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GNSS is being used for an ever increasing number of safety, security, business and policy critical applications and GNSS functionality is being embedded into many parts of critical infrastructures. International economies are now dependent on GNSS positioning and timing services. At the same time, GNSS vulnerabilities are being exposed and threats to denial of GNSS service are increasing. There ...
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"PRO.MOT.E. - PROmoting MObiliTy for Entrepreneurs"

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The Italian region of Molise has extraordinary treasures: unique food tradition, ancient culture, natural heritage. These features are often unknown to local population and the rest of the world. The project PRO.MOT.E aims at supporting the mobility of 100 young people coming from Polytechnic and Professional Schools located in Molise. The participants will have the opportunity to carry out a 120 ...
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D.A.N.T.E. - Development of Activities of Internship for Trainees in the European Union is a mobility project addressed to 100 young VET Learners available on the labour market and resident in the Tuscany Region, who at the date of publication of the notice meet all of the following requirements: Italian or EU-28 citizens, enjoyment of all civil and political rights, status of unemployed person / ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The D.O.I.T project revolves around european mobility in two fields such us Gastronomy and Cooking VET and Restaurant Services VET. It is destinated to a group of 14 young people from 3 different training centres who will be able to enjoy an intership abroad in two hosting countries, Italy and United Kingdom. In this framework it is also considered the possibility that 2 teachers could carry out a ...
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ADMinistrative prOcedures in foreign compaNies

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Ces-Vega Media, Vet-Learners School, has decided to work on this project about mobility for six students in Administrative Procedures with the aim to help them to carry out a placement in a foreign country, so that they could learn new tools, different ways of life, face new professional and personal challenges that will make them grow at both personal and professional level. But also the school w ...
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The project titled "Wake up! Intensification of non-formal youth education in Lobez commune with the help of international partnerships' strategics" will be implemented in Łobez Commune, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in the Polish-German border region. The area is characterized by high level of unemployment, as well as economic, cultural, educational and social negligence. Enormous stagnation has c ...
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Forum ROMAnum - Interactive Theatre Games Inclusing Roma Minorities

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

According to experts in few years the Roma question becomes an interior problem of the European Union, and can not be leaved only on those nations which deal with integrity problems. Critical social and financial background of gypsies threats the social cohesion of the whole Community, and slows down the fight against extreme poverty stated in the Lisbon Process. There is an urgent need of innovat ...
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Get engaged!

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

Get engaged! project is a long-term strategic partnership among 3 organisations across Europe. The project is 20 month long and aims to provide professional support for umbrella organisations working in the youth field. The project idea was born out of an experienced problem that we face during our daily work. One of the biggest challenge is the lack of active participation and motivation from our ...
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The project “Open Up! The vital role of youth organisations regarding the inclusion of young refugees” will gather over 20 international youth organisations and national youth councils to pursue one common goal: encouraging youth organisations to “open up” for young refugees/migrants and to shape youth policies focusing on the inclusion of young refugees/migrants.This will be done in a two-step pr ...
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The project GLOCAL 2015 (Grant Opportunities for Learning in european Countries Aimed at promoting local development) fits the local, regional (Campania) context where has arisen which is particularly affected by the problem of youth unemployment. According to ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics), the main supplier of official statistical information in Italy, most recent national accounts dat ...
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European Mobility in the Manufacturing sector

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project aims at developing a European dimension in the vocational training system (VET) and in the business system on the territory of Brianza, through the implementation of mobility for different targets in the manifacturing sector (wood-furniture, mechanical, electricity). These fields have been chosen both because they are fundamental in the Brianza and Lombardy economy and also because the ...
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Actions for Training and Internships in COmpanies

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

"A.T.I.CO. - Actions for Training and Internships in COmpanies" is a mobility project addressed to 50 young people high school graduates, within 12 months from graduation, available on the labor market (unemployed/ unoccupied) and residents in the Region of Calabria, which at the date of publication of the call, are in possession of the following requirements: Italian citizenship, have full civil ...
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European Youngs in Enterprises

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project proposal conceived and submitted by Confindustria Vibo Valentia is directed to 100 recently graduates who aspire to access the world of young entrepreneurship and focuses on a period of mobility abroad to be carried out in one of the following countries: United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, Belgium . The context in which this mobility opportunity is offered will stimulate creativity and inn ...
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The Structured Dialogue is likely one of the most innovative and advanced process of Youth Participation in the world. It offer opportunity for number of young people, youth organizations, states-member, institution to engage together in a cyclic process leading to political results. However, the conclusions and orientations adopted at European level in this frame often fail to be transposed in th ...
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Start date: Dec 13, 2013, End date: Dec 12, 2016,

Some of them are still unfinished, others are already destroyed. Some are emptied from their former function and looking for new content, some are going strong serving the same purpose they’ve been built for. Architecturally, some of them were ahead of their time, others were hopelessly behind. All of them are loved and hated, nicknamed or re-named as the regimes pass by. All of them are biggest, ...
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Mobility in Europe for Vocational Training

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project aims to implement a European dimension of learning in the vocational training system and in the business system on the territory of Como, through the implementation of mobility for different targets in the catering and hotel sector and in the wellness industry. Objectives - Increase the chances of employment for young people in the local and European labor market through the enhancemen ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

T he FORMAZIONE project, promoted by "Ferrante Aporti" Cooperativa Sociale,in collaboration with partners, is the result of a careful analysis of the Apulia region and overall of southern Italy .It has been found, a great acceleration of the economic crisis, often caused the lack of social inclusion for those individuals with special needs arising from a situation of social, family, economic disad ...
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Gastronomy Union of Skills and Traineeships for Occupation

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

G.U.S.T.O. is a mobility project with a training period abroad , for 100 young people, students and new graduates belonging to or coming from Professional Institute , IPSSEOA " Pittoni " Pagani (SA), of which: - 70 VET students belonging to the 4th and 5th year addressed in the service sector for gastronomy and hospitality; - 30 young VET students (graduated within 1 year from obtaining the qual ...
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FCT en Europa

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The SCM Teide-Hease consists of three different state-subsidised Vocational Training Schools in 3 different levels of education in the Comunidad de Madrid. In 2012 our entity was awarded by the Management System with the European Seal of Excellence 400+. -2013, a new Strategy Plan is written whose main purpose is "To Modernise and Internationalise Vocational Training". Thus, a committee was creat ...
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The Arc

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

"Who do YOU dare to be and which IMPACT do you want to stand for?" CONTEXT, BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The Arc Training has been developed against the background of the recommendations by the Triple Presidency of Ireland, Lithuania and Greece within the Structured Dialogue. These were: (1) The provision of quality youth work incl. social impact measurement (Ireland) (2) The inclusion of NEETs (Lith ...
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“Diálogo Estruturado em Movimento”

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

With the start of the Italian presidency, the 4th cycle of the European Process of the Structured Dialogue (SD) started, thereby opening the opportunity for CNJ and their counterparts to debate how to implement this new cycle in their respective countries. By implementing this project, the quality of the consultations of the 4th cycle was intended to be improved. The goal of the project was to ana ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Mar 30, 2015,

En se dotant d’une stratégie transfrontalière commune en matière de marketing dans les domaines du marché de l’emploi et des réseaux informatiques, le projet Euregiolog³ s’est donné pour but d’améliorer le pouvoir concurrentiel de l’Euregio Meuse-Rhin (EMR).Par une image de marque commune aux membres, les partenaires de ce projet cherchent à mieux profiler l’EMR comme région logistique de pointe.D ...
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Structured Dialogue on the Move

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

The study visit will focus on the analysis of the Structured Dialogue process to date and good practices implemented in each EU Member State. Decisions arising from the process of Structured Dialogue directly affect young people and the study visit aims to exchange knowledge, experience and further cooperation between persons directly involved to the process. As part of the study visit a meeting w ...
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Séminaire pour conseils de jeunesse - BBC+

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 1, 2015,

National Youth Councils are supposed to represent youth on national, european and international level. For many of these young people, who sometimes even make their first contact with european youth policy, it is difficult to get a general insight into the mechanisms and all the youth related topics discussed at the different levels. For them, but also for any other actor in the youth sector it is ...
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Grensoverschrijdende Cluster Stimulering (GCS)

Start date: Nov 30, 2011, End date: Nov 29, 2014,

Le Projet EMuRgency combine développements technologiques et innovations éducatives afin d’améliorer la sensibilisation et le niveau de formation relative à la prise en charge de l’arrêt cardio-respiratoire dans l’Euregio Meuse-Rhin. L’objectif final du projet est l’amélioration du nombre de réanimations cardio-pulmonaires initiées par les citoyens avant l’arrivée des services de secours.Un réseau ...
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Technology Transfer and Recruiting in Rural Areas  (TeTRRA)

Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

Le projet transfrontalier « TeTRRA – Technology Transfer and Recruiting in Rural Areas » a pour objectif de stimuler le transfert de technologie entre les hautes écoles/universités, les centres de recherche et les petites et moyennes entreprises innovantes (PME) situées dans les régions rurales de lEuregio Meuse-Rhin (EMR). Linitiation et lextension des échanges entre les acteurs de la science et ...
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Future Proof for Cure and Care (Zorgberoepen)

Start date: Aug 31, 2011, End date: Aug 30, 2014,

Le projet Future Proof for Cure and Care cadre avec la tendance grandissante en matière de soins transfrontaliers où les patients cherchent des soins au-delà des frontières nationales. Il permettra ainsi une meilleure communication entre les patients et les prestataires de soins, ainsi quune meilleure collaboration entre les prestataires de soins au-delà des frontières la réalisation des premiers ...
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wards Top Technology Cluster (towards TTC)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

...s de favoriser le développement du potentiel économique et technologi-que de cette région, déjà considérable, mais pas encore suffisamment imbriqué au niveau transfrontalier. Dautre part, il sagit daméliorer le contexte institutionnel de la coopération transfrontalière et de positionner sur léchiquier européen et sur les différentes cartes nationales cette nouvelle région fonctionnelle en gestatio ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Le but du projet est la création d’un portail commun aux 5 régions partenaires de l'Euregio Meuse-Rhin à partir de standards ouverts permettant la promotion, la gestion en vue de la vente et le recensement, à l’échelon eurégional, de terrains situés dans des parcs d’activités économiques ou sites à vocation industrielle.Toutefois, le projet ne se limite pas aux parcs d’activités économiques exista ...
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Automotive Cluster EMR 2012 (Automotive Cluster)

Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

Le projet a pour but d´appuyer le développement et le positionnement international de l´industrie automobile dans l´Euregio Meuse-Rhin (EMR) en unissant les compétences de chaque partenaire. Ceci résulte de l´étroite collaboration entre les organisations de Clusters automobiles eurégionaux et les agences de développement économique correspondantes.Les objectifs suivants ont été fixés:• Présenter e ...
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Sustainable Industrial Sites (SIS)

Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

Ce projet vise à mettre à la disposition des planificateurs, des décideurs, des agences de promotion économique ainsi que des entreprises, des instruments transfrontaliers susceptibles dêtre utilisés pour la mise en place de zones industrielles durables ou spécialisées dans les énergies renouvelables.Concrètement le projet SIS a trois objectifs majeurs :• Concevoir, tester et appliquer les instrum ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jan 20, 2012,

Avec une forte concentration dentreprises, de centres de recherche, duniversités et de hautes écoles, lEuregio Meuse-Rhin (EMR) est un carrefour de talents important pour les sciences du vivant. En 2007, différents acteurs de cet espace transfrontalier faisaient le constat que les entreprises y éprouvaient néanmoins beaucoup de difficultés en matière de recrutement et de mobilité transfrontalière. ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Ziel des Projekts war es, neue Innovationsimpulse für die Automobilindustriezu schaffen. Hierzu wollten die Partner die Zusammenarbeit zwischen denAutomobilunternehmen und den Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungenweiter intensivieren. Die Projektaktivitäten konzentrierten sich auf die folgendenHauptthemen: Wissen und Kompetenzen, Schulung, Infrastruktur sowieForschung und Entwicklung. ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Ziel des Transcend-Projekts war die Entwicklung einer grenzüberschreitendenZusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Sektoren der Biotechnologieinnerhalb der Euregio. Insgesamt wurden im Rahmen des Projekts 15 Arbeitsgemeinschaftenkonkret unterstützt (Machbarkeitsstudien, Konsultationen,Businesspläne usw.). ...
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Strategic Innovation (Strategisch innoveren in de Euregio Maas-Rijn)

Start date: Apr 30, 2004, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Das Projekt war eine großrahmige interregionale KMU-Initiative für 650 Unternehmenin der Euregio. Mit dem Projekt wurde das Ziel verfolgt, die Innovationskapazitätder teilnehmenden KMU zu erhöhen, indem ihre Wettbewerbspositionanalysiert wurde, Innovationsprioritäten bestimmt wurden undMaßnahmen zur Verbesserung ihrer Innovationskapazität geplant wurden. ...
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Das Projekt EIS wurde 2005 gestartet. Nachdem in der ersten Projektphasevor allem Daten aus den Bereichen Bevölkerung, Gesundheit, Tourismus, Bildungund Geografie zusammengetragen wurden, war die 2. Phase (EIS II)vor allem den Themen Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Mobilität gewidmet. Neben einernachhaltigen Zusammenarbeit haben die Partner des EIS-Netzwerks sich vorgenommen,regelmäßig statistische Daten z ...
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ELAT - Eindhoven, Leuven, Aachen Technology Triangle (ELAT)

Start date: May 2, 2001, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

The Eindhoven, Leuven, Aachen Technology Triangle (ELAT) stands between three of NW Europe’s most important centres of population and economic activity: the Flemish urban network, the Ruhr valley and the Dutch Randstad. Stimulating innovation via trans-national co-operation across this area is therefore important for improving NW Europe’s wider competitiveness. The main objective of 3.9M euro ELAT ...
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Euregional Business Angels Network (Eu-BAN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Jul 30, 2007,

Die Aktivitäten innerhalb des Projekts waren darauf ausgerichtet, dieRahmenrichtlinien für Finanzierungen während der frühesten Entwicklungsphasenjunger Unternehmen innerhalb der Euregio zu verbessern und zu vervollständigen.Weitere Ziele waren: die Bewusstmachung bezüglich der wichtigenRolle von Business Angels (private Investoren) für junge Unternehmen,Förderung und Unterstützung von Investition ...
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Meuse Rhine Triangle (MR Triangle)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2007,

Kern dieses Projekts war die Erstellung eines neuen und einheitlichen Kommunikationskonzeptsfür die Unternehmen in der Euregio Maas-Rhein. Unterdem Namen "Meuse Rhine Triangle; heartbeat of business in Europe" wurdedas Ziel verfolgt, systematisch und gezielt neue Investoren von außerhalb derEMR anzuwerben. ...
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Euregional Information Service (Euregionale Informatie Service (EIS))

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

Ziel dieses Projekts war die Harmonisierung sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Statistikenfür das Gebiet der EMR (und der euregio rhein-maas-nord). Die größteHerausforderung bestand darin, die Daten der einzelnen Länder vergleichbarzu machen. Einerseits wurde derartiges statistisches Material benötigt,da die Europäische Kommission dies für die INTERREG-Programmgebietevorschreibt. Andererseits bestand B ...
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