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In living memory : an education and creation process with European archives
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project gathers 4 non-formal artistic education operators (Lieux Fictifs, TransFORMAS, coopérativa sociale e.s.t.i.a. , PhotoART Centrum), a University (Westerdals) and 3 archives holder structures (INA, Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, IMMR-CIMIR) and is the extension of exchanges developed for several years between the partners. It aims at implementing an innovative creative and learning process, based on the creation of shared artworks between inmates and free learners, using archive footages from different countries, that would favour the development on an intercultural dialogue between these learners from different ages, cultures and social backgrounds. The objectives of the project are : - to stimulate the will to learn for learners with difficulties of inclusion, to enable them to acquire basic, transversal and digital skills, thanks to the creation work around archive, by proposing an innovative educational process based on the creation of artworks using archives, - to build an intercultural and European dialogue that will convey openness and social cohesion, by mixing inmates and free learners from different generations, cultures and social backgrounds, - to enable trainers and teachers to experiment new learning methodologies around archive image and footage, to strengthen them thanks to the accompaniment of the archivists, and to benefit from an exchange of good practices. - to favour cooperations between non-formal and formal education actors, by mixing adult learners and students, to improve the learning offer, and imagine links for adult learners between their non-formal education path with perspectives of validating these acquisitions in the formal education - to encourage innovative learning devices structured at local level, gathering non-formal education actors, universities and cultural organizations, but also associated partners such as penitentiary administrations and local authorities, to stimulate the acknowledgement of non-formal education process’ impacts on learners, especially on inmates. This project involves directly 192 learners: 50 adult inmates, 72 students from film universities or art schools, 70 free adult learners (persons in insertion process, long-term unemployed people, amateurs and seniors); 18 artist trainers in non-formal adult education; 10 higher education teachers; 10 archivists from archive holder structures, 17 employed persons of the administrative/management staff of partner organisations. Project activities will be: - non-formal artistic education process developed with inmate and free adult learners, and the students of the partner or associated universities, around the creation of multidisciplinary artworks using archive images. Some common work sessions between inmate and free learners will take place inside the prisons, - transnational learning and training activities, that will enable trainers/teachers to experiment learning methodologies around archives with different European learners, and to exchange them with their counterparts. These activities will help capitalizing the added value represented by the intercultural dimension: trainers/teachers will be the intermediaries between learners in the different countries that cannot move, - from these experimentations, trainers/teachers will produce an innovative methodological guide presenting the learning methodologies using archives as a creative and educational material. A training pilote course will be created by trainers/teachers to enable multiplying such kinds of learning projects using archives in Europe. A common evaluation tool from the project impacts on learners will be produced, with the making of an interactive illustrated "Mind Map", to be shared with other stakeholders, - an important dissemination process will be implemeted to disseminate project's results and encourage professionals to exploite them: 3 events will take place, a website and specific project accounts will be created on several social media, and a networking action will be done at local, national and European level. Project's results will be the creation of 4 artworks using archives, a methodological guide, a training course, a "Mind Map" from the project impacts on learners, a project website. Project's impacts will be: - acquisition of basic, transversal and digital skills, open-minededness, and strengthening self-confidence for learners, - participation to an intercultural dialogue process, making the sense for a European citizenship and culture more concrete for all participants - improvement of trainers practices and skills - improvement of educational offer with the dissemination of the 3 intellectueal outputs - the awareness of local institutional partners to the importance of non-formal education project using the artistic medium and the archives, memory one. - to favour local structured partnerships between non-formal and formal education sectors, to consider links for learners between these 2 sectors.
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7 Partners Participants