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Research Cooperation of the University of Szeged and the University of Novi Sad in Development of Anticancer Drug Compounds (RECODAC)
Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Jan 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Breast and prostate cancers are among the most common tumours and the leading causes of mortality. These tumours are mostly steroid hormone dependent and can be treated effectively with antiandrogen or antiestrogen drug therapy. Development of new compounds possessing these antihormonal effects is an important and promising field of the anticancer research in both Hungary and Serbia. This project aims to establish cross-border research network between the Universities of Novi Sad and Szeged for the pre-clinical research of novel anticancer drug compounds. New compounds will be synthesized by derivatization of naturally occurring steroidal and nonsteroidal compounds and will be characterized by IR, NMR, MS and X-ray analysis. The presumed antihormonal and anticancer effect will be investigated in in vitro enzyme activity tests and receptor binding assays and in in vivo animal experiments. By studying structure–activity relationship, the project may earn drug candidate lead compounds. Combination of the complementary research capacities of both Universities will cover the entire pre-clinical anticancer innovation process and will generate a substantial synergistic effect. The cooperation of the Serbian and Hungarian project partners will include knowledge transfer through working visits and joint workshops. New technological, scientific and organizational developments, as well as unique know-how and achieved cross-border expertise of the research staff will be used for implementation of other academic and industrial research programmes between the two countries and within the region. Scientific results will be presented in research articles and widely publicized in scientific conferences and integrated into the university education. Implementation of the project provides highly positive scientific, economical and social effects and, in long-term period, efforts positively influence the quality of life of people in Hungary and in Serbia. Achievements: Breast and prostate cancers are among the most common tumours and the leading causes of death. These tumours are mostly steroid hormone dependent and can be treated effectively with antiandrogen or antiestrogen drug therapy. Development of new compounds possessing these antihormonal effects is an important and promising field of anticancer research in both Hungary and Serbia. This project established a cross-border research network between the Universities of Novi Sad and Szeged for the pre-clinical research of novel anticancer drug compounds. The complementary expertise and research capacities of the Hungarian and the Serbian universities were combined in aim of developing new antihormonal and anticancer drug compounds. The cooperation of the Serbian and Hungarian project partners included knowledge transfer through working visits and joint workshops.Implementation of the project resulted in highly positive scientific, economic and social effects. New compounds were synthesized and the presumed antihormonal and anticancer effects were investigated by in vitro laboratory tests.
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  • 85.1%   284 821,40
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants