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Multidisciplinary, market oriented development of joint RDI capacities of the border region (MORDIC)
Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Oct 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project is conceived as an idea almost ten years ago. The main motive for turning the idea into a reality is the fact that final result (to whose achievement the project will contribute), is a much needed one. Given that there is long term cooperation between partner institutions and that their needs completely match, this undertaking is only expected. Main outline of the project can be described through following activities:WP 1: Project ManagementProject Management consists of activities whose aim is to assure smooth flow of all other aspects of project implementation: 1.1 Kick off meeting – organized with the aim of reaching initial arrangement for start of implementation,1.2 Financial management and procurement – which is to follow almost every other activity, 1.3 General management – with task to monitor activities, eliminate possible risks and make sure the flow of the project is smooth.WP 2: Promotion and DisseminationGoal is to keep target groups and general public up to date with project activities and results: 2.1 Dissemination conferences – Opening and Closing Conference, 2.2 Press conferences and TV shows – organized so that wider audience would be aware of efforts made within the project, 2.3 Design and printing PR material (brochures, leaflets and booklets) – containing different level of information about project results, 2.4 Project Web site – which has the task of being a constant window to target groups and wider public.WP 3: Networking of SMEs and other economy actors from cross-border regionThe importance of this activity lays in significance of University-Economy cooperation: 3.1 Two networking events in Serbia (which will include matching of SMEs) – SMEs will be matched according to sector, potential and similar, 3.2 Two networking events in Hungary (which will include matching of SMEs), 3.3 Workshop: Developing and implementing cooperation plans – plans developed in this stage will reach full implementation when Science – Technology Parks will have been completed.WP4: Development of cross-border innovation networkInnovation network will function in line with previous activity, thus strengthening cross-border cooperation:4.1 Targeting potential members – by using data base (newly developed) of institutions and individuals with adequate profile, 4.2 Network initiation meeting (where documents defining the network will be presented), 4.3 Developing plans for Network's future activities (strategy and action plan) – including action plan.WP 5: Development of infrastructural capacities of Science-Technology ParksIn order to build sites in accordance with projects already developed, both sites need feasibility studies developed for their chosen locations: 5.1 Feasibility study of new building of the Technology Transfer Centre - TTC (Serbia), 5.2 Feasibility study of new building of the TTC (Hungary). Achievements: Based on stable grounds the two Universities started development of highly innovative Science and technology Parks and Universities network and have clearly defined some possible areas of cooperation for the future. At the present, there is a high possibility of further collaboration in ITC sector and development of co-operational network in the area of biotechnology (bio gas) and advanced laser equipment. It was concluded that the main goal was establishment of the Science and technology Park as well as creation of a network of regional ST Parks (Serbia, Hungary, and Romania) as a way to integrate economic and intellectual resources in the region in order to improve and enhance the existing companies' business conditions and gather knowledge in one place. The feasibility studies were prepared, offering a systematic overview of the ST parks economic, technological, environmental, financial and management feasibility. Feasibility studies wil present a guarantee for decision makers, which should result in bigger investments and a better flow of finacial resources.

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  • 85%   252 982,10
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants