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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The MOSES project is addressed to 60 students taking part in their initial vocational training in the social health care sector (vocational institutes for social services) in the region of Tuscany, in particular from the Institute of Secondary Education Elsa Morante of Florence (30 students) and the Institute of Secondary Education Signorelli di Cortona (30 students) and is aimed at spreading student mobility in the social health care field in Europe. Objectives of the project: - To give students the opportunity to acquire or improve skills to "experience" in care services for the elderly and childcare experience through internships abroad; - Motivate students to study more profitable; - To motivate young people to become promoters of mobility abroad among their peers and thus spread the opportunities offered by the European Union - Promote intercultural dialogue and a deeper sense of European identity and citizenship among young people; - Encourage the use of ECVET in European countries ; Results of the project for participants : - An improvement in technical and professional skills , linguistic - communicative - Develop the acquisition of an entrepreneurial mindset useful to deal with increased awareness of future educational and professional choices - An improvement of skills " from experience," Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and civic competence , digital and language , business and cultural expression as well as learning how to learn throughout their lifetime - A personal development that allows to finish their schooling , with adequate preparation to the demands of the local labor market . - Improvement of the level of study and of their autonomy thanks to the international mobility, certification , validation and recognition of the same . The results of the project for the promoter and the partners can be measured in terms of: - Acquisition and improvement of skills in the management of international networks and routes of international mobility. - Acquisition or improvement of the ability to organize and manage training of future professionals in quality of health and social sectors ; The mobilities will be 3 weeks (1 week of cultural and logistic preparation and two weeks of internship) and will take place in Spain and United Kingdom during March 2015 (Signorelli) and in May of 2015 (Elsa Morante) when the students must carry out their training internship provided by their education. In the year 2016 mobility will be place in same months.

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