value and evidence of transnationally explored bottom up activities and to facilitate the streamlining of the lessons learned from these methods and initiatives to European and national programming for a better governance of Roma integration issues. The PAIRS partnership involves 18 (11 financing) partners from 8 SEE (5 ERDF, 2 IPA and 1 ENPI) countries where the exclusion of Roma population represents a high policy priority. The consortium provides a horizontal and vertical combination of various expertise and competences in governance (national and local) and programme implementation (local/regional/national level, on several thematic fields). As a RESULT of partners' and ASPs' joint activities in the two content-Work Packages include: 1. Existing good practices/methods of integration are identified, analysed and disseminated, and their elements are transferable by a Toolbox. 2. Elements of good practices are transferred to local/regional environments/communities through action plans, initiating the future full scale implementation of these solutions. 3. A permanent network sustains the interactive knowledge exchange and dialogue amongst practitioners even after the project lifespan. 4. Key stakeholders of Roma integration are engaged in policy dialogue and mutual learning, as a first step towards enhanced policies and evidence-based programmes. 5. A common methodology for participatory policy dialogue on the topic of Roma integration is elaborated. 6. EU and national level policy recommendations common positions are formulated on the desirable orientation of funding programmes of 2014-2020 period. Through these results, the project will offer integrated, sustainable solutions, with the consent of all important stakeholders of Roma inclusion, that will be convertible to programming. More effective and widely used integration methods and evidence based programming and funding schemes targeted to Roma inclusion will help achieve the aim of the Europe 2020 strategy to lift 20 million people out of poverty in the next 10 years. PAIRS results will also contribute to strategic objectives of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020, which states that more effective and efficient use of financial resources targeted to the integration and social inclusion of the Roma is required. Achievements: Malteser Albania continues to give its contribution, in assisting Roma and Egyptian Communities, with the aim to involve them actively in society through various services in areas it offers.Being a partner of the PAIRS project, together with the Ministry of Labour and other stakeholders, Malteser has organized many different activities and meetings about the Roma and Egyptian Communities.The appointed meeting was "Employment - opportunities and challenges", which was held in Shkodra, on November 5, 2014. Its aim was to involve and aware interested stakeholders in encouraging the employment of Roma and Egyptian Communities in our country. During its study visits Malteser has been presented with initiatives which aim the encouragement of employment in these communities in the partner countries of the project. During its meeting with the representatives, the Malteser staff presented its work done in cooperation with local and national stakeholders in order to extend the lessons gained from effective methods of promoting employment.More specifically, two good practices were presented on encouraging employment among Roma and Egyptian Communities, like "Dry cleaning and ironing" and "Labour Mediators", which are supposed to be transferred to the local context. Discussions were also held about employment encouraging programs by the public administration. Representatives of civil society organizations, participants in this meeting, presented examples of good practices.Very active in this meeting were the Director of the Regional Office of Employment Shkodra, who offered suggestions and recommendations on this topic; the Director of the Regional Directorate on Vocational Training in Shkodra, who extensively informed on educational programs for target groups, and representatives from Regional Social Services, Municipality, County, from various NGOs and Roma and Egyptian Communities.In the frame of the PAIRS project Effective Programs for the Active Integration/Inclusion of the Roma in South-East Europe, based on local action plan, on 27-28 October 2014, another study visit was held in Milan, Italy.Since Albania itself, partner in this project, is trying to implement a good practice, it has participated in this study visit to see how this good practice on Employment is implemented in Italy.The study visit helped the Albanian participants to exchange information and see ways of collaboration. A mediator of the Roma Community, collaborator with Malteser Albania, was present in this study visit.

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  • 85%   1 554 156,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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10 Partners Participants