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35 European Projects Found

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Building Bridges

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

The EVS project "Building Bridges" involves 2 volunteers with fewer opportunities from the Netherlands and is the result of a new partnership between Stichting UcDean (the Netherlands) and two Greek hosting organizations, providing support and leisure time opportunities to disabled people of different ages. The origins of this project lie in the commitment of all involved organizations to provide ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

In this EVS project, the French Clervie Zeo will be volunteer in Estia community (Greece) where adults with special needs live from the beginning of September 2016 until the end of August 2017 (12 months). The association Mapar from Redon, France, will be the sending organization. Estia Agios Nikolaos is the only life-sharing community in Greece, where adults with special needs live, work and shar...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Estia Agios Nikolaos is the only life-sharing community in Greece where adults with special needs live, work and spend their free time together with the people who care for them, in a mutually enriching way. The cornerstone principle of 'Estia Agios Nikolaos' is that each person is unique and can be helped to develop his or her unique capabilities in a nurturing environment via creative work, a...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Labor Practices in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Progesti@ is a non-formal-education entity which has, among its objectives, the following ones: to promote the human being through every kind of social o educational intervention, to form participants on permanent formation, to develop complementary activities to the scholar knowledge, to realize social intervention programs in rural areas, to consult, manage, process and evaluate specific project...
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From Disability to Ability

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The project "From Disability to Ability" aims to bring together 28 youth workers from Germany, Sweden, the UK, Greece, Serbia, Turkey, the Netherlands, Poland, France and Lithuania in order to discuss methods regarding the skills development and empowerment of young people with disabilities. Too often young people with disabilities are disregarded as without skills, so this project want to bring t...
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Urban Layers - New Paths in Photography

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Mar 1, 2017,

Urban Layers—New Paths in Photography is a project intended to describe and stimulate a broad audience to gain an active role—through urban photography and outdoor artistic comsumption—in the social life of its territory. The project will analyse—before and during its activities—the reactions to this stimulation. There are three main phases:1. An inquiry on the urban cultural frame will be coordin...
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Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Jan 1, 2017,

This project " Smiley Boussay" is a youth exchange between 6 countries which encourage the investissement of youth in the society and enhance their spirit of initiative and their citizen participation.It will take place in France where we will welcome several groups that we already know from Austria, Moldova, Turkey and Greece as well as a new partner from Croatia.In total, there are fifty five p...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The participation in the erasmus project promote the international mobility for ESTIA students. Since 2008, our participation allowed us to create news partnerships for exemple with LMU, Ludwig Maximilian Universität inGermany and and more recently with the Czech republic. In 2015-2016, 9 students received an erasmus grant, among which 5 for a for a study mobility. We continue to encourage te mob...
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Volunteer in motion : dive through diversity and risk education

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

In “Estia Agios Nikolaos” runs an organized and fully equipped pottery workshop from September until June. On a daily base except weekends we work altogether, our residents, volunteers under the guidance of qualified personnel. Volunteers come from different countries and they are trained by qualified personnel. The same for the jewelry workshop that is open from September until June. Gar...
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This project gathers 4 non-formal artistic education operators (Lieux Fictifs, TransFORMAS, coopérativa sociale e.s.t.i.a. , PhotoART Centrum), a University (Westerdals) and 3 archives holder structures (INA, Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, IMMR-CIMIR) and is the extension of exchanges developed for several years between the partners. It aims at implementing an innovative creative and learning proce...
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Εστία Άγιος Νικόλαος

Start date: Nov 3, 2014, End date: Jul 2, 2016,

Estia Agios Nikolaos is the only life-sharing community in Greece where adults with special needs live, work and spend their time together with the people who care for them, in a mutually enriching way. The cornerstone principle of “Estia Agios Nikolaos” is that each person is unique and can be helped to develop his or her unique capabilities in a nurturing environment via creative work, artistic ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Since fifty years, FEDE which has a participatory status with the Council of Europe develops training actions, European degrees and transnational educational projects. Since 2009, the mobility projects initiated by FEDE aim to improve employability for recent graduates (combating youth unemployment) and to strengthen teachers’ competence with the particularity, for all participants, to realise an ...
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Our project concerns an educational visit of 6 trainers from ESTIA to the Swedish partner in order to exchange expertise. The Swedish partner is one of the best and well established, highly developed and scientifically sound organizations in the E.U. In addition it uses innovative tools and methods in life long education with regards to people with intellectual disabilities.The team of 6 trainers...
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Εστία Άγιος Νικόλαος

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Estia Agios Nikolaos is a community formed by people with and without special needs where all members live, work and spend their free time together in family structures. Volunteers become a member of one of the «families» in the Estia and they take part in the different activities that are organized throughout the year, such as the workshops (pottery, handcrafts, garden), swimming, painting, walks...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Every year since 2008, participation to the Erasmus project fosters international mobility of ESTIA students. Regularly, new partnerships have been established, the latest signed with LMU in Munich, was the result of a professor mobility during the previous project. In 2014-2015 11 students received an Erasmus grant, among which 5 for a mobility of studies. We continue to encourage the mobility ...
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The overall objective of EFENIS is to facilitate and accelerate a move to low carbon manufacturing processes and site management by deployment and demonstration of innovative energy management systems and enabling efficiency technologies, which extend the scope of energy management outside the boundaries of a single plant to total site and then beyond the total site to district heating/cooling sys...
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Le but général du projet TRANSCREATIVA est de faire des Industries Culturelles et Créatives (ICC) de l'espace SUDOE une bonne pratique européenne capable de concilier développement économique (transfert de technologie) et cohésion sociale (jeunes au chômage).Les ICC sont ces industries qui combinent la création, la production et la commercialisation de contenus créatifs intangibles pouvant prendre...
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El proyecto de Responsabilidad Social Territorial Transfronteriza (RESOT) es un ambicioso proyecto cuyo objetivo es la transformación de la comarca Bidasoa – Sud Pays Basque hacia un espacio de Responsabilidad Territorial en materia económica, social y medioambiental. Está enmarcado en el Programa de Cooperación Territorial Transfronteriza España – Francia – Andorra (POCTEFA) para reforzar la inte...
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Les régions du SUDOE, dont l'agriculture fait partie fondamentale de l'économie, sont spécialement exposées au changement climatique. La disponibilité en eau et l'augmentation des températures affecterontfortement à la production agricole, et influeront en même temps sur la production énergétique. En plus, le fait que les exploitations agricoles et d'élevages soient passées d'extensives à intensiv...
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Monitorización de la naturaleza y de los animales (MONNA)

Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2014,

Vivimos en un mundo donde las actividades humanas están causando un rápido descenso en muchas especies, tanto en la flora como en la fauna, vinculándolo al cambio climático. En esta línea, se percibe en general una mayor sensibilización medioambiental. Sin embargo, estos los gestores requieren de información relevante y actualizada a fin de adoptar decisiones y diseñar políticas eficaces, así como...
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"The main objective of the DECADE proposal is to promote a significant increase in the range of energy control problems to which advanced optimisation-based control can be reliably applied. This will be achieved through the development of an electronic look-up function tailor-made for the specific energy systems. It can retrofit onto existing control hardware, or on new hardware. The above obje...
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Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Las PYMEs necesitan modernizar sus actividades, fomentar nuevas alianzas y desarrollar nuevas actividades para ser competitivos y asegurar su continuidad, así como generar sinergias de cooperación en su territorio. Muchas trabajan de manera aislada y les cuesta desarrollarse, especialmente en periodos de crisis, barreras en determinados mercados, por falta de cultura innovadora, de metodología y ...
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Red Energia y Medio Ambiente (REMAR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Oct 29, 2011,

En un mundo en el que las aspiraciones relativas al medio ambiente son cada vez más apremiantes, es necesario acelerar la concienciación a favor de las tecnologías energéticas y medioambientales de los gestores socioeconómicos y alentar el desarrollo de dichas tecnologías para que contribuyan, a la vez, a la protección del entorno y al desarrollo económico regional.
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Technology Transfer Research Results Atlantic Area (2XTRA)

Start date: Sep 30, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

De nos jours, l’innovation est vitale pour le développement socio-économique. Le paradoxe européen est que l’on observe des difficultés à mettre l’innovation sur le marché alors que le niveau scientifique et technologique est élevé. Le processus de transfert de technologie en Europe fonctionne par conséquent moins bien qu’aux Etats Unis ou au Japon. 2XTRA est une proposition ambitieuse résultant d...
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der to resolve their problems and put the New ICT into practical application: creation of teleservices adapted to their needs. The project intends to conduct a pilot action consisting of deploying two common platforms for collective teleservices — one oriented towards small companies and entrepreneurs in the rural tourism sector, the other towards micro-companies in the field of local production a...
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Ce projet traite de la transformation des entreprises et des organisations, basée sur l’écoute pluridisciplinaire (du top management aux lignes opérationnelles), sur la recherche de l’intégration des collectifs parfois exclus ou marginalisés (femmes, jeunes, salariés en seconde partie de carriere…) afin de rechercher des formes de conception et de production visant au développement durable. La str...
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Le projet "Technoforum TIC Aquitaine Navarre" a lobjectif de :Développer la connaissance mutuelle et la coopération transfrontaliere, individuelle et collective, entre les entreprises et les centres de recherche du secteur TIC dAquitaine et de Navarre.Favoriser lintégration et la promotion conjointe du secteur TIC interrégional, lobjectif final étant la création dun futur Cluster TIC Navarre-Aquit...
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RSCnet est un projet dappui aux PME dans leur engagement envers leur environnement social, prenant comme référence un modele de RSC (La RSC- Responsabilité Sociale Corporative- est un critere de réussite sans cesse plus important, prenant en compte la répercussion des activités de lentreprise sur la société, lenvironnement social, et sur lenvironnement naturel) fondé sur le modele EFQM (standard e...
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50 young persons with intellectual disabilities from Sweden, Germany, Spain, England, Latvia and Greece will get together in the city of Stockholm to participate in a six days meeting with Swedish politicians, disability policy delegates and representatives from the employment services to exchange ideas and debate with each other about how social inclusion for young people with intellectual disabi...
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Ce réseau transfrontalier doit permettre, grace aux échanges d’expériences, de technologies et de connaissances entre les différentes entreprises du Guipuzkoa et des Pyrénées Atlantiques, de favoriser leur développement transfrontalier. Achievements: Tache 1 : Actions a...
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Le projet a l’objectif de mettre en place un réseau et de créer un espace transfrontalier dédié a la coopération scientifique et technique dans le domaine de la fabrication aéronautique.Plusieurs objectifs ont été fixés :développer la coordination des intervenants scientifiques ayant des compétences dans le domaine aéronautique viségarantir la complémentarité de l’offre scientifique et technique p...
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TIPEIL is based on the outcomes achieved by the implementation of the “INTRA and EGEIS” transnational projects that ontributed to the development of a specific tool – the digital portfolio – and a methodology, with the aim of supporting the identification and valorisation of informal and non formal learning.Though the portfolio in itself has ancient roots, its most recent use (as a methodology for...
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The TransAd partnership explored issues faced by people with intellectual disabilities in making the transition to adulthood in Greece, Poland and the UK. We took a particular focus on supported and independent living. We exchanged knowledge and experience through four transnational workshops and maintained contact in between times through email as we worked on within country activities to develop...
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The project addresses a need for CVET on the integration of support and housing for vulnerable people, including those with disabilities, mental health needs and/or experience of homelessness. The project has identified six core learning outcomes, following a research exercise into the services, settings and training available in the sector in EU countries. These outcomes have been incorporated in...
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