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In a context of rapid economic growth impacting its coastal zone, Morocco must organize a marine and coastal management plan as stipulated in the 2015 Moroccan Coastal Act. However, Morocco is facing one main challenge: to found highly qualified personnel at postgraduate level, with technical and transversal skills, fully able to implement this policy. In this purpose, this Erasmus + Capacity b ...
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In an effort to bring science and society together in Europe, and consequently increase the continent’s international competitiveness, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education must be more relatable to European youths to raise their interests and involvement in STEM careers. This project proposes an educational platform with multi-level components, designed and developed o ...
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Green Electronics with Diamond Power Devices (GreenDiamond)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

The key to the efficient transmission and conversion of low-carbon electrical energy is the improvement of power electronic devices. Diamond is considered to be the ultimate wide bandgap semiconductor material for applications in high power electronics due to its exceptional thermal and electronic properties. Two recent developments - the emergence of commercially available electronic grade single ...
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Photonics, nanotechnology, advanced materials, and advanced manufacturing technologies have been identified as key enabling technologies (KETs) for the EU. Today the photonics global market alone is around €300 billion and Europe has established a strong position with a total share of 20%, directly employing about 290,000 people. However, the shortage of sufficient skilled labour and entrepreneurs ...
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...swer to these two issues by offering both a methodology for co-building with industry and attractive pilot bachelor degree programs.Thanks to COFFEE, nation-wide cooperation between industry and university will be extended and strengthened.COFFEE’s key achievements are :- a structural matrix that provides a framework for creating and implementing pilot bachelor degree programs,- a procedure for c ...
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Development of qualIty system through EnerGy efficency cOurses

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The main objective of DIEGO project is to improve the capacities of n. 6 Universities in Latin America (n.2 in Guatemala, n.1 in Uruguay and n.3 in Argentina) on renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability, training new experts prepared for the labour market. The overall objectives are:- Improving of the quality and competences of Latin-American HEIs;- Increasing the adoption of new ped ...
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Early school leaving (ESL) is an obstacle to the socio-economic growth of the European countries. One of the targets for the EU in 2020, related to education, is to reduce the rates of ESL below 10%. Tackling early school leaving is a stepping stone towards improving the opportunities of young people and for supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Young people with a migration backgrou ...
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Foreshore Assessment using Space Technology (FAST)

Start date: Nov 11, 2013, End date: Jan 1, 2018,

Marine foreshores are currently not included in water safety assessments and in levee design. River floodplains are only managed to maximize river discharge capacity. However, foreshores and floodplains deliver several services, such as increasing sedimentation, reducing erosion and attenuating waves that mitigate flood risk by improving levee stability and lifetime. Including foreshores and flood ...
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Furthering Mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

not applicable
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ESTEEM2 is an integrated infrastructure of electron microscopy facilities providing access for the academic and industrial research community in the physical sciences to some of the most powerful characterization techniques available at the nanoscale. Transnational access to ESTEEM2 centres is obtained through a transparent, simple peer review process based on merit and scientific priorities. Serv ...
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Improving Mobility

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

not applicable
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Project in brief As gateways for container traffic from Asia to Europe, the ports located in the Mediterranean basin play a crucial role in international trade. However long-time inspection of goods at checkpoint borders cause massive storage of containers in ports which often do not have enough storage capacity. In addition, the lack of real-time information about freight circulation may lead to ...
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Open Discovery Space aims to serve as an accelerator of the sharing, adoption, usage, and re-purposing of the already rich existing educational content base. First of all, it will demonstrate ways to involve school communities in innovative teaching and learning practices through the effective use of eLearning resources. It will promote community building between numerous schools of Europe and emp ...
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Imagine the marine bio-resources' sector for 2014-2020 (AtlanticBlueTech)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

In context of global crisis of the economy, the blue economy represents an essential stake for the future development of our maritime territories. Often considered as a resource, the ocean has also to be envisaged as a source of innovation, of growth and jobs. In this sense, marine bio-resources constitute a sector with high growth potential but still largely unexploited by businesses. These latte ...
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Creative Enterprises Network European Window (CINEW)

Start date: Sep 30, 2013, End date: Mar 30, 2015,

... with regard to access to technology and market places. Achievements: University of Swansea have proposals for development in the film and related industries sector, covering TV and film production, skills development, studio space, graphic design etc. They are incorpor ...
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The project is specifically targeted to contribute to the development of a probabilistic mapping of the morphological impact of marine storms and to the production of early warning and information systems to support long-term disaster reduction. A review of historical storms that had a significant impact on a representative number of sensitive European sites will be undertaken. The nine sites are ...
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IMAPS aims at creating a networking space for decision makers to globally highlight their urban development planning problems, taking into account European regulations (SEVESO, ICZM) on the one hand, economic and urban development constraints on the other hand. The goal is to provide them with a clear and an in-depth understanding of all challenges and parameters that will govern future developmen ...
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Supercritical fluid networks and materials (SUPERMAT)

Start date: Sep 14, 2003, End date: Dec 27, 2007,

To answer the needs of the strategy of sustainable development, the industrialists of the Atlantic Area seek, now more than ever, procedures and products offering solid environmental advantages. The SUPERMAT project offers them a new prospect for development, founded on the technology of supercritical fluids. This method, consisting of bringing fluids to precise conditions of temperature and press ...
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Sustainable Historic Arsenal Regeneration Programme (SHARP)

Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

The overall objective of SHARP is to share the experience and knowledge gained through the ongoing regeneration of the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich with partners in Estonia, Malta and Spain. The project aims to develop the blueprint emerging from the regeneration of the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich (called the mutual benefit model) to assist others involved in the regeneration of Brownfield industrial herit ...
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Technology Transfer Research Results Atlantic Area (2XTRA)

Start date: Sep 30, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

De nos jours, l’innovation est vitale pour le développement socio-économique. Le paradoxe européen est que l’on observe des difficultés à mettre l’innovation sur le marché alors que le niveau scientifique et technologique est élevé. Le processus de transfert de technologie en Europe fonctionne par conséquent moins bien qu’aux Etats Unis ou au Japon. 2XTRA est une proposition ambitieuse résultant d ...
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Putting the disabled on an equal footing : The project has produced a training curriculum together with an assessment tool aimed at both professionals working with the disabled and the beneficiaries themselves. It will contribute to improved standards of care for the disabled. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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Overall Objectives are to contribute:- Promoting the modernisation of higher education;- Enhancing the quality and relevance of higher education;- Building up the capacity of higher education institutions, for mutual understanding between peoples and cultures, for international cooperation and for a permanent modernisation process, assisting them in opening themselves up to society and to the labo ...
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Le projet DEVEN3C a comme objectif principal d'encourager l’auto-emploi innovateur chez les étudiants comme perspective d’avenir professionnel, en établissant des services d'appui à la création des entreprises dans les universités et en promouvant l’enseignement entrepreneurial dans les cursus académiques des établissements à accès ouvert (facultés) selon la stratégie adoptée à cet égard par la ré ...
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The overall aim of HERMES is to develop training and scientific exchanges between European and the Middle East higher education institutions which will build and strengthen links between them and result in a strong sustainable contribution to the construction of a Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Area.The specific objectives are: - To develop higher education teaching and learning ...
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During the last years, numerous studies have been carried out in order to determine the impact of port activities over the environment. As an example of that, the most recent project leaded by the Port Authority of Valencia concerning ports impact on climate change, CLIMEPORT, has allowed a better understanding of the degree of influence of key port activities in terms of quantification of GHG emi ...
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...ess this, we propose: - a new three cycle curricula and enhanced syllabi in AMS based on ECTS;- eMaris Network and collaboration platform as learning and academic environment for all cycle students, university staff and potential stakeholders;- innovative teaching materials for :- applied marine ecology;- fisheries management and assessment; -modelling of the environment;- operational forecasting ...
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This TN project brings together within a single network all actors in HE in chemistry and chemical engineering in Europe. There are schools, universities, industries, national chemical societies, and accreditation bodies. The project brings all these actors together to collaborate in the development of a knowledge based economy, specifically in chemistry and chemical engineering. The project:- wil ...
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The project is related to the need of facilitating the encounter of artists and people from different countries, backgrounds, cultures in order to foster reflections, debates, common artistic work about diversity and migration in the context of European communities,where theatre and arts are called to play their function of critical and civil awareness.The Project supports a cultural network of ar ...
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The CAPTAINS project aimed to transfer innovation and to conjugate existing knowledge concerning linguistic, paralinguistic, cultural and discourse formation issues acting as barriers in ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore-to-ship and crew communication in the multi-cultural context of a ship particularly since most ships are now multilingual. 80% of maritime accidents are imputable to human factors, of w ...
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The MarTEL Plus Project built upon the previously completed and widely successful MarTEL project, which implemented a series of English language tests for Cadets, Officers and Senior Officers in the Merchant Navy, incorporating the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP).The project transfers knowledge, generated during the previous project’s lifecy ...
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"This project aims at equipping the Moroccan universities partners with a Working Numerical Environment to give access to numerical services for students, teachers and the administrative and technical staffs and develop a software of integrated management covering HR activities, finances and logistics among universities;" The specific objectives are: "? Doter les universités marocaines partenaires ...
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The e-DISTRICT CiPro project aims at developing a prototype European ODL system (Learning Management System – LMS) focussing upon skills development specific to the management of emergency situations (i.e. medical emergencies, emergencies relating to civil protection and the management of large sporting events). Key project results will comprise a Virtual Reality (VR) environment integrated into a ...
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...ith new employment-oriented competencies (such as "Leadership, "Enterpreneur spirit", "Capacity for generating new ideas (creativity)"). The curriculum will be developed with a participatory approach university-business. Background information will be:- Existing best practices on soft skills education methodologies already implemented by some partners (such as "Collegi universitari legalmente rico ...
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SECURITAS MARE plans to develop and introduce a training module relating to crisis management for eventual introduction to maritime training programmes across Europe.The project aims to increase understanding and readiness for crisis management; to provide participating European higher education institutes with the competence and support to offer qualified and equal training in crisis management; ...
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Harmonised training standards for seafarers : The project will fulfill a need for EU-wide standardization in the field of maritime crisis management training through the development of a course which aims for acceptance as the standard benchmark in the field. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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Entrepreneurship training CD-Rom : Working in partnership with participants from 10 or so other European countries France's Agence pour la Création d’Entreprises (APCE) has developed a training project for European Business and Innovation Centres so as to facilitate entrepreneurship and provide set-up and management support for SMEs. The ultimate aim is to produce and distribute a methodologica ...
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Multi-grade primary schools, usually in rural areas, are not a priority in educational planning. This project addresses the needs of teachers in these schools by developing a specialised in-service training programme using ICT and the internet as the delivery platform. Beyond the shorter term aims of improving the quality of teaching in multi-grade schools, the project showed their role in offerin ...
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Within this project an innovative system of e-learning will be developed on a web portal called "EGMDSS" which will be used to prepare for a test to acquire SRC, LRC, ROC in GOC certificates, for revising acquired knowledge and to test it on GDMSS communication equipment simulators. The proposed e-learning platform will be based on a model already developed (as a pilot) through other funds and on- ...
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Within this project an innovative system of e-learning will be developed on a web portal called »EGMDSS« which will be used to prepare for a test to acquire SRC, LRC, ROC in GOC certificates, for revising acquired knowledge and to test it on GDMSS communication equipment simulators. The proposed e-learning platform will be based on a model already developed (as a pilot) through other funds and on- ...
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At a time when mathematics and science provide essential knowledge tools and thefoundations for lifelong learning skills, cross-national studies of student achievement inEurope (e.g. TIMSS, PISA) indicate lack of mathematical and scientific competence fora considerable proportion of the student population. Acknowledging the central role ofparents in children’s learning, this project aims to raise ...
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