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Wake-up! Intensyfikacja edukacji pozaformalnej młodzieży w Gminie Łobez poprzez strategiczne partnerstwa międzynarodowe
Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project titled "Wake up! Intensification of non-formal youth education in Lobez commune with the help of international partnerships' strategics" will be implemented in Łobez Commune, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in the Polish-German border region. The area is characterized by high level of unemployment, as well as economic, cultural, educational and social negligence. Enormous stagnation has caused migration of young people to big cities in search of an alternative; they seek educational and professional opportunities. Non-formal education and its importance for the development of youth is a term which is unknown here, also for several non-profit entities existing in the area. It is necessary to establish and strengthen networking of these organizations for one common objective, for development of young people of the region. The project's objective is to improve quality of education, training and work with the youth, by means of enrichment of education process with non-formal learning methods and entrepreneurship, developed for the needs of inhabitants of the Łobez Commune region in international partnership. The objective is to be achieved through transfer of knowledge and experience of the partnerorganizations from the three countries; through a number of actions leading to creation of a strategy for development of non-formal education for the needs of the Commune; preparation of a compendium of methods and tools that can be used in work and instructions activating an accelerator youth entrepreneurship in rural areas. The implementers' aspiration is to prepare the production documents (intellectual results) to enable their further transfer and implementation in any other rural area facing similar problems. This guidelines, along with development of stable cooperation between key subjects in the region and adequate dissemination will ensure long-term benefits. Thanks to the direct involvement of youth in creation of results through short mixed (physical and virtual) mobilities of an international character, the project activities lead to development of their key competencies, among others: language and digital skills, as well s entrepreneurship. Activating methods will be used, among others: talks with the natives in order to establish a history of the site (an inter-generational aspect), setting the tourist trail, using (under thesupervision of a specialist) resources of offices and archives. As far as the aspect of entrepreneurship is concerned, the young people will visit an existing Polish-German pupils company. All of these activities will be monitored by two expert institutions from Poland and Germany (Bonhoeffer Haus and Schloss Trebnitz). Their extensive experience in activities accomplished in the borderarea within the frames of the Polish-German Youth Cooperation has resulted in gaining the status of the so-called 'formative institution'. Some participants living in Łobez Commune belongs to a group at risk of social exclusion andearlier dropping out of the educational system. All participants (aprox. 40 people) will be in the age about 13-16 years (junior high school). Their German colleagues will be mostly recruited from the group of emigrants with a polish roots. International cooperation of the participating organizations will also bring benefits to these organizations through their internationalization andprofessionalization. Implementation of the project´s aims will have a strong influence on the policy of the commune in the subject of education of young people, filling up the gap of existing offer with non-formal education. Many entities of the commune willexperience this impact, some of them will turn into the members of local, regional and international networks. Łobez commune will get a chance to become a model area for a youth participation.
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4 Partners Participants