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Efficient Energy Integrated Solutions for Manufacturing Industries (EFENIS)
Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of EFENIS is to facilitate and accelerate a move to low carbon manufacturing processes and site management by deployment and demonstration of innovative energy management systems and enabling efficiency technologies, which extend the scope of energy management outside the boundaries of a single plant to total site and then beyond the total site to district heating/cooling systems. The potential is demonstrated across a selection of the EU’s most energy-intensive sectors– thereby enabling integration across industries and processes while at the same time ensuring wide-spread deployment post-project. The EFENIS project will significantly advance the state-of-the-art with regards to site optimisation and Energy Management Systems. Currently, no deployed solution with a similar holistic scope exists. The major novelty of the project will be the creation of the foundation required for comprehensive, high-impact industrial deployment of energy systems based on Total Site Integration approach in the target industries and subsequent commercial exploitation. The project is focused on allowing integration of the developed technologies and solutions to both new designs and as retrofits to existing sites to ensure fast, widespread and cost-efficient industrial deployment. Until now, both technical and non-technical barriers have prevented the exploitation of this potential.

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