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LAS-SME's - Language Audit System for Training Priority and Training Path Definition in SME's in the Manufacturing Sector

The LAS-SME's project aims at the development and introduction of training methods and support tools, able to respond to the language communication needs of SME's, particularly those in the manufacturing sector. In order to achieve this, an audit system will be designed, developed and tested in addition to the design and introduction of new training paths for the sector. The audit system will comprise training methodologies, procedures and tools able to be used in the analysis of language training needs and the sourcing of appropriate training solutions for individual companies. The primary results of the project will comprise a study on how to define a comprehensive system for classifying linguistic knowledge in terms of real communication skills; an analysis of SME language communication needs; a system for skills assessment and a programme for the development of training programmes to meet identified needs. Dissemination activities will include the distribution of support publications and CD-Rom, in addition to the introduction of a dedicated project website. Primary beneficiaries of the project will be SME's within the manufacturing sector, vocational training providers and trainers/designers of training programmes.
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