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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The D.O.I.T project revolves around european mobility in two fields such us Gastronomy and Cooking VET and Restaurant Services VET. It is destinated to a group of 14 young people from 3 different training centres who will be able to enjoy an intership abroad in two hosting countries, Italy and United Kingdom. In this framework it is also considered the possibility that 2 teachers could carry out an intership in Italy and United Kingdom to observe different ways of working and teaching into an international context. The 14 young people who are students and just diplomated are divided in two groups:- 10 young students who are in their final year of study and can carry out a training for 12 weeks to confirm their FCT´s and obtain their diploma when thery are back.- 4 young people just diplomated, who would be selected during their last year of study, and could carry out a training for 4 weeks to expand their working skills.Two teachers from "Centro de Formación Alcazarén" would carry out an intership based in the observation of different teaching and working methods and working by "job-shadowing".The main purpose is to offer young people a useful tool to make them easier the acces to their first job (local, regional, national or european), through improving their professional profile by training in public or private companies. Other objectives of the project are the following:- Promote cultural and working exchange in the European Union- Give young people a chance to grow up in personal, cultural, linguistic and proffesional aspects- Initiate, complete and incorporate the proffesional experience of participants, as well as improve linguistic skills and perfect them- Grow professionally in this sector- New and better employment opportunities (both in their country and abroad,) and when the intership is finished break the first employment barrierPlanned activities in this project include the following:- Information and publishing of the mobility program (preparation, distribution and dissemination of information material)- Students selection (publishing the call advertisement, and the relationship of hosting companies).- Linguistic, cultural and pedagogic preparation (giving enough information before the experience abroad about the country and city of destination). As well as assintance during the registration process to the on line linguistic preparation promoted by the European Commision- Organisation of the mobility and distribution of groups (in colaboration with every partner)- Monitoring the evolution of the trainees by questionaries (every 4 weeks), reports (when passed 8 weeks and at the end), and videocalling by skype between the trainee and the partners (both home and hosting organisations and any involved partner). Finally, feedd-back report and personal interview with the trainee to valorate his own experience.-Analysis and dissemination of the scores to valorate the experience and the long time impact of the project for both the trainee and the local, national and international companies. The succes of the project is based in the synergy between the partners, who have been colaborating all together from the embryonic stage of the project.It is expected a very possitive impact with not only short time benefits but also long time benefits:- Improving professional abilities and skills adquired by the participant, who are able to respond to the needs of a labour market which is everytime more global.- Improving linguistic skills, and making easier their adaptative capacity- More labour insertion for young people and better opportunities.- More qualified people working in companies.- Mobility politics between countries, projected as a usefull tool to monitorize the training program.- The quality of the experience to be included in the professional curriculum of the participants.- Consolidation of synergic relationships between every partner of the project, which confirms an important rol for their own development in an economic and social framework, and in an international cooperation.

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11 Partners Participants