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Chancen inklusiver Bildung vor dem Hintergrund progressiver Kompetenzentwicklung im europäischen Kontext und dem Geist der Verständigung zwischen den Völkern
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Projekt bachground of the European further education of teachers at the Copernicus-Gymnasium Löningen:On the one hand, already existing European school projects should be intensified, supported and expanded further. The first step to reach this should be to increase the number of ective teachers willing to take part. Language courses in English can be one means to clear up insecurity and probably a low self-esteem regarding one's owa foreign language skills among the teachers.Moreover, the range of European projects with other schools should be expanded. We'll continue the European program, which started with "Comenius", which includes now "eTwinning" and will actually end in the "Erasmus+".Concerning this point, interested teachers could enlarge the circle of teachers already participating by taking part in courses on project management and intercultural skills, probably coming up with new ideas and offers.Inclusion is a binding matterthat is stell in its infancy at schools in Lower Saxony. Therefore, we are asked to learn from our European partners what chances, risks, problems and benefits are involved in inclusion and work out a new subject area.Aims of the project:Improving foreign language skills (English), acquiring skill in areas of project management and interculutral cooperation as well as acquiring knowledge and skills in the area of inclusion, reinforced and differentiated in the use of iPads and tablets in lessons, for instance.Furthermore, paving the way for further international contacts and expanding our school's European network through personal encounters and the exchange with other teachers form countries of the European Union are aims which are importance for our school's future developement.In the end, the courses have the aim to develop a better quality in the all-day work at school and in this way, the studends have benefits, too.Descripiton of activities:Taking part in English language courses, in courses dealing with project-management and the acquisition aof intercultural skills, in further education concerning the inclusion of handcapped or immigrant students.Procedure to carry out the project:Having been personally addressed and motivated, teachers should be won over to take part in language courses. These "new" teachers as well as those who are already commitde are asked to acquire skills in the areas of project management and intercultural cooperation in course of furtherer education that have already been applied for. Especially in the field of inclusion teachers are asked to familiarize themselves with this relatively new topic and function as disseminators in our school's community.Results striven for, effects, expected long-term benefits: In the end, all the nwels acquired knowledge and skills should be a benefit for our daily work at school. The teachers taking part ar supposed to strengthen their specialized knowlege as well as to gain compeltely new technical experiences. Other results with lastingness could be a personal stisfaction or a completely nwe way of lookong at one's daily routine.For the students it is necessary to discover new horizons, exchange with peers and to get to know and try new and unusual ways of learning together with their teachers. Due to current events, the idea of belonging together in the "European House" must be stressed. All the same, the thougt of international understanding is in danger of vanishing because of everyday political reasons.

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