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"SOLUTIONS will deliver a conceptual framework for the evidence-based development of environmental and water policies. This will integrate innovative chemical and effect-based monitoring tools with a full set of exposure, effect and risk models and assessment options. Uniquely, SOLUTIONS taps (i) expertise of leading European scientists of major FP6/FP7 projects on chemicals in the water cycle, (i ...
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FlyHigh studies underexplored phytophagous and saprophagous flies and geophyte plants aiming to obtaining ecological and evolutionary data that will be used to elucidate ecological features of fly species that could be exploited for artificial mass production of flies. Artificial mass rearing of flies produces beneficial end products, the flies themselves or their larval stages, that could be appl ...
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COolest Of Labs Hottest Of Theories (COOLandHOT)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project proposal under the title Cool & Hot (COlest Of Labs & Hottest Of Theories) mixes, blends and unites faces, voices, results and energies of many generations of researchers in offering the public at large, regardless of their age and scientific background, the opportunity to get up-close and personal with researchers. However, a special emphasis in this project will be given to inspiring ...
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Environmental signaling and ovarian diseases susceptibility (EcoSignal)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

In adult mammals, ovarian function is characterized by regular cyclic changes, which are critical for the egg development, sex steroid hormones production and fertility. These processes depend on the tight regulation of the activity of different ovarian signaling cascades that if altered during critical periods of development can lead to adverse effects on reproductive function. Initial investigat ...
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Friend to understand (Friend2U)

Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Our mission of exposing the researchers as ordinary people with an extraordinary job to the public at large in Serbia started in 2010. Annual impact assessment reports show that we significantly influenced the perception and knowledge of the general public regarding WHAT the researchers do, but they also showed that there is room for improving the ways of showing WHO the researchers are, by making ...
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Renewable energy virtual laboratory (REVLAB)

Start date: Apr 30, 2014, End date: Aug 30, 2015,

The REVLAB project between the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences and the University of Szeged, Department of Technical Informatics will start a cross-border research cooperation in the field of renewable energy technology which will result in the first-of-a-kind high-power renewable energy laboratory that is completely safe, scalable and accessible anytime from anywhere in the ...
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...ilable antibiotic therapy for treating H. pylori infection has multiple disadvantages. Thus, development of a new, more efficient antimicrobial therapeutic agent against H. pylori is a necessity. The University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Biological Research Centre, developed a joint initiative to bring Serbian and Hungarian researchers together with th ...
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Status and Trends of European Pollinators (STEP)

Start date: Feb 1, 2010, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

Pollinators form a key component of European biodiversity, and provide vital ecosystem services to crops and wild plants. There is growing evidence of declines in both wild and domesticated pollinators, and parallel declines in plants relying upon them. STEP will document the nature and extent of these declines, examine functional traits associated with particular risk, develop a Red List of some ...
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... have organised and will hold an International Intenside school in three languages for PhD students, high school teachers and students, a Physics Laboratory and Geogebra training, joint international university courses on Biomathematics, a computer-aided Physics laboratory, modelling with computer algebra and dynamic geometry software, and this list is far from exhaustive.Apart from organising sci ...
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The main purpose of this project is to improve coherence and consistency among risk assessments undertaken by the countries at national and local level, and especially in case of disasters intensified by climate change. The project builds on the EU Council conclusions on "Further Developing Risk Assessment for Disaster Management within the European Union" adopted in March 2011, that aims for a co ...
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Hungary, as a member of the EU is engaged to fulfil the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive. Serbia, being a state heading towards the EU has also a great interest to meet the requirements of the document. To achieve the goals of the directive, catchment management plans need to be implemented, which provide a framework for major water related issues. However, the management of future ...
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The Dep. of Climatology and Landscape Ecology of the University of Szeged, as LB, and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Novi Sad, as PP, intend to realise a development of innovation in the frame of joint implementation unique to Central Europe. More and more people live and/or work in urban environment as a consequence of intensifying urbanisation processes, therefore changing and incr ...
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Center of Excellence For Advanced and Intelligent Control (CEFAIC)

Start date: Jan 14, 2013, End date: Jul 13, 2014,

The purpose of this project is to train and educate both students and engineers in industry how to use and implement modern control strategies in order to improve energy efficiency, as well as reduce greenhouse gas effect (long life learning). Therefore, during 18 months, the Center of Excellence for Advanced and Intelligent Control would be established as an official premise for such training and ...
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"The proposed Coordination and support actions (Coordinating, CSA) has the overall objective to disseminate state-of-the-art research results in food safety and quality topics through a series of symposia, expert working group meetings, an online platform with best practise examples and coordination of cooperation and a plan for the preparation of future activities. In addition to the aim of disse ...
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...the profile of young experts they can expect in the upcoming period. Study programmes for Mechanical Engineers on MSc level at the Faculty of Technical Sciences and for BSc level engineers at the University of Szeged have been accredited. Potential and current students were regularly informed about the possibilities of newly developed programmes and informed on industry needs for skilled and train ...
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Serbia and Hungary aim to build a long-term relationship, in order to cooperate on economical, social, and cultural levels. Infrastructure development is one of the key elements herein, as efficient mobilisation of people and goods are crucial factors for ensuring durable competitiveness. Although the development of public transport system has priority on all programme levels, the construction and ...
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Danube Inland Harbour Development (DaHar)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

The DaHar partnership represents small and medium sized Danube cities with ports of international importance. The economic development and participation in the economic circulation of these cities could be enhanced through the optimal utilisation of port development in the frame of enhancing waterway cargo transport on the Danube in a transnational context. To this end, DaHar partners wish to util ...
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Less favoured rural areas in SEE rely on traditional economic activities as the main source of income and jobs. At the same time they possess unique cultural values which are not recognised as a development factor and consequently not properly managed. The main objective of the project is therefore to improve the management of cultural values in rural areas in order to contribute to economic and s ...
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...esearch programmes between the two countries and within the region. Scientific results will be presented in research articles and widely publicized in scientific conferences and integrated into the university education. Implementation of the project provides highly positive scientific, economical and social effects and, in long-term period, efforts positively influence the quality of life of peopl ...
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Six Senses of Science (SoS)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

"Science has always been enough of an inspiration for the Society to embrace it, invest in it, and utilize it. It is again the inspiration for us to embark on proposing the project under the Researchers’ Night 2013 call, after AWAREs – All We Are Researchers project I, II, and III. This project proposal is inspired by senses and engaging our senses in relating to the Science and the World in gener ...
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The overall objective of the project is an integrated development of a molecular diagnostic test system that not only supports targeted, individualized tumor therapy, but also allows a deeper insight into the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis by revealing new scientific evidence. Based on previous research on novel tumor suppressors and tumor marker genes, which partners published in more tha ...
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 FINISHED with the behaviour of BAs, the Univ. of Szeged possesses modern and powerful equipment for the research of chemical interactions. Well-developed chemical informatics (computational cluster) at the University of Szeged allows for modelling the structure of BA aggregates, in order to be able to select drug molecules with which BA will interact. Using new computational techniques (University of Sz ...
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The subsurface water bodies are the main source of drinking water in the Csongrád and Bács-Kiskun counties (in Hungary) and Backa and Banat regions (Serbia) for more than 1.8 million persons. Ammonium and arsenic compounds caused problems in many drinking water facilities: the majority of inhabitants is supplied with drinking water of As and NH4 concentration above the maximum admissible concentr ...
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Through the MATCROSS project, the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences and the University of Szeged Dept. of Applied and Environmental Chemistry will create a cross-border research cooperation in environmental research, to develop cost-effective and environmentally friendly monitoring and remediation technologies, thus addressing serious issues relating to contaminated sites in the border zo ...
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Cross-border ICT Research Network (CIRENE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

...ion, common knowledge, joint research agenda, common testing methodology/platform, technological solution ready for exploitation, results in publications, common research topics.The target groups are university partners, SMEs, local clusters, indirectly end-users, economy actors, public institutions, non-profit organizations. The project will affect relevant R&D/industry communities also on EU and ...
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...ricity and heat, and purified biomethane can replace natural gas. The partners learnt about each other’s prior activities at the first meeting, after which four Serbian students went to the University of Szeged in order to get acquainted with the latest biogas biotechnologies and to participate in various joint experimental projects. In addition to conducting research, the partners also organised ...
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All We Are Researchers 3 (AWARE III)

Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

"AbstractThe aim of the Researchers’ Night 2012 project in Serbia is to enhance public recognition of researchers and show that they are ordinary people with an extraordinary job. The AWARE III project is conceptually and strategically based on topics underlined and emphasized by the Horizon 2020 (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation) and organised in 5+1 corners: Energy, Innovations ...
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...-Vode Vojvodine-creation of HEC-RAS model(3D digital mapping, prognostic model of flood wave, new strategies in flood) joining the Hungarian one (this activity also needs to change the relevant data)-University,-Vode Vojvodine also examines the water quality, which is also a risk factor on all rivers.The results will be: -The new instruments ensure the necessary renewing of the existing models dat ...
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The Danube, Tisa and Maros rivers are the most prominent environmental heritage of the cross-border region. Hence, both the Hungarian and Serbian sides are interested in the quality of these surface waters, as the drinking water supply systems are based exclusively on local ground waters. The major problems are high content of organic matter (humic acids, phenols, etc.) and lack of adequate water ...
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...d. 11. Common project web-page as communication and information platform 12. General information and publicity activities (media, posters, leaflets, promotion, ....).The direct target group contains university and high school teachers; high school, graduate and PhD students, and professionals, while the indirect target groups are the students taught by their teachers from the main target group. ...
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...raditional International Training Course (ITC) for foreign young scientists, so it has a high level of experience in this respect. This project would provide a new relationship between BRC of HAS and University of Novi Sad, and to move the Hungarian/Serbian collaboration to a higher level.In the frame of the project we will implement the following activities:1) Project management2) Information an ...
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All we are researchers 2 (AWARE II)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

"The aim of second edition of Researchers’ Night project in Serbia is to enhance public recognition of researchers and their work and to demonstrate that researchers are part of the society and that society needs researchers. All we are researchers, edition II project is envisaged to raise awareness of general objectives prior to the event, organize festive and innovative activities during the eve ...
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 FINISHED a constant window to target groups and wider public.WP 3: Networking of SMEs and other economy actors from cross-border regionThe importance of this activity lays in significance of University-Economy cooperation: 3.1 Two networking events in Serbia (which will include matching of SMEs) – SMEs will be matched according to sector, potential and similar, 3.2 Two networking events in Hungary (whi ...
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The programme area is crossed by relevant freight traffic flows, originated and directed in- and outside it. This traffic is mainly supported by road infrastructures, that were not planned for these flows. This involves a negative impact on the territorial competitiveness and environment, due to air pollution, noise and reduced mobility. The project objective is to promote the coordination between ...
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After the Trans-European transport Networks (TEN) process which also involved EU Candidate States with the objective to deliver a European Infrastructure plan, further activities in the field of intermodal goods transport rarely head in this direction. However, the interconnection between Candidate States and Central Europe is still not sufficient, particularly as these regions are essential in co ...
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Satellite-based navigation and positioning systems like GPS are becoming an ever more important part of our daily lives, which does not only apply to driving. Such systems and their applications also promise to play a significant role in various aspects of regional planning. For instance, geoinformation data can inform regional policy decisions in fields such as the environment (e.g. through emiss ...
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The aim of this project is to establish water reserves and changes in water regime, whose hydrological properties are of great importance. In view of the involvement of numerous and diverse contaminants, it is of essential importance to precisely locate and identify pollution in the characteristic parts in the undeground layers and agicultural soil, and propose measures for overcoming the problem ...
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The applicant’s division in Békéscsaba has established a joint website and aninformation, documentation centre through the development of an institutionalsystem working to promote cross-border cultural, social, research, municipal andeconomic co-operation. The same has been completed by the Voivodinan partner inNovy Sad and the centre has been opened during a cross-border regional developmentconfe ...
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Szeged University Medical IT Institute and the University of Novi Sad co-operated primarily in the field of computer-aided education. Using the funds of the support, they developed new course programmes for computer-aided scientific technical modelling. Within the framework of the project, a 5-day course was held on both sides of the border. As a result of the co-operation, not only the relationsh ...
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...ed and Mórahalom in Hungary, and in Palić, Serbia. The project encompassed the impact studies for a geothermal cooling and heating system for the central buildings and the teaching hospitals of the University of Szeged, including the comprehensive technical design of the system with production and injection wells and heat centres. The impact study and plans for the „new centre”, public buildings a ...
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