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Projekt bachground of the European further education of teachers at the Copernicus-Gymnasium Löningen:On the one hand, already existing European school projects should be intensified, supported and expanded further. The first step to reach this should be to increase the number of ective teachers willing to take part. Language courses in English can be one means to clear up insecurity and probably ...
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Border Education - Space, Memory and Reflections on Transculturality

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Within the EU, one main goal has been to reduce the role of political borders in its citizens’ everyday life. The removal of border control in the Schengen area is its most visible expression. Although important steps have been made, the vision of “borderless EU” is far from accomplished. The deterring economic situation in the EU gave new impulse to nationalistic and Eurosceptic movements in EU m...
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Learning Communities in Rural Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project "Learning Communities of Rural Europe" LCRE develops training materials for educational organisations that are interested to become an "ecosocial place of learning". Such places characterize a creative integration of formal learning programs and opportunities for informal learning. They support academic trainings through programs for university-students and research projects that are ...
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Historically, young people have faced social exclusion, and the recent economic downturn has prompted high unemployment,which particularly affects the younger generation. However,some disadvantaged groups of young people face exclusion in the longer term for reasons beyond the current crisis. Remaining outside the global labor market has far-reaching consequences – not solely economic. These inclu...
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eljub Think Tank

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The eljub European Literature Youth Meetings have been held since 2013 in Lower Austria. Alongside the eljub-Think Tank, the participants have the opportunity to introduce to decision-makers from the youth sector their jointly prepared ideas, to exchange views with them and to learn about the political feasibility of ideas and proposals in a professional context. The eljub-Think Tank bases its ide...
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eljub Europäische Literatur-Jugendbegegnung 2016

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The European literature youth meetings 2016 are open to young people from seven different Central European countries to promote networking and interaction. The focus is on the exchange of ideas and experience on project days that take place in Lower Austria and Vienna. Youngsters from Danube region countries can network and learn about Europe’s shared heritage through the study of literature. Part...
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“enter:trust”Summer exchange and empowerment experience for young Europeans from Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic Europe and especially the European Union are not in a good shape. The economic crisis, the refugee challenge, terror threats and authoritarian tendencies in the neighbouring countries increasingly put into question the common European values such as democratic principles, basic f...
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Unemployment continues to be an urgent problem in Europe. Over 23 million people are unemployed in the EU, almost 6 million young people lack a professional perspective. The EU member states record almost no economic growth. Against this backdrop, an increased mobility of (younger) employees is repeatedly called for in order to reduce the enormous unemployment rates. These claims are in contrast t...
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The further development of digital media with a view to technical aspects and content open up a wide range of opportunities, but also pose a challenge to media professionals and the large public. Journalists are obliged to evaluate ever larger quantities of data. At the same time the public faces a growing flood of information. However, the media landscape undergoes a process of change not only in...
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Model Visegrádské skupiny (Model of the Visegrad Group +)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Model of the Visegrad Group is a second year of a week-long project taking place in Prague, Czech Republic aimed at young people (university students) of V4 Member countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary). Based on a success from the previous year it adds in the list of the countries involved also participants from Germany and Austria making it V4+ simulation. From each country fiv...
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Project Title: Strengthening Knowmads' international learning partnerships and further professionalise staff in management and teaching capacities. Knowmads Business School, in Amsterdam, is an innovative adult education organisation geared to themes of social entrepreneurship, sustainability, personal development and authentic leadership. After four years of pioneer work, Knowmads is currently ta...
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The European Academy of Healing Art, located in Northeast Germany will develop and test a new, transdisciplinary further training called "Facilitation through Music". It connects innovatve methods of facilitation, coaching and consulting with methods and strategies from the arts, specially music. During a pilot-phase of this training, the 15 staffmembers take courses, conferences and job shadowing...
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Hinterm Horizont geht's weiter!

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

According to article II of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), "equality" is a fundamental right in the European Union and aims to rule out that anybody is preferred or disadvantaged due to his or her origin, race, religion, language or political attitude. However, we still face inequality in many situations of our daily lives. This has a strong impact in particular on the development of young adu...
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Europäische Literatur-Jugendbegegnung 2015

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The European literature youth meetings 2015 are open to young people from seven different Central European countries to promote networking and interaction. TThe focus is on the exchange of ideas and experience on project days that take place in Lower Austria and Vienna. Youngsters from Danube region countries can network and learn about Europe’s shared heritage through the study of literature. Par...
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Europapolitik - jugendgerecht, aktiv, praxisnah

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

From 4th until 9th of August 2015 the bilateral German-Lithuania youthexchange will take place at the german- french boarder in Kehl near Strasbourg. The 30 participants will be between 14 and 16 years old. They come from different schools (Lyceum, Grammar school) and had not jet the opportunity to participate in an European youthexchange programme. This project is based on a lively town twinning...
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Meine Rechte = deine Rechte? Gleiche Chancen in Europa!

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." This is the first sentence of Article I of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But if all people are free and equal, why have people in the Ukraine been fighting for closer relations with the EU for almost a year? And why does the EU exist, after all? If all humans are equal, why are the chances to find a job in some countrie...
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Nelle strategie energetiche regionali del Land Tirolo e della Provincia Autonoma diBolzano si sottolinea la necessità di accelerare lo sfruttamento delle energie rinnovabili,in particolare di quelle solari (termica e fotovoltaica), al fine di realizzare le indicazionidella direttiva europea 209/28/CE sulla promozione delluso dellenergia da fontirinnovabili.Per la pianificazione di tali impianti ma...
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Um die Jugendlichen in der Berufsbildung angemessen auf einen Beruf in der euregionalen Wirtschaft, hier der Sport,- Gesundsheits- und Fitnessmarkt, vorzubereiten, müssen die berufsbildenden Schulen und ausbildenden Betriebe enger zusammenarbeiten und dabei Barrieren, unter anderem die Probleme bei der Anerkennung von Ausbildungen und Berufsabschlüssen, beseitigen. Darüber hinaus spielt auch das E...
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Vielfalt erleben- Grenzen überwinden!

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

The history of Europe has known internal and forced migration for centuries. However, history also shows that whenever there was an economic crisis, campaigns pretending that Europe was overrun by foreigners gained in influence and, in this context, a racist attitude of the native population grew stronger, too. This connection has been persisting all over Europe to this day. At the seminar "Exper...
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Innovazioni nel settore dell informazione e della comunicazione possono contribuire a facilitare le attività del tempo libero. Lobiettivo del progetto e quindi lo sviluppo di un tecnologia per generare suggerimenti, considerando gli aspetti logistici e geografici, in maniera tale da poter offrire allutente finale delle gite personalizzate.Innovationen im Informations- und Kommunikationsbereich kön...
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Sprachsplitter. Auf den Spuren einer zerstörten Sprachkultur.

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 16, 2014,

Shards of a language. On the trails of a destroyed cultural heritage. 60 young people from Germany, Israel and Russia, mostly with a migrant background, try to explore the current problems of multicultural and multilingual societies by investigating the history of Yiddish language and culture. The participants come from different language, cultural and religious groups. They are children from no...
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La migrazione nell'arco dello scorso decennio è entrata a far parte della realtàquotidiana della popolazione dei territori partner del progetto. Le questioni riguardantil’integrazione non impegnano solo gli esperti del settore. Attualmente per i bambini egli adolescenti la convivenza con alunni stranieri fa ormai quasi parte della loro realtàscolastica molto più che non per la generazione dei loro...
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Das Ziel des projekts ist die Unterstützung der Topssporttalentgruppen beiderseits der Grenze. Hierbei wollen wir besondere die Methodik verbessern, Talente in der Euregio zu finden, zu erkennen und weiter zu entwickeln. Hierbei werden Trainingsinitiativen geplant, wo Topsporttalente gemeinschaftlich in schulnahen Trainingsräumen von Topsporttrainern trainiert werden. Es sollen Austauschmaßnahmen...
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Lobiettivo primario del progetto è quello di individuare le interdipendenze tra agricoltura e paesaggio culturale nella sua dimensione storica ed attuale, all'interno del contesto geografico Tirolo-Alto Adige, nell´intento di creare paesaggio che corrisponda alle concrete aspettative della popolazione. L´elaborazione dei possibili scenari futuri permette di collegare le singole soluzioni con le as...
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Das Projekt in der polnisch-deutschen Zusammenarbeit. Bau der Infrastruktur für den Gesundheitsschutz. Es wird durch drei Subjekte, auf der polnischen Seite – Selbständiges Öffentliches ojewodschaftskrankenhaus in Gorzów Wlkp., sowie auf der deutschen Seite - Europäische Akademie für Interdisziplinäre Medizin e.V., Bad Saarow und Oder-Spree Krankenhaus GmbH Beeskow realisiert.Das Projekt setzt ge...
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Das GKGK Projekt fördert die Zusammenarbeit der Kommunalverwaltungen mit dem organisierten Sport nachhaltig. Ein Ziel ist es, strukturfördernde Maßnahmen auf der Ebene des Sports (Erweiterte Angebote) wie auch auf Ebene der Kommunen (z.B. Präventionsplan) zu entwickeln. Ziel ist es, Basis-Netzwerke vor Ort im Rahmen von runden Tischen aufzubauen. Gemeinsames Handeln führt zu Synergien in den Bere...
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Anlaß des Projekts ist der Aufbau grenzüberschreitender Strukturen zwischen den Bildungakteuren wie Schule, Verbände, und Vereine sowie Kommunen, um um die Vermittlung sozialer, kultureller und motorischer Handlungskompetenzen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen sicherzustellen. Die Jugendarbeit, insbesondere die sportliche Jugendarbeit ist ein wichtiger Faktor im Bereich der personal-kulturell-sozialen...
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Attraverso un inteso lavoro di rete, uno scambio sistematico d´informazioni e dati tra le regioni del Nord e Sud -Tirolo e attraverso la realizzazione di ricerche su aspetti specifici sulle migrazioni e le dinamiche interne alle comunità migratorie si intendono realizzare delle banche dati comparabili tra le singole aree progettuali. Il Centro di competenza analizzera´ tutte le tematiche legate al...
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Conceived with the steering bodies of the Alpine Convention (AC), DIAMONT aims to give a vital impulse to the relaunch of SOIA (System for Observation of and Information on the Alps). In consistence with SOIA’s new aims and the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), DIAMONT will take into account the expectations of experts for regional development as well as the needs of the Alpine popu...
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"The project intends to develop and upgrade the existing programmes and curricula Business-Education-Programmes for Tourism at Belarus Universities with the assistance of EU partners from DE, IT, SK and CZ.Support of the reform process in the Belarusian higher education system and its integration into the European system" The specific objectives are: "Qualitative Verbesserung der akademischen Ausb...
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Das Projekt "WeNeT" soll die Reform- und Umstrukturierungsprozesse an den belarussischen, georgischen und ukrainischen Partnerhochschulen unterstützen, ihre Integration in den gesamteuropäischen Bildungsraum fördern und dem Ausbau und der Intensivierung der Bildungskooperation auf dem Tourismusgebiet zwischen der EU und den östlichen Nachbarstaaten dienen. Darüber hinaus soll im Projektverlauf das...
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Reason: A New Focal Point for Teaching EU StudiesAs of December 2009, the Lisbon Treaty has become the EU's new fundamental framework for the foreseeable future. The analysis of altered or novel treaty provisions becomes a high priority for interdisciplinary research-based teaching curricula in EU studies. Only a European academic network will be able to exploit input from the relevant disciplines...
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Einrichtung einer kleinen Wohneinrichtung für 12 deutsche und niederländische pflegebedürftige Senioren in Suderwick unter der Trägerschaft der "Stichting Europaproject Suderwick-Dinxperlo", die speziell dazu gegründet werden soll. Weiterhin werden 10 deutsche und niederländische Pfleger/innen bzw. Betreuer/innen für den deutschen und niederländischen Arbeitsmarkt weitergebildet sowie ein deutsch-...
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Die Analyse des grenzüberschreitenden Sports in der EUREGIO hat zum Ergebnis, dass eine nachhaltige kontinuierliche Ergänzung und Intensivierung des grenzüberschreitenden Austausches im Sport eine Vernetzung der örtlichen Partner aus Sport und Gesellschaft notwendig macht. Das Projekt beinhaltet deshalb die Einrichtung eines deutsch-niederländischen Sportservicebüros. Die Aufgaben des Büros besteh...
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TETVET verwirklicht konsequent die nationalen TEMPUS-Prioritäten für Belarus. Es setzt durch die Einbindung nahezu aller wichtigen Akteure des belarussischen Tourismussektors landesweit starke Entwicklungsimpulse, speziell in Bildungseinrichtungen des Hochschulwesens und der Berufsbildung sowie allgemein in der Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Mit der Projektumsetzung werden die Kooperationen zw. den ...
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Since its publication in 2001, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has gained a leading role as an instrument of reference for the teaching and certification of languages and for the development of curricula. At the same time, there is a growing concern that the CEFR reference levels have not been sufficiently illustrated, leaving practitioners such as teachers, test an...
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Zunehmende ethnische und kulturelle Vielfalt bietet Chancen, aber auch Herausforderungen für die europäische Bildungspolitik und Schulen. Sprachliche und kulturelle Diversität ist längst Alltag. Dennoch sind Bildungspolitik und Schulen in der Regel monolingual ausgerichtet und nutzen das vorhandene Potential der Mehrsprachigkeit nicht.Das Netzwerk möchte Wege aufzeigen, wie Schulen die Mehrsprachi...
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Crossmedia und Qualitätsjournalismus

Start date: Oct 15, 2012,

Die Kernidee der Reformierung, Modernisierung und Employability -Steigerung der universitären Journalistenausbildung sieht vor, in allen beteiligten Partnerländern Absolventen auszubilden, die unter den Bedingungen zunehmender Digitalisierung und dem technischen und wirtschaftlichen Zwang zur Mehrkanalausspielung journalistischer Produkte auf verschränkten Medienplattformen den organisatorischen u...
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Dieses Projekt wird wichtige neue Aktivitäten mit sich bringen, die zu einem dynamisch-innovativen Wirtschaftsleben und zu neuen hochwertigen Arbeitsplätzen in der Euregio Rhein-Waal führen.
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Entwicklung eines grenzüberschreitenden Wohn-Pflege-Modells und –Netzwerks in Dinxperlo-Suderwick für (ältere) Menschen, die in ihrem täglichen Leben Behinderungen erfahren und Hilfe, Versorgung und/oder Pflege benötigen. Die praktische Anwendung dieses Modells und Netzwerks erfolgt über eine stationäre Wohn-Pflege-Einrichtung für ca. 20-30 nl. und dt. Senioren. ...
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