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European Mobility in the Manufacturing sector
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at developing a European dimension in the vocational training system (VET) and in the business system on the territory of Brianza, through the implementation of mobility for different targets in the manifacturing sector (wood-furniture, mechanical, electricity). These fields have been chosen both because they are fundamental in the Brianza and Lombardy economy and also because the manufacturing sector has been identified by the EU as an aspect to enhance in order to reduce the rate of unemployment and to restart the European growth. Objectives - increase the chances of employment for young people in the local and European labor market through the development of core competencies (education for active citizenship in Europe, increase in responsability and autonomy) - promote awareness of different cultural and professional contexts and promote the integration between training and business system - stimulate innovation in the educational processes and development of the VET operators' skills. - promote a European network of training institutions for the implementation of ECVET To achieve these objectives, the Consortium as been set up with the intent of strenghten relations already active at a local level, aiming at the developing them also in an international dimension. In the project the Consortium consists of: - the Promoter and Coordinator (also sending body), who gained experience through other mobility projects with respect to which intends to mantain continuity. - training agencies (sending partners), operating in the three main manufacturing sectors of Brianza (wood-furniture, mechanical, electricity), with several direct contacts with the entrepreneurial world - trade associations (intermediary partners) representing the companies of the involved sectors - enterprises (intermediary partners), chosen for their capability to represent the sectors in its local peculiarity The international network consists of 7 partners (6 hosts) representing 7 different countries (6 destinations: France, Germany, Czech Rep., Spain, Latvia, United Kingdom) identified on the basis of the interest in relation to the professional sectors and because of the wish to develop future synergies in order to make the mobilities as systemic as possible. The projects runs over 24 months and provide mobility actions aimed at three targets: - VET students: involving 66 students of the third and fourth year of training courses leading to the qualification of 3 and 4 at european level. The internship, lasting 3 weeks, will be integrated to their training course and will be acknowledged as credits. - recent VET graduates: the project includes periods of long-term mobility (6 months) for 6 young people who will initiate the mobility within 1 year after the graduation and which are aimed at the implementation of their skills and facilitate the employment opportunities in Europe - VET trainers: the project includes 10 mobility of trainers belonging to the sending organisations (4 days). The focus will be identified among some priorities by the sending partners (eg. new teaching tecnologies, transparency of qualifications within Europe, methodologies and tools for the certification of skills in the field of non-formal and informal learning). Activities: the phasis of the project will be repeated for each of the 2 years of the project. The steps will have different timing of implementation according to the 3 different targets. 1) Schedule. Appointment of the Steering Committee invoving all the national partners and signing of the cooperation protocol; formulation of the Notice to beneficiaries, definition of criteria and selection tools. 2) Selection: information to beneficiaries; collection of applicants and selection, definition of targets groups; signing of an agreement of shared objectives and commitment to follow a preparatory course. 3) Preparation. Definition, with partners of training institutions and professional associations of the content object of assessment and recognition; preparation about socio-cultural knowledge and the labor market related to the host country; sharing learning objectives, definition of logistical and organizational aspects. 4) Realization. Insertion of the participants in the context of the host country; management of the stay and of the apprenticeships. 5) Monitoring. Assessment of prior learning and their recognition (for students); recording of learning outcomes; issue EuroPass-Mobility certificate. The projects awaits impact on the beneficiaries (skills development) and on the organisations (qualitative improvement of organizational processes of the mobility and educational technologies innovation). It involves long-term continuity of collaboration in Europe in order to create synergies between territories in the vocational training and business systems.

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