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Joint Disaster Management risk assessment and preparedness in the Danube macro-region (SEERISK)
Start date: Jun 30, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main purpose of this project is to improve coherence and consistency among risk assessments undertaken by the countries at national and local level, and especially in case of disasters intensified by climate change. The project builds on the EU Council conclusions on "Further Developing Risk Assessment for Disaster Management within the European Union" adopted in March 2011, that aims for a common approach and harmonisation on the prevention of natural and man-made disasters setting out an overall disaster prevention framework. The EC is called on, before the end of 2012, to prepare this cross-sectoral overview of the major natural and man-made risks taking into account, where possible, the future impact of climate change and the need for climate mitigation. SEERisk will therefore test and adapt the EC guildelines to selected pilot areas in the SEE region, focusing on two main activity: risk assessment and the enhancement of joint preparedness in order to strengthen awareness and efficiency of action in emergencies caused by climate change. Achievements: • Common risk assessment methodology for the Danube Macro-region• Guideline for climate change adaptation and risk assessment in the Danube Macro-region• Hazard, impact and risk maps for drought and drought-related wildfire - Kanjiža (RS)• Hazard, impact and risk maps for extreme wind - Siófok (HU)• Hazard, impact and risk maps for flood - Senica (SK)• Hazard, impact and risk maps for floods - Sarajevo-Ilidža (BiH)• Hazard, impact and risk maps for heat wave - Arad (RO)• Hazard, impact and risk maps for wildfire - Velingrad (BG)• Template for developing risk matrices• Template for developing risk scenariosFor more information see:
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  • 85%   1 678 414,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

19 Partners Participants