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Six Senses of Science (SoS)
Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Science has always been enough of an inspiration for the Society to embrace it, invest in it, and utilize it. It is again the inspiration for us to embark on proposing the project under the Researchers’ Night 2013 call, after AWAREs – All We Are Researchers project I, II, and III. This project proposal is inspired by senses and engaging our senses in relating to the Science and the World in general. The project proposal under the title Six Senses of Science (SoS ) is about turning on the senses and uniting energies in enhancing the public recognition of researchers, offering the public at large, regardless of their age and scientific background, the opportunity of discovering the ""human face"" of research. SoS project will show and prove the impact of research on our daily lives via direct exchanges and discussions with the researchers, who will help us better understand the scientific chain of cause-effect-result. The project will bring the researchers and public closer to one another, showing researchers’ usual activities and day-to-day work as well as hobbies, hopes and dreams.Bearing in mind that the senses make a basis of human perception, the main idea of the project is to offer multidisciplinary and innovative perception of the science, engaging all of the senses we are given at birth: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. But, only some of us are endowed with one more special and yet controversial sense – the sixth sense! The extrasensory perception we also call a gut instinct, sometimes hunch. This being the inspiration for our project, we aim to present the researchers and research through the Six Senses of Science approach:Option 1Sense of Science #1: Smell the ScienceSense of Science #2: Hear about (ask and talk) scienceSense of Science #3: See the scienceSense of Science #4: Taste the scienceSense of Science #5: Touch the science by doing itSense of Science #6: Connect and Exchange Science"

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