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LALERA – Corso per l'apprendimento della lingua italiana attraverso la radio rivolto alle badanti rumene e di lingua rumena per imprenditori italiani

Italian-Rumanian Language Project addressed to 2 target groups: (1) the Rumanian adult women working in Italy as home carers or currently living in Romania but planning to emigrate towards Italy,(2) Italian business people looking for activities in Rumania. It aims at the teaching and learning of Italian through the use of Radio, considered as very popular and of easier access than computer. Two broadcasting companies of Romania are involved, the relevant radio-programmes will focus the Italian work language of care as well as situations typical of the home care context, mixing the linguistic contents with basic elements of Italian cultural background, music, entertainment and leaving space to a tutored session of telephone calls by the public. A two level course will be developed by the radio teaching modules in order to provide the audience with final linguistic competencies of level European Framework A2. On the other side , the course of Romanian language for Italians is based on internet, on the project website audio stream and is aimed at the learning of basic elements for reading, writing and speaking -- OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: Due to the important Romanian immigration in Italy ,the general objective consists in strengthening the social and cultural links between Italy and Romania, while the specific objective is to support the growing presence in Italy of Romanian women working as home carers with a sufficient linguistic competence. And when possible give the same competence to those nowadays still in Romania but aiming at searching a job in Italy. Activities: setting up the human and technical infrastructure for adapting the programme of language teaching and learning to the broadcasting requirements: such as to reach an audience- in Romania- of at least 10.000 people per year -- RESULTS AND PRODUCTS: The expected outcomes are.(1) the radio based course of Italian, and the corresponding website based edition on internet in a audio streaming version;(2) the internet based course of Romanian for Italian businessmen. The products: (1) A printed Report on the theoretical and methodological background of the linguistic training via radio and internet. (2) the relevant training programmes (3) the printed and virtual materials for a consistent dissemination activity -- POTENTIAL FUTURE: Possible expansion of the current project ,duly re-made, to other Countries.

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