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Get engaged!
Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Get engaged! project is a long-term strategic partnership among 3 organisations across Europe. The project is 20 month long and aims to provide professional support for umbrella organisations working in the youth field. The project idea was born out of an experienced problem that we face during our daily work. One of the biggest challenge is the lack of active participation and motivation from our member organisations. As a solution for this existing problem we face we developed this project together with Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and the Polish Council of Youth Organisations (PROM). The main aim of the project is to develop innovative and diverse methods and techniques to motivate member organizations for active participation in order to help umbrella organisations to fulfil the aim they were established for. Our objectives are: - to share best practices and efficient methods umbrella organizations work with to motivate their members - to evaluate and analyse the different methods used by organizations in the youth field - to develop new methods, techniques and strategies to motivate umbrella organizations’ members for active participation - to develop the skills and competences of young leaders of the umbrella organisation in order to make them capable developing innovative ideas and implement the new methods - to create a Toolkit available for all organisations - to disseminate the findings and impact of our project as best practise - to improve knowledge about the Erasmus+ Youth Programme as a tool for improving the quality and enhancing the international dimension of youth work In order to achieve the goal of the project we will implement the following actions: International training course will improve knowledge and develop the competences of 28 youth workers. They will learn about organisational development and motivation and introduce tools for project management and strategic thinking. During the training course they will analyse and improve the quality of the work of the organisations we will provide space for discussion, sharing best practices and to develop their skills and competences and to improve their ability to transfer methods and experiential learning concepts into youth work practice. Get engaged! - Toolkit will include the methods we developed, analysed and evaluated during the project. The aim of this Toolkit is to introduce the methods and techniques which in the case of this consortium will be the best solutions to reach the aims and objectives of the project. The Toolkit will be available in English as a common language of the partnership. Get engaged! - Ebook will include all the activities and events we organised during the project with their results, the outcome of the training course held for capacity building and all the methods we put into practice (short summary of them). The aim of the ebook is to summarize the results and the impact of the project following the feedback and evaluation outcomes. Two national dissemination events are going to be held where every partner organisation will require to invite the organisations working with the same structure in their country, the media and press entities and other actors like youth workers, youth policy makers and anyone who is interested. The materials used and disseminated on the national dissemination event will be available online as well on every partners’ website and they will share the access to the Toolkit in their newsletter and will share it on their social media platforms. Two international dissemination events are going to be organised where we will introduce the Toolkit for the participants of the BBC+ meeting and the participants of the General Assembly of the European Youth Forum. On the BBC+ meeting youth councils from Western and Central Europe are participating, on the European Youth Forum’s event national youth councils from across Europe and other youth organisation working on European and on international level are represented. The aim of sharing the Toolkit is that every national and international youth organisation working as an umbrella organisation representing youth will gain information about the results of this project. Through these events we will reach about 150 representatives of such organisations. The project’s events (transnational meetings, training course, multiplier events) will be based on an interactive and participative approach. The processes of learning from each other and learning by doing will be crucial. The training course will stimulate creativity, risk taking and developing innovative ideas. During the project methods of non-formal and informal education will be used, such as individual, pair and group work, creative workshops, simulation and situation games, problem solving and debate exercises, interactive presentations, case studies, facilitated debates and discussions. Participants on all events will get information about the Erasmus+ Programme.
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