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Vielfalt erleben- Grenzen überwinden!
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The history of Europe has known internal and forced migration for centuries. However, history also shows that whenever there was an economic crisis, campaigns pretending that Europe was overrun by foreigners gained in influence and, in this context, a racist attitude of the native population grew stronger, too. This connection has been persisting all over Europe to this day. At the seminar "Experience diversity – overcome boundaries!" 43 young adults from Germany, Italy and Croatia studied the development and the different kinds of migration on a national and European level. The participants got to know and to record reasons for migration, personal migration stories of those concerned and the daily lives of young adults from migrant families. Furthermore they discussed the dark side of migration and xenophobia in daily life. In addition to that they dealt with fundamental questions of European integration and the European institutions with special focus on a comparison of European migration policy with the different national approaches of the participating nations. They also learned about opportunities of gaining experience abroad in the context of the free movement of persons. Against this backdrop, different programmes aiming to promote intra-EU mobility were presented, which help young people to increase their chances of finding an employment. The seminar focused on the exchange of ideas among the participants and on the analysis of their individual points of view concerning the discussion on migration. In this context they dealt with the future of migration in Europe and how young people can contribute to diversity in Europe. During the seminar five short films were developed, which picked up the topics of migration, stereotypes, borders and exclusion.

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