European Projects
Empléate con Europa
Empléate con Europa
Start date: Oct 1, 2014,
End date: Sep 30, 2015
Oviedo City Council promoted European mobility in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci programs, to improve employability and increase chances of young people from Oviedo in the labor market. After a very positive experience, the Council decided to promote the creation of a Consortium with 3 centers of Secondary Education from Oviedo, within the Erasmus programs, in order to give young people with Vocational Training and the participants in the municipal Workshop School with professional certificates the opportunity to go on these mobility programs. This new group is composed by people who, mostly, have very specific problems, not only with their learning path, but also with their life circumstances. For these people the experience of mobility is not a priority or is inaccessible due to lack of resources, mainly economic.
The main objective of the project was to increase the chances of employment of these people adapting their professional profiles to the needs of the labor market today and to improve their language, occupational, relational and intercultural skills, all in a European context. Mobility implies, above all, personal growth and development of individual autonomy and at the same time undergoing a process of learning/improvement of a language other than own, knowledge of new forms and methods of work and business organization, the development of the capacity to adapt, to be flexible and, even the development of the entrepreneurial spirit.
This goal has been achieved thanks to the implementation of 90-day periods of practical training in Czech Republic, Italy and Portugal.
Before the start of the mobility experiences, the City Council organized, in Oviedo, various language courses (English, Italian and Portuguese, respectively) of 25 hours each. Labor orientated training modules (active job search 2.0) on prevention of occupational hazards were also organized, socio-cultural information given to each participant and interest issues were resolved on each destination country.
The project was initially planned for 17 people but finally involved 15 (6 women and 9 men) due to family reasons with some selected participants. There were 3 people from the municipal Workshop School “Tradition and Innovation" and 12 from the Vocational Schools of the Secondary Schools from the Consortium. Of these, 5 people carried out Administrative management, 2 Graphic Arts, 2 Consumer Electronics Equipment, 1 Machining Expert, 1 Mechanical and hydraulic installation of solar thermal systems y 1 Installation and maintenance driving equipment. From the City Council Workshop, 1 with Professional Certificate of Touristic Promotion y 2 from Development Multimedia Publishing Products. The ages of the participants ranged from 19 to 35 years, mainly between 22 and 24 years old.
The results and impacts achieved are grouped into two levels:
1) Professional: specialization in the educational sector; acquisition of new knowledge and practice of the previously acquired; experience to add to your CV; knowledge of the operation of a business in a particular sector; technological learning; improvement of job skills; practice and improvement of second-language at the professional level
2) Personal: knowledge of other European countries and new habits, improve social skills, improving language skills, acquisition of maturity, initiative, autonomy, responsiveness and adaptation, more integrated vision of Europe.
The experience of these participants has served as a motivation to others that want to participate in 2015.
Long term, the program will contribute to it having more skilled people in the local labor market and that the participants have higher expectations of employment.