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Gastronomy Union of Skills and Traineeships for Occupation
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

G.U.S.T.O. is a mobility project with a training period abroad , for 100 young people, students and new graduates belonging to or coming from Professional Institute , IPSSEOA " Pittoni " Pagani (SA), of which: - 70 VET students belonging to the 4th and 5th year addressed in the service sector for gastronomy and hospitality; - 30 young VET students (graduated within 1 year from obtaining the qualification ) from the above-mentioned institutions and qualified in the fields referred to above. The general objectives of the project G.U.S.T.O. , in accordance with the Work Programme adopted by the Commission, are listed below: - The recipients support the acquisition of skills in order to enhance their personal development and their employability in the European labor market ; - Encourage the participants , the development of basic and transversal skills such as entrepreneurship , learning digital skills and multilingualism ; - Promote the use of ICT as a tool for teaching and learning through the support of educational material "Open access " ; - Promote consistency and comparability of different tools for the recognition of qualifications and competences between the different EU countries in order to facilitate a recognition of the same beyond their national borders; - Develop local partnerships and transnational context of vocational training , between the education system and the world of employment; - To promote the inclusion and equal treatment of disadvantaged groups (disability, learning difficulties , obstacles, economic, cultural and social differences , and to ensure the safety of participants ; - Improving the knowledge of foreign languages; - To increase the awareness and knowledge of the European and intercultural learning, in order to encourage a more active participation in society , developing a sense of identity and European citizenship; - Spread and disseminate the results of the project in order to justify the added value of the projects funded by the European Union . The activities to be carried out will be: - And INFORMATION AWARENESS : Actions: dissemination and publication of information material , newsletters , meetings, local TV , radio, website , seminars , flyers and posters ; - SELECTION : Actions: recruitment and selection of participants and of the beneficiaries ; - PREPARATION OF ACTIVITIES ' : Actions: travel arrangements , housing , insurance, information on the safety and protection of participants, preparatory meetings with partners receiving virtual host , choosing the type of activities to be performed during the internship in agreement with the students and partners receivers welcome in foreign countries ; activities of back office administrative, organizational and management ; - CULTURAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PREPARATION : Actions: cultural and pedagogical preparation to facilitate the cultural and working approach to the country of destination and conclusion of the learning agreement - MOBILITY: Actions: Proceedings of the internship. - MONITORING : Actions: Report bimonthly trainees, analysis of the communications between the company tutor , partners, intermediaries , Final Report of the host ; Evaluation Form from company Tutor; assessment questionnaire administered to trainees at the end of internship , final reports by both trainees of business mentors ; questionnaire follow-up . EVALUATION AND VALIDATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES : Validation of credits for students in the 4th and 5th year on the basis of the criteria set out in the MoU , and for graduates in agreement with the Region of Campania - DISSEMINATION: Action for dissemination of results , direct to individual beneficiaries , the transnational partnership and local users . The experience of mobility will have a positive impact on the following aspects : - Improving the capacity and operational practices in the areas of reference ( hotel industry) ; - Consolidation of technical and professional knowledge ; - Working knowledge of other markets and other economies ; - Improvement of the skills and knowledge of languages; - Knowledge of specific software and the best digital and computer skills ; - Familiarization with socio-cultural contexts of other EU countries , which increase the sense of European citizenship; - Development of soft skills , communication , organizational and problem solving skills ; - Greater comparability of the system of credit recognition, through the use of the methodology ECVET ; - Exchange of good practice.

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