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24 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

To react for the growing problems of the EU with immigration in Europe and the rising antipathy of EU citizens in relation to foreigners, Europejskie Forum Młodzieży has developed the project "YOUTH and DIVERSITY - EVS OpenMind ZONE", which very important aspect is to help young people to gain the ability to build their own opinion on diversity and problem of immigration, strongly connected with c ...
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Nowoczesny nauczyciel europejskiej szkoły.

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Our school has been the leader among the schools in our region for many years. It is located in a rural area with a high rate of unemployment and a lot of the students come from families who are at the risk of marginalisation, poverty and social exclusion. Also in recent years the number of pupils with special needs has increased, among them pupils from migrant families ( Marocco, Italy, Great Bri ...
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Szkoła XXI wieku - nowe wyzwania, nowe umiejętności, nowe horyzonty

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The main aim of the project is developing qualifications of the teachers through perfecting their language skills, broading their knowledge of new technologies and methods of teaching foreign languages, and the knowledge of cultural and civilizational realia of European countries.Twenty one teachers and staff employee and a rehabilitation trainer take part in the project, they are all from the ZSI ...
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Activity & Eating: Small Steps to a Healthier You

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project ‘Activity & Eating: Small Steps to a Healthier You' aims at guiding students through the domains which have a huge impact on improving their lifestyles and changing them into much healthier ones. We want to equip our students with ways of keeping a healthy diet on a daily basis and instil them into their eating habits. What is more, we are absolutely positive their needs will be ultima ...
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Multicultural Kids

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

Project is open for volunteers form Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Portugal and Bulgaria, motivated to work with children in primary schools and kindergarden. It consists of 4 activities coordinated by Volunteer Center. In activity 1 a volunteer will be involved in work of Kindergarden with classes integrating children with disabilities and in other activities the volunteer swill be involved in w ...
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O našem městě chceme rozhodovat s Vámi

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project “We Want to decide about our town with You“ came into existence due to the need of young people who participate or would like to participate in democratic life of their city. Children's Council has been actively working in Kopřivnice of the Moravian-Silesian Region for 15 years. The Council has been a connecting link between students and school leaders, and at the same time, instrument ...
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,,Młodzi w akcji - wolontariusze w Kotlinie Kłodzkiej''

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project participants will be young people between 18 and 30 years of age originating from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged, having a different level of education wanting to break their personal and language barriers as well as gain additional experience in the areas of life previously unknown. The Europejskie Forum Młodzieży, together with partner organizations and the project ” You ...
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Geleceğin Dijital Vatandaşlarını Yetiştirme

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

Digital literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet. It is an important topic because technology is changing faster than society is. It can be defined as a survival skill in the digital era. Digital literacy involves more than the ability to use software and social media or operate digital devices such as interactive ...
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Our Community

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

'Our Community' highlights the importance for young people of knowing about where they are from, engaging with their community and feeling pride in their own community, history and traditions. The partners come from a range of geographical settings across Europe with urban and rural partners and all with distinct languages and cultures. This project will help them to feel confident in themselves ...
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Be Yourself Proof Yourself

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

21th century children face family problems(such as divorced parents,inadequate communication and unemployment of their parents)and social problems(low living standarts,environment,violence,aggression and discrimination) Some of these pupils wander in the streets aimlessly,go to shopping centres,internet cafes to spend their time after and during school hours.They are unaware of their responsibilit ...
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Every school wishes to have healthy learners and our poject aims at educating the students to engage in physical activities, namely cycling in order to gain physical and mental health, view life with more positive eyes and improve their creative and communication skills by making their voice heard when sharing their thoughts and ideas in a foreign language on various internet pages or learn to lis ...
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CONTEXT Europe is currently struggling with various problems of social inequality and lack of access to quality education for people threatened by social exclusion. Especially young people with fewer opportunities and coming from less-favored areas should have the opportunity to study, and in the future, get a job. Many students leave school too early, which further deepens the division in the soc ...
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Identity Roads

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Public holidays and celebrations are important dates in our national calendar. Some dates unite us with other nations, whilst other dates give us our unique identity. We may be different but we must learn about each other if we want to understand each other, and in understanding different cultures, we learn to appreciate them. School is where we learn about these important dates and the events ...
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Pollution! Find a STEM sollution!

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Pollution! Find a STEM solution! is a two year long cross-curricular project that grew out of indentified need for further development of STEM and ICT skills. Pisa 2012 results make evident that students’ knowledge is poor and motivation for math and similar subjects is low. Implying priorities of European Commission, like e-learning, will raise motivation and also develop basic skills and improve ...
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Creative minds

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

'Creative minds' is a project concerning robotics and modern computer technologies. By its implementation the partner schools make changes in teaching science subjects, incorporate the elements of robotics into the curricula of the subjects like Technology, Mathematics, Information Technology and Physics, and introduce new methods and forms of work during lessons. The teachers and students gain kn ...
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EVS miejscem rozwoju, przedsiębiorczości, aktywności i przyjaźni

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

In the project titled ,,EVS as a place of development,entrepreneurship, activity and friendship'' Europejskie Forum Młodzieży will involve 30 young people between age 18-30. This will be mainly the youth with fewer opportunities, that will gain new experience through the short-term and long-term project and also through the work for the local community. The youngsters will also break their persona ...
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Szkolenie językowo-metodyczne dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

Infromation about the project. "The English language and methodological training for teachers of English" is a Zespół Szkół Społecznych nr 7 (the combined Primary School and Junior High School) project. The aim of the project. The aim of the project is to strengthen the English language command of the teachers, to update their knowledge of teaching methods, to start cooperation with other teache ...
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Project’s background: Transformation from a local to a European job market forces our school to face new challenges. Junior Secondary Schools need to prepare its students for a life in modern Europe. For this reason, teachers continuously improve their multicultural and project’s management skills. Multicultural skills are an interdisciplinary experience, essential in case of a truly European-mind ...
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The project ‘High qualifications of teachers as a guarantee of student’s success in modern Europe’ was realized by six teachers at ZSI in Radom. They were English teachers and assistant teachers who help the disabled students during the lessons. The participants took part in training courses abroad. Two of them took part in technology-communication course organized by Smart Solution Limited in Mal ...
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This project is for students and teachers of secondary schools. Participants will collect and share information on how schools in European contries prepare students for lifelong learning. Students will compare possibilities of spending free time in healthy way taking part in sport activities portfolios. They will discuss of common concern (European culture, tolerance towards other cultures and peo ...
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The new and larger European Union has led to dynamic changes in the area of migration. This means new educational, professional and cultural challenges for many. The activities within this project are intended to explore how well our students are equipped to become active European citizens and - most importantly - help them acquire the necessary skills for this process. It is worth emphasizing tha ...
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The project aims are to provide students with a way to learn how to use resources in sustainable way by integrating applied science and technology into classroom learning experiences; to provide teachers and students with increased accessibility to scientific resources and promote an understanding of the role of energy in environment and to integrate concepts of sustainability into curriculum ...
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The Project WATER AND ARTS joins countries and schools from the South and North of Europe. It encourages students to develop their global knowledge of the causes and consequences of sustainable development. Preserving and rational use of natural resources is the main issue of this project. The goal is to encourage our students to save water resources and to use and illustrate their findings an ...
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Our project-title "WALK and TALK: Let's stand up for a world in balance! A European VISION in MOTION" implies our main themes and aims of our project. By Walking and Talking in the environment we want the students to become aware of their well-being in a conscious way of life.By WALKING students become sensitive to their own body in a time of virtual communication which often prevents them of lead ...
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