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ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main objective is to build the first European IoT ecosystem across 9 Deployment Sites (DS) in seven European countries, reusing and scaling up underlying open and proprietary IoT platforms, technologies and standards, and integrating new interfaces needed to provide interoperability across these heterogeneous ...
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WiseGRID has two intertwined and equally important strategic goals: on the one hand, it aims at successfully putting in the market, within a horizon of 24 months after project completion, a set of solutions and technologies which increase the smartness, stability and security of an open, consumer-centric European energy grid, with an enhanced use of storage technologies and a highly increased shar ...
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Living in a safe and secure society is a fundamental human need. The security of critical infrastructures must be maintained so that supplies of power, water or other resources are secured. Modern critical infrastructures are increasingly complex and they are turning into Cyber-Physical Infrastructures because ICT is growing in importance in infrastructure management.The SUCCESS project will dev ...
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Abriendo las puertas a Europa: El IES Al-Qázeres en el mapa

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

“Opening the Doors to Europe: Al-Qázeres High School on the Map” is a project framed in Key Action 101, within the Erasmus+ framework programme. This project belongs to Al-Qázeres High School (Cáceres, Extremadura, SPAIN) which, according to the Educational Authorities, is located in a working-class environment, with families belonging to a medium-low socioeconomic level, according to the ISEC Rep ...
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Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy encompasses Solar Thermal Electricity (STE), Solar Fuels, Solar Process Heat and Solar Desalination that are called to play a major role in attaining energy sustainability in our modern societies due to their unique features: 1) Solar energy offers the highest renewable energy potential to our planet; 2) STE can provide dispatchable power in a technically and eco ...
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More than 5 million people under 25 are unemployed in EU today. According to “Rethinking Education” initiative (2012), in order to build “skills for the 21st century”, efforts are needed to develop skills such as entrepreneurship, which should be given particular attention, since they enhance employability of people. Entrepreneurship is included in national curricula to VET of many EU countries bu ...
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The Secondary School "IES Politécnico Hermenegildo Lanz" in Granada submits this Erasmus + Project for VET learners in companies and staff training abroad in order to increase their training and competences, to open a range of new working possibilities and to create a collaborative network that increases the awareness of European citizenship. This project includes 3 different activities: one for ...
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The scientific targets of the EUROSUNMED project are the development of new technologies in three energy field areas, namely photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP) and grid integration (GI), in strong collaboration with research institutes, universities and SMEs from Europe in the north side of the Mediterranean sea and from Morocco and Egypt from the south of the sea. The focus in PV ...
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INCONET-GCC2's overall goal is to support the institutional bi-regional policy dialogue in Science, Technology and Innovation, to strengthen the bi-regional cooperation between research and innovation actors, especially in the context of the upcoming Horizon 2020 programme and finally to monitor progress in the bi-regional STI cooperation.INCONET-GCC2 builds on the results of previous cooperation ...
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Active therapeutic biodegradable and biocompatible materials are highly in demand. These are required for the production of medicinal products in a variety of areas including implant technology, tissue engineering, drug delivery and wound healing. Within implant technology such biomaterials can be used for dental, bone and cardiovascular implants. Tailored mechanical properties, biocompatibility a ...
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The project SKILL JOB MATCH PLUS is a ERASMUS + KA1 mobility project that comprise VET learners mobility and also VET STAFF mobility. The mobility of VET learners is aimed at recent graduates from VET schools aged between 18 and 28 years old (the participants will undertake their training placement abroad within one year of their graduation) and they will realize a VET training abroad in the follo ...
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QUALITY - W 2014

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Even if the tourism and services sectors are now facing difficult times, many areas in Italy have the requirements to set up centres for a new development model, based on the aware and sustainable use of local resources. The main resource to count on is the human one, especially formed in prospect of the new generations who will have to be provided with suitable knowledge and skills, both professi ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The MOSES project is addressed to 60 students taking part in their initial vocational training in the social health care sector (vocational institutes for social services) in the region of Tuscany, in particular from the Institute of Secondary Education Elsa Morante of Florence (30 students) and the Institute of Secondary Education Signorelli di Cortona (30 students) and is aimed at spreading stud ...
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This project was addressed to students of Vocational Training of the Instituto Politécnico Hermenegildo Lanz of Granada. In particular, the students’ specialties included Car bodywork, Automatic Electrical Installations and Microsystems and Networks. The mobility was carried out in three different destinations: in Forlì (Italy), Berlin (Germany) and Cork (Ireland). The project was divided into two ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

After the success of EMPLEATE CON EUROPA (2014-1-ES01-KA102-001801), the Consortium consisting by Oviedo City Council (as beneficiary and sending organization through 3 of its workshop schools), Secondary School Pando, Secondary School Doctor Fleming and School- Foundation Masaveu, decides to repeat the experience by the implementation of EUROEMPLEATE II. This Consortium believes in the need to co ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

LUCUSMUNDI project, requested through the Consortium, approved by the Council of Lugo, through Espazo>Lab/CEI-Nodus (coordinator), together with three VET organisation which provide Practical Training Cycles in the city of Lugo (Escola de Arte e Superior de Deseño Ramón Falcón, IES Muralla Romana e IES Sanxillao), has the general objective of improving employability of young qualified people in th ...
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FREsnel for Solar Heat with New Receiver and Geometry (FRESH NRG)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

FRESH NRG will target efficiency of 60% at 250°C with a Linear Fresnel Collector (LFC) optimized for industrial use. Our integrated approach will design, implement and test disruptive innovations in 4 key parts of the value chain.Highly innovative sol-gel coatings will target robustness, durability and performance (transmittance >96%, absorbtivity >95%, emissivity250°C 90 to limit heat losses. Ult ...
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Dorothy Project is targeted to develop the potential of innovation and research in the four Regions Tuscany (Italy),Valencia (Spain),Lisbon and Tagus (Portugal) and Oltenia (Romania) composing the Consortium in the field of Urban Logistics, one of the main focus of attention of the Flagship Initiative. In fact UL could reach 40% of the total cost of transportation and has great relevancy for ener ...
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XPTO+ eXcellence in Professional Training Opportunities

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The XPTO + project was promoted by the "Consortium XPTO +", which was coordinated EUROYOUTH and composed by the sending schools: Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo André (AESA), Escola Profissional de Fafe (EP Fafe) and Instituto da Soldadura e Qualidade (ISQ). XPTO + The result of a convergence of ideas and wills between all partners, for, in consortium, send graduates of vocational training of nat ...
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Project in brief Poverty and social exclusion take complex and multi-dimensional forms which require the mobilisation of a wide range of policies and actors. Alongside employment policy, social and intercultural dialogue has a pre-eminent role to play, while the importance of other factors such as housing, health, culture and communication should also be acknowledged. The Mediterranean area is fac ...
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Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana (AthenaPlus)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

AthenaPlus will build on the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where LIDO and the ATHENA Ingestion Server and Mapping Tool (MINT), widely used across the Europeana's ecosystem of projects including the ongoing Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other ...
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Empléate con Europa

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Oviedo City Council promoted European mobility in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci programs, to improve employability and increase chances of young people from Oviedo in the labor market. After a very positive experience, the Council decided to promote the creation of a Consortium with 3 centers of Secondary Education from Oviedo, within the Erasmus programs, in order to give young people wi ...
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The Biowalk4Biofuels Project aims to develop an alternative and innovative system for biowaste energy recovery and use of GHG emissions to produce biofuels, using macroalgae as a catalyser, in a multidisciplinary approach. The objectives of the project are: production of a cost-efficient biogas without using cereal crops; optimise the production of biogas per amount of biowaste and CO2 used, with ...
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Increase Innovation and Research within Security Organisations (INSec)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2014,

Research within Security Organizations by analyzing the main aspects of Innovation Management in security-related operators (end-users), both public and private and not only in terms of quantity but also quality. It is important to assist these organisations to become conscious of the importance of managing Research and Innovation activities.INSec will establish a framework that will contribute to ...
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The overall aim of the NanoCelluComp project is to develop a technology to utilise the high mechanical performance of cellulose nanofibres, obtained from food processing waste streams, combined with bioderived matrix materials, for the manufacture of high performance composite materials that will replace glass and carbon fibre reinforced plastics in many applications including transportation, wind ...
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Jordan Conservation of Cultural Heritage in ERA (JOCHERA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

"The Jordan Conservation of Cultural Heritage in ERA – JOCHERA project is aiming at overall reinforcement of University of Jordan, Hamdi Mango Center for Scientific Research (HMCSR) in Jordan cooperation capacities for cultural heritage protection research in the context of the European Research Area and development to the Conservation centre of excellence to respond to Jordan’s socio-economic nee ...
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Automated and cost effective maintenance for railway (ACEM Rail)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

ACEM-Rail project deals with automation and optimisation of railway infrastructure maintenance. It focuses on the track. The final goal is to reduce costs, time and resources required for maintenance activities and increase the availability of the infrastructure. The project includes both conventional and high speed lines.ACEM-Rail project will mean an important step forward in railway infrastruct ...
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The WASSERMed project will analyse, in a multi-disciplinary way, ongoing and future climate induced changes in hydrological budgets and extremes in southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East under the frame of threats to national and human security. A climatic and hydrological component directly addresses the reduction of uncertainty and quantification of risk. This component will provide a ...
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MODERN - MObility, Development and Energy use ReductioN (MODERN)

Start date: Oct 15, 2008, End date: Feb 14, 2013,

The project outlines a bold package of integrated measures in all the cities of the consortium, and covers all the areas required by the CIVITAS PLUS programme. The project shows ambitious goals which will have a substantial impact on the state of the mobility in the cities and a good visibility at the European level, mixing measures with large scale application actions based in existing and comme ...
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SafeLand will develop generic quantitative risk assessment and management tools and strategies for landslides at local, regional, European and societal scales and establish the baseline for the risk associated with landslides in Europe, to improve our ability to forecast landslide hazard and detect hazard and risk zones. The scientific work packages in SafeLand are organised in five Areas: Area 1 ...
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Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures (SMooHS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

Historic structures are often of extraordinary architecture, design or material. The conservation of such structures for next European generations is one of the main future tasks. To conserve historic structures it is more and more required to understand the deterioration processes mainly caused by the environment. In certain cases continuous monitoring systems have been installed to obtain inform ...
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Background An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), as defined according to ISO TR 14025, gives the possibility of communicating objective, comparable and credible information relating to the environmental performance of products. At international level, a working group has been established within the ISO organisation (ISO/TC 207/SC 3) to define a Tec ...
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Crime and instability in urban areas emerge from a variety of factors, for example, economic decline; poor urban planning; pre-existing ethnic/religious divides; endemic organised or gang crime; tensions due to immigration; environmental disasters; etc. Such problems persist in many European cities and are likely to be amplified by the recent economic downturn. There is a need to identify and tack ...
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Mobilog aims to provide a new-based bottom-up but well structured and multi-lingual service at the European level for peer-to peer exchange of experiences of individual mobile students in a web long area containing all aspects of mobile studies like motivation, social issues, communication and cultural issues apart from organisational and administrative problems and how students overcame these obs ...
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According to the main aim of the Bologna-Process mobile studies within the European Union shall be enabled free of organisational and administrative obstacles until 2010. By 2012 a number of at least 3 million individual participants in student mobility shall be reached. Besides necessity to reduce organisational barriers the number of mobile students in reality will also depend on decisions of in ...
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The LAS-SME's project aims at the development and introduction of training methods and support tools, able to respond to the language communication needs of SME's, particularly those in the manufacturing sector. In order to achieve this, an audit system will be designed, developed and tested in addition to the design and introduction of new training paths for the sector. The audit system will comp ...
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The project is primarily looking at the need to refine and identify skills in mentors who are concerned with re-structuring training courses; it also addresses the need to expand and experiment new tools in a bid to go against stereotypes that resist changes when confronting young women emerging from professional training and secondary school, and also adult women re-seeking employment. The projec ...
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This projects aims at introducing innovation and improvement of the quality of the teaching and learning processes. More specifically, this project aims to plan, test out, approve and disseminate a course in acquisition of basic computer literacy skills as well as vocational know-how for employees in the metal engineering sector. The course will use blended training methodologies and an open-sourc ...
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Italian-Rumanian Language Project addressed to 2 target groups: (1) the Rumanian adult women working in Italy as home carers or currently living in Romania but planning to emigrate towards Italy,(2) Italian business people looking for activities in Rumania. It aims at the teaching and learning of Italian through the use of Radio, considered as very popular and of easier access than computer. Two b ...
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This project sets out to produce a training system for certain categories of staff in SMEs concerned by the new requirements introduced under the Basel II agreement on capital adequacy. The initiative will benefit financial consultants to SMEs, entrepreneurs and administrative and financial staff. The end products will be distance-learning modules, virtual communities and electronic portals.
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