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Activity & Eating: Small Steps to a Healthier You
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ‘Activity & Eating: Small Steps to a Healthier You' aims at guiding students through the domains which have a huge impact on improving their lifestyles and changing them into much healthier ones. We want to equip our students with ways of keeping a healthy diet on a daily basis and instil them into their eating habits. What is more, we are absolutely positive their needs will be ultimately addressed by embedding physical activities into our project, as sport is a perfect means of addressing adolescents' needs. Apart from traditional sports, we intend to promote the desired behaviour by making students realize that not only games and gymnastics are physical activities, but they can also be pursued by using various geographical features. Our project activities will present them other active ways of passing free time, which involve physical activities but are not often associated by our students with sporty ones. It will also provide them with ideas how to lead an active, well-balanced life which is not only important in their actual situation when they find it important to combine being a diligent student and a cool, trendy teenager at the same time, but also in their future life, when they will have to reconcile a working career with bringing up children, being an active citizen. We also want our project to appeal to students who are unwilling to attend classes or tend to skip them. They usually find schools as boring, unattractive places but we want them to perceive our schools as places cool to attend so that they would not play truant so often. It will eventually result in their more positive attitude towards the learning process. The project must be surely regarded as innovative since it tackles the aforementioned needs by establishing a holistic approach to them. We want to make our students aware that becoming a well-developed person depends on various factors which are often interconnected, although they may not discern this fact. Therefore we have decided that the project is going to be based on three pillars: - Improve Your Health Through Good Nutrition, - Exercise your local options, - Be active your way. Students will encompass these pillars by creating Personal Healthy Lifestyle Plans consolidating healthy eating habits, improving physical fitness and mobility, searching for effective ways to combat stress, creating later specific eating and physical activity goals to attain by themselves. Carrying the project out simultaneously in five schools in different countries will make its objectives more significant to our students as its pan-European dimension will highlight its importance and enhance their active participation in it. The project will be carried out by five schools from the following countries: Poland, Italy, Portugal, France and Hungary and aimed primarily at their students. We are convinced that students from our schools will be highly influenced by it. They will increase their language competences by on-line communication with each other, preparing tasks, presentations and posters, carrying out common tasks during learning activities, hosting students from other countries. All these activities will influence their motivation for learning foreign languages as they will be able to experience it in the real context. What is more, students will enhance their ICT competences by creating digital products. We are positive that the project will also develop their independence, discipline, creativity, positive attitudes towards collaboration, self - presentation, tolerance and team work skills, opportunities to show and use their abilities, to make new friends with peers from partner schools, gaining knowledge about rational recreation and leisure and its great influence on mental and physical condition. They will be equipped with ready-to-use ideas concerning leading a healthy lifestyle and using these ideas will enhance their participation in future activities concerning this domain. We are also planning to obtain tangible results of the project, such as: exhibitions of photographs documenting tours, trips and all forms of activities; exhibitions of works by students created during tasks associated with the celebration of Health Month Themes for a Year of Wellness (posters, presentations, poems, videos etc.); a series of Healthy Eating videos Power up your meal!; an informative guidebook; a set of Recipe Cards for preparing healthy beverages and snacks and a joint report on the implementation of Personal Health Lifestyle Plans. We are going to treat this two-year project period as a certain trial time which will allow us to choose the activities which are the most appealing to students and the best ways of interweaving them into every year ongoing school activities so that they could remain constant features of our schools’ calendars. The project is supposed to be a good practice example, not only for external stakeholders, but also and primarily for our own schools.

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