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30 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (Blue-Action)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

Blue-Action will provide fundamental and empirically-grounded, executable science that quantifies and explains the role of a changing Arctic in increasing predictive capability of weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere.To achieve this Blue-Action will take a transdisciplinary approach, bridging scientific understanding within Arctic climate, weather and risk management research, with key s ...
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European framework for ‘Knowledge Triangle’ in the logistics sector

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

... of all business sectors and are equally critical for not-for-business organizations in order for theiractivities to be efficient and effective.However, as indicated also in the report of the Sixth University- Business Forum 2015, there are still barriers to university-business cooperation that need to be addressed if Europe is to remain a knowledge intensive globally competitive economy. Universi ...
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Online Study Platform on Mediation

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

Mediation is an effective interdisciplinary method of dispute resolution, where legal studies, entrepreneurship, administration and psychology converge. The EU has in the recent years embraced those alternative ways of dispute settlement for their main characteristics of being time and cost efficient. The applicable legislation - both on a European and national level, has been fully set out to mee ...
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Empowering education systems in information security

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Context/background: Young people and children are today amongst the biggest user groups of ICT in Europe. 75% of European children using the internet. Therefore, ICT is becoming embedded in everyday life to stimulate innovation, education and participation, in line with the current recommendations of the Digital Agenda for Europe, May 2010 (DAE) and EU2020 goals. In order to stay safe, children ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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"The overall aim of this project is to offer a deeper understanding of the different mechanisms involved in the management of chronic conditions with a specific focus on how initiatives are translated and embedded into the illness management practices in peoples’ everyday life. It is in work, domestic and community settings where these practices are shaped by the emotional, symbolic, ethical, eco ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

През периода 2014-2015 година Университетският център за мобилност на студенти и преподаватели (УЦМСП) ъм УНСС продължи и разшири дейността си за организиране и стимулиране на международната академична мобилност. УЦМСП интензивно съдейства за реализиране на мобилности на студенти от ОКС „Бакалавър“, ОКС „Магистър“ и ОНС „Доктор“, на щатни и хонорувани преподаватели от УНСС, както и на администрати ...
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The literature published in the last 3 years trying to explain agricultural markets instability during 2007-2009 offers inconclusive results about its causes and impacts. On balance, available scientific evidence gives insufficient guidance for prioritizing policy initiatives, and for effectively averting and mitigating new food crises. Based on an integrated approach, Project ULYSSES seeks to pro ...
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Local Production Systems (LPS) could be characterized in different ways, thus their definition is neither simple, nor unified task. One of the most popular definitions is the one given by Local Production & Innovation Systems Research Network – “territorial union of economic, political and social actors, whose efforts are focused on a specific group of interrelated activities”. LPS have strong imp ...
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In FarmPath, we propose that increasing sustainability in agriculture is best addressed by enabling flexible combinations of farming models, which vary to reflect the specific opportunity sets embedded in regional culture, agricultural capability, diversification potential, ecology, and historic ownership and governance structures. We will enable progress towards this goal of increased regional s ...
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"The design of effective and targeted CAP measures relies on a proper assessment of the impacts of EU policy changes and market developments on farmers and the whole economy. Uncertainty, instability and price volatility that relentlessly reshape agricultural markets today, call upon the development of new modelling tools able to scrutinise all relevant dynamics while also remaining easy to use an ...
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...n institutions, students, staff, employers and quality assurance agencies. However in practice this is hard to achieve and the process lacks the active participation of a large number of students and university stakeholders.For this purpose we have conceived MyUniversity, an innovative project that aims at empowering all university members and stakeholders in the higher education decision process, ...
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Municipal PROperty Management In South-Eastern Cities (PROMISE)

Start date: Feb 28, 2009, End date: Feb 27, 2012,

Municipal real estate is one of the most underutilized local resources in many cities, especially in the SEES countries. The object of the PROMISE transnational cooperation project is the development of integrative tools and methods and the implementation of a comprehensive system for the efficient municipal property management. The projects outputs and results will support cities in developing to ...
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"The proposed project will develop a method for scaling down the analysis of policy impacts on multifunctional land uses and on the economic activities. This method will rely on micro-simulation and multi-agents models, designed and validated at municipality level using input from stakeholders. The models will address the structural evolution of the populations (appearance, disappearance and chang ...
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The project aims at dealing with the internationally recognized issue of the effects of climate change on alpine tourism, with reference both to winter tourism and sports and to alpine all-seasons tourism. The issue of providing appropriate strategies to ensure a balanced development of alpine tourism, the preparation of appropriate adaptation policies at the national, regional and local level and ...
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Pesticides are defined as chemical substances protecting plants from pathogens, insects, nematodes and weeds. They are used to secure yields, improve quality of food and facilitate harvesting. However, their heavy use in agriculture resulted in pest resistance, ground, surface and water contamination as well as possible health problems on farmers/operators and consumers. Within this context, the o ...
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The major objectives of this Specific Support Action are to: - promote the role played by the Framework Programme in enabling International Cooperation on Global Change and Ecosystems research; - and to facilitate the uptake of the results of the research being carried out. This will be done by using a combined approach of awareness-raising and networking activities.The project will focus in parti ...
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Change from the existing approach to higher education towards the concept based on the needed competencies of students makes it possible to continue higher education study programmes reform, with special emphasis on creating conditions that correspond with the goals for implementation of the National Qualifications Framework in Montenegro. Thus, specific objectives of the project should not only e ...
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ARARAT (ARMENIAN COORDINATION AGENCY “UNIVERSITY - EMPLOYER”) is a three-year national project, under the priority of Higher Education and Society, EACEA N° 25/2011, 5th call and Structural Measures action. The wider objective of the project is to ameliorate the relevance of higher education to ever-changing labor market needs through establishment and operationalization of universities-employers ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2011,

This proposal is based on the need for interim evaluation of the implementation of development priorities of lifelong learning at local level in the current programming period and highlight priority areas for development based on the upcoming pan-European guidelines outlined in the Strategic Framework for Education and Training 2020. A similar analysis at the time was not carried out and from that ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

REASONS: The knowledge of consumer behavior is of great relevance from the economic and civic point of view. There must be a pool of knowledge in consumer behavior that allows the firms and other associations and public organisms to take appropriate decisions regarding the market. Currently this knowledge is neither organized nor clearly disseminated. When dealing with cross-cultural consumer beha ...
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The VIRTUOSE project will develop computer-based training and assessment in Quality Management Systems (QMS) for a range of manufacturing sectors across the four partner countries. Virtual Training and Self-Evaluation modules will be developed to enhance both the take-up and understanding of QMS by professionals and managers taking part in the project's computer-based training. Based on internatio ...
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Based on the need for sophisticated knowledge about the stock markets and of an effective training product for enhancement of financial culture of SME’s it is necessary to build up on conventional training modules of professionals by developing online training in the field of financial markets and investment in securities. The “OTIS” project intends to build a software product for VET which includ ...
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The main outcome of the INTETRAIN project was the development of an integrated training toolkit for operators and managers/trainers in the machinery and equipment manufacturing sector.The training makes use of a combination of learning methods including innovative information and communication technologies, tutoring, practical exercises and online evaluations. It has therefore a significant impact ...
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The main outcome of the INTETRAIN project was the development of an integrated training toolkit for operators and managers/trainers in the machinery and equipment manufacturing sector.The training makes use of a combination of learning methods including innovative information and communication technologies, tutoring, practical exercises and online evaluations. It has therefore a significant impact ...
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The project aims to develop entrepreneurial skills amongst the long-term unemployed, particularly women, with a focus upon the health and social care sectors. Unemployment in these sectors is particularly identifiable whereupon the provision of training in entrepreneurial skills expects to assist the re-entry of women into the labour market. The project will initially establish the learning and tr ...
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The main assumption underlying the development of this project is the notion that the workplace is a learning environment. In the fast changing working world it is important to find ways to identify useful competences that can be built upon both in work and further education and training. It is important that the competences which an individual develops outside the formal school system are transp ...
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The aim of the project, is to train of target groups within their socio-cultural and relegious perspectives in the topic of animal welfare and food safety with the use of courses and printed products, encouragement of the use of ICT techniques, and provision of knowledge, skill and quality and in the long term to qualify the registered and hidden workforce and reinforcement of workforce market, a ...
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We perceive that a coherent and common methodology to promote entrepreneurship in secondary education is lacking at European level. There is also a need to embed an international dimension in order to provide pupils/students a first-hand experience of the challenges posed by actual working and business environment they will encounter in the near future. Within this transfer of innovation project ...
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