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Mediterranean: Myths and Sea (Med.My.Sea)
Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project's Med.My.Sea general objective is to strengthen the economic and social cohesion among Mediterranean tourism destinations by the revitalisation and enhancement of cultural and environmental common heritage. A transnational network will be set up among authorities, SMEs and citizens of a cluster of Mediterranean islands and coastal zones. The network will cooperate with the common goal of improving the efficiency of tourism services and infrastructures and make operators provide a sustainable and innovative sea tourism product. The new competitive arena of tourism is based on destinations capacity to effectively manage cultural diversities of peoples: the growing wish of authenticity of tourists can be satisfied only by the enhancement of destination culture and resources. But the integration of cultures, sometimes extremely diverse, as well as environmental risks, require new management frameworks and competences: alternative and sustainable tailor-made products must be organized in order to meet customers attitudes and perceptions without altering destination specificity and community identity. This diversity - in terms of, for example, ways of living, traditions, religions - has the potential to be an important strength if managed in an integrated and cohesive manner. Mare nostrums is both the cradle of world history and a unique and great ecosystem: its distinctive resources must be the main building block for countries cohesion and sustainable development. Citizens and entrepreneurs must recognize their own ancient identity, also through myths and legends, and the high value of the Meds ecosystem and cultural heritage. Tourists must be helped in enjoying an experience that is authentic and instructive. The projects actions are aimed at the creation of an integrated zone in the Med fully equipped and trained to provide a sustainable tourism sea product: a sail-board tour through the Mediterranean myths and sea. The intervention areas are among the most attractive destinations of the world. Strategic objectives and main activities - carried out by a network of local administrations, universities, research bodies, DMOs and Chambers from Italy and Greece - are: • Drive destinations to a balanced and sustainable development by studying and carrying out a common improvement plan based on the close analysis of socio-economic systems and resources of excellence. Results and data will be evaluated and compared by GIS database in order to identify follow up interventions. • Reducing tourism flows seasonality and concentration and improvement of SMEs efficiency. Activities will be addressed to improve infrastructures, workforces and services in order to supply an alternative and sustainable tourism product during school period: a study trip along the Mediterranean aimed at informing students of Magna Graecias myths and the Med eco-system. • Improvement of sustainable use of endogenous resources. Actions will improve firms environmental awareness and actively involve local communities to spread environmental awareness and heritage value. • Integration of marketing strategies: institutions and firms will jointly promote the areas with new technologies and design a common marketing strategy for Sail tourism. Expected Results: Network among five Med sites, new professional jobs, improvement of actors environmental awareness, new destination management model; alternative product.
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  • 56.9%   564 971,31
  • 2000 - 2006 Archimed
  • Project on KEEP Platform

8 Partners Participants