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Young citizens of Europe - our future. The path of knowing, growing and understanding.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT Europe is currently struggling with various problems of social inequality and lack of access to quality education for people threatened by social exclusion. Especially young people with fewer opportunities and coming from less-favored areas should have the opportunity to study, and in the future, get a job. Many students leave school too early, which further deepens the division in the society. Our project is to change this negative trend. OBJECTIVES Our project " Young citizens of Europe - our future. The path of knowing, growing and understanding" aims to develop skills, competencies and entrepreneurship of our students . We want them to grow up as conscious citizens of Europe, and find their place in the society through good education and a variety of languages. In our project we want to help pupils grow up and actively develop in their own culture and as well as a citizen of Europe. We would like to create systems for each of the partner schools where pupils support each other and the stronger ones help those who need more help. We dream of future school where everyone feels safe, where they are appreciated and they have something to give to the whole society (at home, at school, at the home town, in Europe). That is the aim and for that we (every school) are learning skills like language, communication, co-operation, involvement, well-being, knowing about sports, healthy food, self-confidence, knowledge of Europe. THE NUMBERS AND PROFILES OF PARTICIPANTS Our project will bring students and teachers from seven partner countries together: Poland (coordinator) , Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Italy, Romania and Turkey. Approximately 700 students in the age group of 12-16 years, and about 140 teachers from different countries will be involved in various activities. Around 120 students and 20 teachers will take part in the project meetings. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES Our activities will include following topics: • learning about different school systems • active participation in a number of classes of different subjects • Learning by action - E-learning , multimedia presentations , etc. • learning the languages of our partners (multilingualism) and their cultural heritage • visiting work places related to various professions, universities, etc • meetings with employers, teachers, politicians • work and activities for local communities • learning about European values • school of the future, creating our future • sport, the rules of "fair play", sport activities as part of a healthy life METHODOLOGY USED IN THE PROJECT • working in groups • using innovative methods - e -learning, participatory education, multimedia presentations, virtual walks • language learning via the Internet; CALL - Computer - Assisted Language Learning • methods of activating young people to take action and entrepreneurship RESULTS - SUMMARY • encouraging students to learn more and be interested in having a broad knowledge • better knowledge of English and motivation to continue learning it • knowledge of partner countries and their culture and language • knowledge of other education systems • increased IT skills among students and teachers • stronger links between schools, teachers and their families • creating a glossary "Our Dictionary" (multilingualism) • creating a guide "Our Guide for Future" - a compendium of our two-year action • lesson plans for teachers IMPACT OF THE PROJECT By working on a common project and using modern means of communication students and teachers develop not only communicative, but also social and linguistic skills. By travelling to other European schools students gradually will get used to more flexibility which is much needed in a globalised world. Our students are going to establish meaningful contacts with students from other countries that may even become lifelong friendships. The meetings’ agenda comprises of course the vivid exchange concerning teaching methods and material, school systems, school and students problems and the implementation of modern means of communication that goes hand in hand with the necessity to teach media literacy. The different activities and their results will constantly be communicated to the local press, respective villagers and students´ parents. All the participants, families and community of the school will be encouraged to fight any form of xenophobia and be open to different cultures. POTENTIAL LONG-TERM BENEFITS • pupils take responsibility for their lives and future • developing tolerance and respect for all people and cultures • deepening the sense of belonging to European community • improving the quality of education system • broadening the horizons of the students at the educational, social and cultural levels

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